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you don't need 920mm bars on your medium frame mountain bike that you take for a loop around town on saturdays if the weather's nice.
You look like batman flying in to save the day, absolutely ridiculous.
who cares it's a better workout.
Oh, and 780 is the standard wide bar size.
695/700 is comfy too.
Batman can’t fly idiot
He doesn't care. He's Batman.
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33cm bars won't make you kom
>it's a better workout
cycling is not an upper body workout
You're supposed to cut them down to your size, retard.
And do you believe this thread is aimed at those that did that?
Maybe you were the retard all along?
Why not? dyel?
Narrow flat bars are the worst of both worlds - no stability and no aero.
We're flying and you're being a chud
Oh, maybe I AM retarded.
well, my size is 920mm and I only take my bike for a loop around park on sunday evenings. every weather.
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i would've crashed on a tree a bunch of times with wide bars
You don't either need to ride a frame two sizes under and slam your stem because 'it's what the pros do' if you lack the flexibility and end up riding like a moron with outstretched arms.
You don't need to care what other people do with their time and money., but here we are
anything over 420mm is too wide
>Navigating gnarly roots with a 400 mm bar
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cagers and race-ists seethe behind my 30" almost as wide as the bike lane bars as I slow my roll. I will upgrade to 31" bars when the time is right
Very based, but for me it's 40cm bullhorns.
I also have a bike with 40cm drops and that thing goes through the tightest of gaps but being tight all the time is rough on my aging body, so this bike is purposefully exxxtra wide
Bars should match shoulder width; I'm comfy about 720/740. Riding 740 rn.
Here's how I check it:
Straighten up your shoulders;
Put your arms downs naturally;
Lift your lower arms up naturally;
Check total hand to hand width, add an extra couple cm (because your hands won't rest right at the very end of the bar);
That's the natural way your arms flex and the bar width you should get.
I wish those people wouldn't also take their ridiculous bikes into trains.

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