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File: electricscooter.jpg (43 KB, 800x800)
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Why would someone ride an e-scooter instead of a bicycle?
cheaper, more portable, faster for less weight, more nimble in tight areas (like cities), an ebike mogs it for transporting stuff long distance but escoot is super convenient and is easy to take on transport too.
So they can fly some distance after rolling over a pothole
So they could take them into establishments and bring them on the bus
Have you ever riden one? Theyre fun.
I get the appeal. I had more fun crusing around a parking lot on one of those than any of the last hundred+ times on my mountain bike.
Can agree on this. My cousin had two of those e-scooters that could go up to ~35mph. Had tons of fun racing each other all day.
the scooter I currently own has a real world range of about 30 miles, and is infinitely easier to carry up my 3 flights of stairs. it gets me to and from work in 18 minutes round trip. charges back up to full in 2-3 hours while i'm resting. i'm already at work standing and doing shit for 8 hours, i'd rather this than having to pedal my ass all the way home after a long day.
What is better if you want to go to the city on dates? I think carrying around a scooter might give girls the ick, but locking the ebike might as well guarantee some subhuman will steal it
A poor understanding of physics.
Immune to theft since you can take it with you into the store etc.
There is nothing fun in escooters. Especially like on op-pic.
Physics are weird for escootes.
Stability at low speeds is way higher than on a bicycle. Handling is also better, much more nimble (again at low speeds).
Makes it possible to ride it on sidewalks, which is somewhat hard and annoying to do on the bicycle, while with escooter its doable.

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