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Are oceanliners the future of green transportation?
>automate with minimal crew
>fill to capacity
>sail into middle of ocean
>crew enters well supplied saferoom
>rest of engines/water/electric all shuts down
>crew waits a week or so
>emerges, clears out the few survivors
>returns to port for fresh load
Seems green to me
The exact opposite, oceanliners diverged from transport a long time ago, they're now one of the symbols of over consumption.
for human transportation? No, for cargo transportation? Yes. Green Hydrogen is making good progress, Korea, China, Australia, Brazil, The EU and the USA are all making investments in the tech to make steel manufacturing eco-friendly. They'll be able to turn the waste product into green ammonia and other types of fuel to be used by cargo ships.
Will the hydrogen engines be closer to diesels or gas turbines?
Why don't you light some Windex on fire and report back about how green the emissions are.
pic is literally the last ocean liner ever
Yeah I loved being locked up with plebs
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>the future of green transportation?
They could be.

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