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File: Untitled.jpg (191 KB, 1118x1151)
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does anyone live around here?
have you ever done light bicycle touring around here, with camping gear? im not sure where to go that isnt a 1 year waitlist at a campground :(
>bay area
well there should be many /n/ anons who live there.
All I can say is stuff is expensive, it's nice and cool most of the time, and watch out for asian drivers.
>t. central valley guy
File: cyclisk.jpg (58 KB, 640x375)
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I didn't live there but visited a few times, one of those times I rented a carbon Specialized Roubaix and biked around the area, not a tour though. I biked the Dunbarton bridge and that sucked. Lots of wonderful views but everything is stretched out. If it's one thing to check out, make a pilgrimage to the cyclisk, which is like the bicycle version of /k/'s murdercube.
too hot for cycling
if you do, ensure proper airflow and cooling
if you're open to camping a bit more on the right, del valle in livermore usually has open spots during the week day.

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