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>not affected by chink materials
>not affected by (((executives))) greed
>not affected by DEI globohomo

>not affected by chink materials
Laughs in Pratt & Whitney
>E2 orders: 0
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Senhor, none of us are airline executives that can buy your planes. Try shilling your planes elsewhere.
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Mitsubishi should not have cancelled its regional jet.

They would have made a killing with how badly Boeing dropped the ball.
They were just as bad desu.
Tons of delays and QA issues.
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The death of the SpaceJet is so sad, I think it would’ve been an awesome competitor to the E-jets.
E-jets are so comfy. 6 abreast regional jets are a fucking joke, 2x2 is ideal for customer satisfaction.
It became too expensive to develop and them getting customers to try their product would be even harder. COVID was the final nail in the coffin.
Never should have retired the mad dog
You have to give it to the HUEBRs, Embraer is quite a success story.
oh god. I bet they want a feature where you have to pay for the window to be undimmed.
What the fuck is that scale?
Where is Douglas?
Or any Soviet manufacturer?

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