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Commuting or cruising with a helmet is cringe
>inb4 get hit by a car
Sharing roads with motor vehicles is retarded and helmet wont save you when you get a 50mph kiss from Karen's SUV.
Helmets are for risky sports.
If your commute is risky enough to warrant one, you are doing it wrong.
If you argue otherwise, you should wear one as a pedestrian too.
>already retarded
relax dude you don't need to worry about helmets
I'd rather look retarded on a bike, than potentially BE retarded due to a head injury.
It's okay OP. You specifically do not need a helmet for commuting.
live and let live.
Simply falling over while not moving and hitting your head on the curb could easily be fatal. Falling backwards is probably the biggest chance of severe head injury in low speed incidents since you can't do much to catch yourself, once your back hits the ground momentum will propel the back of your skull into the ground.
Isn't that why you get those street fights where a dude gets whacked in the face, falls back, hits his head on concrete/cobbles, and dies?
>If your commute is risky enough to warrant one, you are doing it wrong.
Cyclists will say this and then jump through hoops to explain accidents in "safe" places like the Netherlands. They'll also say this and run red lights anyway.
Exactly this. Survival is a huge gamble. It's amazing what some humans get out of alive. And on the other hand its amazing how random and anticlimactic some die. Hit your head wrong and you're gone.
Helmets are cripple generators. It is clear from many studies investigating accident outcomes that helmets greatly increase tge chance of survivability. On the other hand it is obvious from purely geometrical observations that helmets protect the head only.
Besides that the data we have is more unclear when you're not looking at accidents but distance travelled with / without helmets. All of a sudden it seema there is no benefit or even adverse effects. Possible explanations could be:
Reduced visibility.
Increased sense or illusion of safety.
Aparently motorists who are not purposefully but casually dangerous to cyclists are more so to those wearing helmets.
Much of the data comes from intervention studies, aka helmet mandates being put in place. This means that we can almost certainly rule out a reverse causation, where for example people with a certain mindset tend towards a certain riding style and simultaneously wearing helmets. More precisely there is strong evidence to support the notion of less defensive riders being safer.
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>looking at accidents but distance travelled with / without helmets
Who wears the helmet? What kind of person joyfully puts a dork lid on?
That's your answer.
Especially where helmets became mandatory and enforced, this causes a huge decrease in people bicycling wherever it's tried. The ones remaining are the lid dorks. Especially when it's your duty to disobey such rulings, even if you like wearing helmets, you should stop using them when it becomes mandatory.

America is a weird one, bicycling in adulthood is rare, especially for just commuting, helmets are socially enforced as you get gaggle of soýjaks citing statistics at you when you show up without one. Just look at this thread, later posters are almost as much of faggots as OP is.
>like picrel, the poor kid has no chance with such parents
It's a parked car and they have front cameras. I can't believe the transit have latched onto the "kids lined up in front of a truck" meme, it's such an over-the-top strawman and an indicator that you shouldn't take these people seriously.
Youre poking at one of the open questions / limitations that >>2004096
explicitly named while making it look like a response. Why ?
Unless you're a onions beta male, hitting your head on the pavement won't kill you

It's happened to me on skateboard
>If your commute is risky enough to warrant one, you are doing it wrong
>n-no anon don't take the fun route and jump flights of steps on your way to work!
kys boring retard
oh wait you're already working on it
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Which helmet will best protect me from severe lower torso injuries?
I don't want to wear a helmet, I accept the risk, but I like pretending like I'm a retard who thinks it's safer to not wear one, so the overly authoritarian helmetfags who like preaching go completely apeshit on facebook groups. It's pretty funny to see people write multiple walls of text to convince some random person across the world, who they'll never meet, that they need to be safer.
Woah cool another helmet thread on /n/ I bet we’re gonna have some really serious discussions in here
Oh hey the sidewalk shizo is back with a new special interest.
>Helmets are for risky sports.
Won't be surprised when you go out on your bike with no helmet on your next ride and get your head cracked open like an egg from being toppled over by a car going 5mph.
it honestly amazes me when i see people who seem smart or responsible not wearing helmets when riding a bike or an e-scooter. im a subway commuter so obviously i see a lot of people commuting bringing a bike, e-bike, or electric scooter with them nowadays. there are certain groups who im not surprised to see doing it like teenagers, esepcially the ones who are doing wheelies and shit with no helmet, who i wish would fall and crack their skull open in front of me so i can laugh. people who look like criminals, not surprised at no helmet.

but its mainly e-scooter riders i see not wearing them. i'll see grown men wearing suits, have a real career, probably are fathers, no helmet. nothing for them to prove in "looking cool", yet dont wear one. younger people in their 20s who have their whole lives ahead of them, no helmet. its truly unbelievable to me. you're putting a hell of a lot of faith in an electric device not having something go wrong while you're using it. a scooter with small wheels, a lot of faith in that you dont hit a bigger rock, divet, crack, or asphalt separation, that throws off the wheel and sends you crashing to the ground

i just dont get it.
I noticed my own behavior on the bike changing because I was irritated by the helmet. I began to ride more impulsive/risky/aggressive.

There is another issue with helmets, but one that has improved significantly with recent designs. It is about rotational trauma vs impact trauma and helmets increasing rotating trauma due to longer arm and getting stuck.

Anyway now we have mips and more rounded shapes are the current trend.
That leaves just the behavioral aspect.
you should probably wear a helmet in the subway.
you guys also don’t put helmets on your kids right?
cyclists don't have kids though
I wear a helmet because my mom got scared when I cracked my head open skateboarding without one and I promised her I'd always wear a helmet after that.
>oh look it's this stupid shit again
Fuck off and die, faggot
If you don't like helmets don't fucking wear one
otherwise STFU and mind your own business
>don't fucking wear one
Not an option if it is mandatory and you don't want to break the law.

Helmet mandates reduce cycling fatalities by a small percentage by reducing the number of cyclists by a much bigger percentage.
You could even defend the position that the government killed people by mandating shitty 90's helmets that did more harm than good.
imagine living somewhere where you might be fined for not wearing a helmet lol, lmao even
yup, also why if u see road rage videos where cagies get out of cars/trucks to fight cyclists or esp bikers they usually get the shit kicked out of them
>retard doesn't understand physics and luck
go a little faster next time see what happens lol
I've been thinking of getting some low profile motorbike armor mainly for spine protection tho
a lot of it is just cultural norms too along with car dominance like how noone wears one in the netherlands
idk y ppl act like we should take their advice tho considering they ruined their country with migrants like all of west europe
he doesn't he's just a faggot
even in the totalitarian police state known as the UK I doubt they care
you get fined for not wearing a helmet -and then being a dick and bickering with a cop who is also a dick-

nobody anywhere has ever gotten the fine for just not wearing a helmet
I really couldn’t care less about wearing a helmet or not. I would laugh if some helmetless faggot on their electric scooter gets hit by a texting turning car at low speed and they flip over the cars hood and land on their head becoming a vegetable where a helmet would have caused them zero injury at all. Bonus points if it’s a parent who leaves their children without that parent to develop
>nobody anywhere has ever gotten the fine for just not wearing a helmet
In Germany you'll be fined. But whether or not the fines are enforced is completely beside the point, the threat of the law is enough to suppress the amount of cycling which occurs.

>even in the totalitarian police state known as the UK I doubt they care
It's not against the law to ride without a helmet in the UK. But if that law is brought in it would be EXACTLY the kind of malum prohibitum law the police would fucking love to enforce.

The attitude that it doesn't matter because "they'll never bother" is so fucking retarded. Yes they will, they always do. The only ways to stop the police from doing something is either making it difficult, or not empowering them to do it in the first place.
When these kinds of laws are passed the majority of people scoff and shake their heads at the busybody lawyers who dreamt the entire thing up, 20 years later pretty much everyone is grumpily obeying the law. We already know what that looks like for cycling; people obey helmet mandates by NOT CYCLING. That is what HAPPENS. There is no popular cyclist rebellion against helmet mandates, there's no unspoken agreement between police and cyclists to just drop the issue, people who would otherwise cycle just don't.
If I commute on my crabon race bike I'll wear a helmet because it looks attention whore and hipster as fuck to not have a helmet on a crabbon race bike

If I'm on a shitty bike I won't wear one of course

Helmets are just a performance we put on to signal to others, same as any other piece of apparel. It's as much about safety as buying an expensive watch is about telling the time
I think helmets make you look more cool desu, they have some slick designs. Now if you’re wearing elbow, kneed pads, that’s a diff story
>it's a parked car
that literally means nothing are you retarded? the point isn't that the kid would be hit in that specific situation. kids HAVE been killed by trucks like this and SUVs backing into them, and while if someone isn't gonna look at cameras it could happen with any car, a vehicle with a hood that fucking high means even a quick check through the windows does nothing.

as for this thread and the retards who don't wear helmets, a good argument against them isn't "you'd die anyway", wearing one is not a big deal at all so it's not like i'm giving up my riding experience, if some freak accident happens and my wheel gets stuck or a random stick flies into my spokes i want my helmet so I don't die or live with brain damage for the rest of my life.
>a good argument against them isn't "you'd die anyway", wearing one is not a big deal at all so it's not like i'm giving up my riding experience

ive heard that argument too, about how well if you get in an accident youll die anyway, but it makes no sense because the force/speed required to get a head injury or brain damage is much less that what it would take to straight up kill you. like this famous video
imagine youre bicycling or on an electric scooter and take a spill at a simialr speed to this, hit the back of your head on the ground. boom.

and yeah like you said, the freak accident happens. youre biking and a squirrel runs in front of your wheel and you brake too hard/swerve and fall right on your head. some sort of stick or piece of car or garbage that you cant gte around, hit, go down on your head. these arent 1 in a million things either. they can happen all the time.

the dutch dont wear helmets but considering they all bike on crusiers at 10 mph on dedicated bike lanes its not a big deal.
>In Germany you'll be fined

Stop spouting nonsense
I wear helmets I like. Currently mine has a visor and is green, pink, and black.

armor can be cool if you are on a DH bike or sending sick hucks at the skate park.

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