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Hi, I don't post here ever but I don't have many people to talk to in my life about this and since it's about aviation I think it's a relevant topic here. If it's not mods pls delete, I don't wanna offtopic. I applied for Air Traffic Control in April when enrollment opened and I just got correspondence that I've been accepted to take the ATSA.
Unfortunately the only time I had available was like 8 AM in a couple days, but I took it since I really want it.

I'm super excited, I've been making a lot of moves to renovate my life to something less awful and this is a huge step in that direction. If I do well this will completely change how I live for the better.

Are there any ATC anons here or anons who've taken the ATSA in general? What should I expect or consider? All I know is it's a 3 and a half hour assessment on logic-based problems you don't need to study for.
I don't have anything to answer your question but this thread deserves a reply and I must say congrats.
i heard air traffic control is very stressful and that you also have to take really terrible locations and shift times for your first few years.

i heard last year about air traffic control and i never even thought about it before but thought it might be cool, especially like you somewhat, im a complete loser close to suicide and maybe a good career would help me. then it turns out i was already too old to apply.

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