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Hi, I don't post here ever but I don't have many people to talk to in my life about this and since it's about aviation I think it's a relevant topic here. If it's not mods pls delete, I don't wanna offtopic. I applied for Air Traffic Control in April when enrollment opened and I just got correspondence that I've been accepted to take the ATSA.
Unfortunately the only time I had available was like 8 AM in a couple days, but I took it since I really want it.

I'm super excited, I've been making a lot of moves to renovate my life to something less awful and this is a huge step in that direction. If I do well this will completely change how I live for the better.

Are there any ATC anons here or anons who've taken the ATSA in general? What should I expect or consider? All I know is it's a 3 and a half hour assessment on logic-based problems you don't need to study for.
I don't have anything to answer your question but this thread deserves a reply and I must say congrats.
i heard air traffic control is very stressful and that you also have to take really terrible locations and shift times for your first few years.

i heard last year about air traffic control and i never even thought about it before but thought it might be cool, especially like you somewhat, im a complete loser close to suicide and maybe a good career would help me. then it turns out i was already too old to apply.
I start basics next week and go to oklahoma for training in august
Got placed in enroute and want to stay east coast
I am so sorry
OKC is where the FAA Academy is. If you want to go ATC, you go to OKC. You end up getting paid 6 digits within a few years after that so it's a fair-ish trade desu.
I washed out of academy last year, worked my ass off but ultimatly it wasn't enough.
Non-Radar sucks because just as you start getting your head around the ideas, your exam happens and you never use most of it ever again.
The instructors during NR range from cool old dudes to a bunch of crotchety old fucks on their 2nd heart bypass and 3rd divorce which is the only reason they're still working.

Radar is a LOT easier for most to wrap their heads around because you actually see what you're doing.
I also want to remind you that this is almost impossible to pass on your own. Study with your classmates and even if you're not the partying type, go anyway since it's the only time you'll get to interract with other people going through the same shit.

Kim's Place is a good choice for lodging after you pass basics and head to MMAC and I personally, being from the PNW had never seen a Braum's before and their ice cream makes DQ look like shit. My first week there was all 100°F+ so pack with that in mind.

You can fly buy not having a car in OKC sucks big time even of the bus is an option.

ATSA is actually pretty easy. I might take the practice test to get rid of some of the "uncertianty nerves" but ignore anything testprep has to say about personality queations. Answer honestly as their advice is complete 1000% pure bullshit to make you feel you got more value for your money.
Join the ATC New Hire Discord too, there's a lot of your fellow students in there and a fair few active controllers too.
Forgot I made this thread. Did the ATSA, finished it an hour shorter than they estimated, but I also will say the radar test really fucked me up once they started flinging math questions at me while I had to stop interceptions on a keyboard with a numpad that kept refusing to work a good quarter of the time.

Haven't gotten a response yet but I dunno how long it takes.

>Kim's Place is a good choice for lodging after you pass basics and head to MMAC
Which lodging option did you take for Kim's Place? The three-person house seems like a good idea to cover resources via grocery list and save time, but it'd be my first chance at living privately even if for a little while so the private family home seems more appealing.
It took I want to say a month and a half for me to get results of BQ WQ Q or NR.
If you get BQ you're probably going to eventually get a job offer and WQ is still pretty possible if my class was anything to go by.

I woudn't worry about living on your own. Living with classmates makes studying easier. I wound up not living with any of mine and it was a miserable time trying to study alone. You will not succeed without your classmates. If you pass academy, there'll be plenty of time living on your own in whatever ciry the FAA dumps you in. Or you can choose OCONUS because those are always alternates.

So advise I would've given for ATSA was don't worry about the math so much. It seems like they're mostly trying to trip you up on your prioritization.
Finally, you sound way under 30 and your ATSA score can be overwritten next bid if this one didn't pan out for you. If you got BQ though IIRC your job offer can take 2 years depending on class availability so make no major life changes under the assumption you have a new job yet.
>Finally, you sound way under 30
26 (Turning 27 in a month). I was taking this summer off of work regardless but I am kinda rushing it since I at least wanna try to get on the road to a proper job offer before I'm 30. Do you think that's realistically possible?
how about anatole?
from what I read online it seems like there's two section in it it, and one is for low income residents in OKC and all the rooms are moldy and shit, and the other is for ATC trainees and it's much nicer
fwiw my friend went through this training but for N90 last year and got through it while drinking every night and fucking ratchet ass oklahoma whores
Oh absolutly, I took my ATSA in November, got hired in June. I just mean it CAN take a long time, the feds move at 1 speed.
Well first
Lol, lmao
I had a classmate stay there, no strong opinions other than the bus servoce from the academy sucked because they were the last pickup on the route at the time so they had to send another bus and they were late to class twice. (You can nver be counted as late if you take the academy shuttle though, it's just a massive PITA)
Besides, you're going to be there a minute so a house is pretty nice and not being near crack heads was pretty high on my priority list.
You need to be exactly the right kind of person to do this job. It's like 911 operators in that you either do it for a couple months or it's your career. That and you'll definatly be someone's last conversation on this earth, probably multiple someones at some point.
N90 specifically is really hard to transfer out of from what I know, most centers are too but TRACONs are something else. I salute the poor bastards that work there keeping this shit show running.

It really does depend on the person. I'm trying to get back on with the FAA in a tech ops role because I liked the organization even if I didn't make the sub 60% pass rate cut. since I might be running around with undiagnosed and by extension untreated ADHD according to my doctor. Her's also my AME so we agreed to just say
>ADHD is just liberal propaganda and testing for it is for dorks
Since ADHD = No more airplanes for me

Final thoughts for now
>You're not done until someone tells you you're done. There have been 69.99% failures that turn into 75% after a technical review

>Go to the union recruiting meeting. They pay for your drinks and food that's really damn good. You can't even join for a year anyway so they're not that pushy.

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