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Car dependency is a cancer that is killing civilization.
Delete /o/
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I don't have a car. I am not "car dependent" in the sense of needing a personal car to transport myself around for my daily needs. I don't come to /n/ to talk about cars or to be badgered and harangued by children who think this is the place to vent about mommy and daddy keeping them in "prison" (the suburbs waaaah). I come here to talk about bikes and trains mostly, because I like those things. Ships and airplanes are cool too. Notice how I didn't say cars, because this is not a car board. I think I speak for most of us except the YIMBY crowd who discovered this board a couple of years ago, and kept respawning these shitty threads, like a cancer.

Given all that, why do you come here of all places to yell at people and shit up the catalog with your irrelevant off topic garbage when you could yell at actual car enthusiasts on /o/ or even /pol/? Is it because you feel we're a better captive audience? Like those ex-junkie preachers who get on the express train to yell at everyone between stops because there's nowhere to go?

How do you like being hated everywhere you go?
I like trains, planes, and cars
>Delete /o/
The backlash from the oil addicted would unironically further the divide similar to the way car dependent gasoholics feel their way of life is threatened by the car-free movement. The real solution would be to merge /n/ with /o/
If that happens all the /n/ raiders will just post on /no/ about tesla shit or truckfagging.
Then the board would move fast.
That would be a nice board if not for the fact that the /n/ threads would die in hours rather than months (at one time years before the YIMBY spammer learned he could shitpost a new garbage thread several times a day)
Automobiles are extremely dystopian. But they're so ingrained in our culture that no one realizes anymore.
Civilization should be free from things that corrupt and pollute it. I agree
>the yimby is having a conversation with itself again
>hellscape of brick boxes replaced by communally used transport infrastructure and significant green zone
What seems to be the problem?
The automotive society explicitly corrodes other modes of transportation.
cool it with the antisemitism bro

Question: Does the anti car crowd exempt vans and trucks from it? Most food is supplied with vans and trucks to stores. Would be a shame if that stopped.
This is mostly a cyclic issue. The abundance of motorized vehicles and the carefree dependence in the past coevolved with situations we find outselves in today.
On a sidenote: Transporting 5 people and 20 bags of cement is one of the favourite strawmans of the motorbrained degenerate who does 2 trips a day in a car that is otherwise completely empty.
Why do you care what others drive? You just want to lord power over other people.
>5 people and 20 bags of cement
I have never heard that argument. I have seen advocates talk about cargo bike/bike trailers but curiously always show them empty.
Not that anon but I hear the argument all the time, usually something else than 20 bags of cement but always something absurdly heavy or bulky. My reply is always "oh, I wouldn't transport that myself even if I had a car, it's better to get it shipped" and it's always fun to see the level of carbrained that person is by their reply.
You're going to spend more money and time getting it shipped than just getting it yourself. It's always fun to see the level of lycratardedness that person it by their reply.
I hear that reply all the time too but the last time the washing machine broke I had it shipped and Home Depot shipped it for free. Then my fridge broke and Home Depot shipped that for free too. If worse comes to worse, home depot has a rental truck for like $20. Any other cagecope excuses you can pull out of your ass to justify your NEED to VROOOOOM?
People always have had appliances delivered and installed. Also see >>2004385
How are people this out of touch with reality? Is this how flyovers live, having to choose between paying 100% markups for shipping or driving 3 days to pick up a new fridge?
How are people this out of touch with reality?
This sounds more like "and then everyone clapped" fantasy when interacting with the outgroup
>bikes and trains mostly
Couldn't have expressed the solution to OP's problem better.
Instead of seething, why don't you talk about how you'd use bikes and trains told solve the issues highlighted?
I like cars, I live in Europe, and I use either my bike or public transportation to get around.
What are you gonna do about it?
Instead of screaming at people who use trains and ride bikes, why don't YOU use a train once, instead of shitting up the board? How many miles did you drive in the last month? You keep avoiding the question.
This is op https://www.youtube.com/shorts/F6Mz82Be3CA
At which point did I >>2004379 imply any affiliation with authoritarianism ? Nothing could be further from the truth and I feel comparable towards democrats and other authorians as I feel about motorists.
There is a difference between wishing for people to make a choice and threatening people with violence, by proxy or directly if they make any other choice.
So please explain how you jump to that conclusion.
>How many miles did you drive in the last month?
Literally hundreds, in a car loaded down with two toddlers, their accoutrements, and my dog. Even if a train went straight from A to B (not even close) and allowed my dog (nope) I'd be so over encumbered I'd look like one of those hobos with a grocery cart. If you love trains so much, go sleep on a rail.
>let me tell you what you ought to do while I do something else because I'm special
Yeah it's yimby time
Why do you keep projecting yelling on us?
There is no train service between my work and home. When I travel to the city I ride one though.
>drives 45 minutes to the train station
>parks car
>gets on the train
>screams at the people who take the train every day about muh parking minimums and muh car dependency
Are you implying the dog and toddlers together with their shit being attached to you is in no way a situation of your own making ?
Also the dog would love to walk. But nope you trick itno to boarding a motorvehicle ultimately becoming a degenerate individual like the motorists themselves.
why are there only 2 types of people on this board. 12 year olds who just started watching NJB and seething cagers who think trains are communism?
>who think trains are communism
How many times is this going to be parroted? Only urbanists and YIMBYs use it as their strawman
I just think motoring is for the weak.
I'm the first person who posted ITT, which category will you put me in, I wonder?
Normal people don't post on these threads, since everything is black and white here.
My conservative stepmother has said verbatim when I mention that expanding transit would reduce traffic on her commute. It's dumb, but there's people out there that legitimately believe it.
Thanks for the blog
you're a retard who probably doesn't have to deal with car dependent shit. cars dominate transportation in most of the world so it absolutely belongs on /n/.
There's a whole board for this and it's /o/. Go scream at them instead.
lol I'm trying to walk my 98 year old grandpa through the argument. he admits community was stronger due to less cars and his 6yo daughter was killed by one but still thinks they're a benefit cuz comfy or something
>my stepmother
>my grandpa
You have to be 18 to post here
nta but I'm very sorry your parents died when you were 18. I wonder if that's more traumatic or less compared with being held in "prison" (the suburbs) by your mean jerk boomer parents.
/o/ is literally about cars, not about car infrastructure or why it's bad, and threads will get deleted or moved from there for discussing that. sorry this general slightly bumped the nth bikefag discussion but it's about transportation.
>not about car infrastructure
And that's a shame because you can't have a cool highway infrastructure thread on /n/ without a bunch of apes screaming why an interchange should be demolished and replaced with a million apartment units and a train line
I'm sorry you have such a horrible relationship with your parents that you cut all contact at 18
What kind of retarded shit are you trying to project on me, and why?
there's a schizo on this board who thinks urbanist/yimbys are evil people who hate the poor and think that train service and proper urban design will appear out of nowhere and that wanting things to be different is gentrification. and that anyone who wants more public transit is lying and actually drives.
>Are you implying the dog and toddlers together with their shit being attached to you is in no way a situation of your own making ?
No, I'm outright stating that a train is not feasible for my situation. Are you implying having children/dogs is some kind of fault?
>Also the dog would love to walk
The average distance I drive is well above walking distance, even disregarding that my city is experiencing 90° days with 99% humidity.
>urbanist/yimbys are evil people who hate the poor
That much is true
I'm the schizo and I'm simply asking you to consider the possibility that regurgitating talking points from real estate bots isn't the same as having insights on mass transit or city life, and if you actually cared about this stuff as much as you pretend, you might actually learn something by shutting up for once instead of spending all your time lecturing people on stuff you know cannot possibly understand, since you do in fact drive everywhere and have never taken a train or a bus
based FPBP
The materials for your house (just kidding your mom rents) everything in your room and the macbook you wrote this shitpost on were all delivered by trucks. Here's a mirror and a noose end your car dependency first.
That is the impression I get from YIMBYs, yes.
You want to control an individual's transportation options, and by forcing mass transit you also control where a person can go.

Controlling transportation is incontrovertibly authoritarian.
I take the train and or bus nearly every single day, i drive my car maybe once a week or every two weeks. you are literally making shit up and I have never ONCE seen an argument from you or others with the same retarded line of thinking that points to any real solutions or ways to change bad urban design in the US instead of just saying it's mean to the car drivers to suggest transit should be better.
By 'change bad urban design' you mean 'let developers write the laws and fuck over everyone else', and I don't argue for that because I'm not a child who got brainwashed by yimby twitter
Are you really that dense ? I will repeat my request. Please show me, where I >>2004379 have made any call for legislation regarding the matter or alternative means of enforcing choices.
Please be precise and provide a quote.
Hint: Impossible. Since I have not and I do not condone any sort of authority including legislation.
I have a creeping suspicion (you) >>2004977 are a voter. Have you ever voted in a democratic state / government election ? If so I think your insinuation of untrue facts about others is not only wrong but unfortunate in a very ironic way.
Little hint in case you are really that dense do not understand: I oppose all laws regarding anyones choice of mode of transportation. This includes all design aspects of the vehicle and the mode of operation, like speed, mandates to stop or give way etc.
At the same time I believe any righteous man, especially the healthy mature male able bodied individual, should refuse to make use of any means of motorized transportation.
But all that is tangential at best. You are making false claims about my contribution and you have failed and probably will fail again to back it up via quote.
Is this like abortion where you get people to focus on small shit that doesn't really matter. Meanwhile the economy is fucked and 50% of jobs are fake scams to get info that they sell to other corpos.

If you really cared about civilization and modes of transport you would fix the big stuff(economy, immigration, single motherhood). Then once that works you can push healthier variations of transport while making it region dependent.

Just an FYI. We had light rail put in 20 years ago. Guess what happened? Melanin enriched people were robbing and harassing people on the trains.
Why don't people ride bikes to work more? Social stigma+lazyness. People look at bicycling as a poor persons activity.
Walking? heh for the poors
this is the issue.
Remember when urbanists preferred dog whistles instead of just yelling it out for all to hear?
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Why not just bury the interchange? I always do that in Cities Skylines.
god, if only underground cities were that simple
Ah yes here we go again. Cars are here and here to stay for the foreseeable future. Cars are getting ever more regulated and taxed, acquiring and owning them is becoming increasingly difficult for the masses. Yet people still try to get them.
>run for office with anti car policies as your selling point and see how many votes you get. Democracy has spoken. Repeatedly.
They do this in parts of Santiago Chile
In Gothenburg there are entire highways under the city. It's a thing, if your country is a shithole.
Anti-car people are living in a fantasy world, can't see past the ends of their own noses, take cars for granted, and would wreck our entire civilization if they had their way.
Not everyone lives in crowded noisy smelly cities. Not everyone can walk everywhere or ride a bike everywhere. If you need to go somewhere 100 miles away you need a car. If you never need to go more than walking distance your entire life then you have no life and are pathetic. If you live in the suburbs or a rural area you need a car. If you're sick or injured you're not walking miles to the doctor or emergency room, you need a car.
The list of reasons why you're stupid goes on and on and on.

TLDR: anti-car people are idiot children who need to be told to STFU.
>be me
>live in country side
>refuse all motorized transport
>be you
>every 'want' becomes a 'need'
>Anti-car people
>would wreck our entire civilization if they had their way
lmao, what kind of oil addicted indoctrination did you receive? Human society has existed thousands of years before the automobile but it's only the advent of the oil powered automobile that within a century, humanity is on the brink of environmental extinction. Keep sucking big oil's teet Amerifat, they stole your country from your government, they stole your dream, and now they will erase your future.
Who are your favorite transit vloggers
I don't consume urbanist propaganda the same why I don't consume gasoholic propaganda because I have a mind of my own and make conclusions based on what I think, not what others think, even if others help me build a conclusion of my own, it's still a conclusion I arrive and accept myself
>I have a mind of my own and make conclusions based on what I think
the US did that once, it cost so much money that it became a meme forever, though it still ended up making chicago nicer.
It's a more extraordinary trait to have these days, with social media giving people opinions instead of people finding their own opinions
Do you wish everyone else was smart like you? Or are you glad they're so stupid and you're the only smart guy posting on a Bangladeshi textile looming forum?
>humanity is on the brink of environmental extinction
lol the carbon dioxide meme strikes again. I'll bet you think cow farts are causing hurricanes too.
The opposite truthfully, I wish everyone was as dumb as me so they'd stop thinking they're smart
it's not just carbon dioxide but everything humans have been doing with complete disregard for the environment that will kill us all. There's plastics in the water, carcinogens in the air, hormones in the food, and the majority of humans still sit comfortably like cattle as our masters irresponsibly extract more from the people and planet for their own greed.
I agree, we should nuke China immediately.
>Human society has existed thousands of years before the automobile but it's only the advent of the oil powered automobile that within a century, humanity is on the brink of environmental extinction.
Anti car trannies spout incredible delusions, holy shit.
I drive a new BMW and even I think car-dependency is stupid.

Car culture isn’t really the same thing as car-dependency though. Car dependency kills car culture if anything because it forces everyone into bland generic crossovers loaded down with electronic monitoring equipment.
The problem is that car culture works off the economics of scale, otherwise you end up with countries like Med Europe or Korea where anything remotely sporty is impossible to obtain, traffic laws are treated with the same gravity as capital crimes, car companies see even less of a business decision to build fun cars, and the hobby is gatekept even further than it already is. For every 100 crossovers on the road a few of those buyers will pick up something sporty as a weekend car (or deviate entirely and buy a sports car as a daily driver).

The generic crossover trend is purely due to demographics. Boomers want tall hatchbacks they can climb into instead of squatting into, that have AWD for snowy roads. They're also the ones with the most purchasing power in the west so car companies cater to them.

Anyways this thread is a shitshow, I'm glad I only come here for plane threads.
you've just provided a very good argument for the desastrous effect of the automobile
Agreed. I’m not opposed to the existence of freeways or anything but we should not have a society where everyone is FORCED into a car and clogging up the roads.
>everyone is FORCED into a car
In a perfect world, you may be right, but everyone also has to have housing and food, too. The issue is that if you're concerned about being "forced" to have a car because of financial reasons, the alternatives (living in an expensive city like Amsterdam or New York) are far, far more expensive.
Car infrastructure is transport related
See >>2004629
I dont even really mind cars. What i hate is all the ghetto monkeys who speed, break every fucking traffic rule, have loud exhuasts, and other shit like that. If those subhumans could follow traffic rules it wouldn't be so bad
Authoritarianism is based tho

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