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Reminder that anyone against walkable cities is a lardass from north america or germany.
I am convinced that "walkable cities" aren't real. Almost all "walkable cities" that people gush over are either tourist-oriented and/or bar districts.
Whats the difference between a walkable city and an unwalkable one?
I can walk in both unless there is a "no walking" sign.
You've clearly never left your US suburb then.
Reminder that walkable shills are poor and cannot afford a private automobile.
Nah, a lot of them are mentally ill and raised by a single mother in a large city instead so they're scared of driving instead.
>t. fat fuck
This. You can walk to a bar, low income housing, or crazy overpriced luxury apartments inhabited by people who drive somewhere else every time they leave.

Where are you going to walk to otherwise?
For me?
it's walking over homeless
Each one I treat like a game, and use a different technique
That, is my experience in cities.
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i think you know.
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If this had a whole foods and a wawa it would be a walkable
This is a suburb, not a city.
Lord almighty, gps coords?
36.037187, -115.302573
It's an old picture and it's surrounded by development, within a half-mile radius there's two restaurants, a convenience store, a pub, and an elementary school.
>only a 20 minute walk to the nearest Jack in the Box or the authentic "Martino's Italian Kitchen"
Wow such an amazing quality of life, I'm jealous
No sidewalks or streetlights though but who needs those, adding a little danger to the school walk builds character
i used to live in a commie block in a big city. within a walking distance of my apartment was: supermarkets, a shopping mall, restaurants, doctors offices, tram station, bus station, a gym, schools, barbers, and probably a whole lot of other things im forgetting right now.
all of that was literally a 5-20 minute walk away.
i didnt even have a car when i lived there even though i have a drivers license, because its simply not necessary unless i wanted to go further out. but then i used public transportation instead of driving a car.
And where was this city?
>no sidewalks or streetlights
go to japan.
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I don't get why people are against dense urban housing. People who are against building like this seem to think that walkable city means dystopia surrounded by high-rise buildings and no greenery.

This is a random neighborhood I zoomed in on in Italy. This shitty little Italian street looks and feels 1,000,000x more comfortable and makes more intuitive sense than any street in America. And it is not really that dense or claustrophobic. It's just 2-3 story mixed use buildings.

It makes it so if you need bread or something simple you don't have to get in your car and drive 5 miles. You can just walk a block down the street. In America, I have to drive an hour and a half just to go to the gym.

If you don't like it, nobody is stopping you from living in the countryside.
What's the actual address, though? You need to really see it up close to determine what it's like and what's there. Walkable neighborhoods aren't just "there are buildings up to the street", you know.
Only on the main road, you can clearly see in the photo >>2005240 that there aren't any on the streets where 90% of the people live.
You can see the streets on the inside have sidewalks, and despite having no Street View you can see shadows of streetlights
i can't believe that people will argue over fucking walking .

Americans trully are something else .
I bet you fuckers take your car and pay to go walk on the treadmill at the gym for the "healthy lifestyle" kek .
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The game's up my dude. There is no sidewalk, just a tiny continuous stretch of concrete (literally 1-2 ft wide according to the Google Maps measuring tool) that is part of people's driveway, so you are just walking on someone else's property. That's why people like to park their cars on that strip because it's theirs, so even if you could somehow fit your stroller on that tiny ass strip (and never have another pedestrian coming your way), you would still have to walk into the street about every 10 seconds anyway.
The Maps view clearly shows shadows from trees, but not from any streetlights. I wonder why? Maybe because there aren't any?
That's all well and good but why do you put spaces before every full stop?
>there is no sidewalk just a sidewalk that I'm going to desperately try and justify ignoring
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>The emperor's new side walk
>It was real in my mind
No, there just isn't one. If you like to trespass on people's property and possibly get shot that's your thing.
Attached is a photo of an American suburb that does have sidewalks. This is what they look like, as I'm sure you're aware of.
This is fairly common btw., for anyone not familiar with American urban planning. They really do pay thousands in property tax every year and don't even get extremely basic shit like sidewalks and streetlights in return.
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>20 minutes to walk 1/2mile
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>as the crow flies is the same as walking distance
You're not very bright are you
bullshit that sidewalk is the adjacent homeowners property any more than the road is
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This is like talking to children. >>2005334 was an example of a street with sidewalks. They don't belong to the homeowner. >>2005331 doesn't have any sidewalks to being with so it goes from the public street immediately to people's properties.
To make it super clear to all the mouth breathers, here's a a suburb that sidewalk s only on the right side of the streets. Green = sidewalk, red = no sidewalk. If your street looks like the red part on both sides, it doesn't have sidewalks.
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I live in an apartment and don't have a car (I take mass transit and walk or ride bikes) but I don't live in a "walkable city" because that's some urbanist marketing bullshit designed to take away human rights

daily reminder that urbanists literally want to kill old people and keep disabled people out of sight, in addition to their well known ethnic cleansing fetish, launch all yimbys into the sun
I live in a suburbs like pic related. It is a 15 minute walk to the local shops, 15 minute bus ride to the mall, and 20 minutes to the train station, which I walk both ways every day to go to work. Walkable cities don't necessarily mean everything is within 5 minutes walking from their house.
That's the most convoluted path you could possibly pick
Yeah I bet you take shortcuts through people's back yards Jamal, Google doesn't want to be responsible for people getting shot though
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google is coded by indians all these streets are connected or you could just walk in the open desert
Ideall from your house you could walk/cycle witin 15 minute's to a
>large supermarket
>convenience store

Obviously you don't need every single one but the more the better.
The thing is, to a lot of people that probably sounds a bit unfeasible though from my house, and most cities in Europe we do in fact have all of those
Ok, looking at this picture of a house, there isn't a sidewalk, but there are streetlights.

The street is more than wide enough to allow walking, and again, most of the "walkable" areas often talked about not only don't have sidewalks but are narrow alleyways.
I could do this on my bike, however it might need to expand to 20-30 minutes depending on speed. Besides the cinema.
Gym is probably 15minutes, supermarket is 5 minutes, convenience store is 5 minutes, hospital might be 20-25, pharmacy is 20 or so
library is 5(downhill), park is 5
>t. suburb dude.
Yeah that's weird, most developers are on the hook for sidewalks around here, and same with entrance/exit infrastructure. At least the road is wide like you said, and with suburbs if it's working hours it's pretty vacant in the neighborhoods.
The streets are actually too wide like all US suburbs, the point is do you want your child to walk to school on the fucking road and then have soccer moms in their SUVs honk at them for walking in the road or accidentally running them over?
Wide streets encourage reckless driving, narrow streets do the opposite. In some ways, I feel safer as a pedestrian in a narrow cobblestone alley with no sidewalk than a typical suburban stroad with one, simply because of the number of people I've witnessed driving drunk, high or ludicrously fast on them.
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>t. ranny
>Streets too narrow, where's muh walkable sidewalk for me to get beer to my wife's boyfriend?
>streets too wide, reckless drivers will kill all teh kids walking on the side
Can you losers make up your mind? There's a limit to how much bullshit you can spew just to seethe at suburbs and people living there.
Are you scared of walking on the pavement, pussy?

>soccer moms in their SUVs
This dude just stepped out of a time machine from the 90s
*unzips pants* whistle on this
I'm from North America, I'm not a lardass by any stretch of the imagination, and I think """walkable cities""" are the most gay-ass fucking abortion of an idea I've ever heard of, they already have sidewalks you fucking retard.
Fight me, faggotass.
That's why we need both, streets just wide enough for one lane and a sidewalk in each direction, maybe a bike lane if there's demand. No more street parking outside low-mid density residential neighborhoods.
Be honest

You just hate cars for personal reasons, you don't care about "walkability," you just see it as a means to an end
Ah yes, (((we))) NEED to destroy car infrastructure at every opportunity for no reason other than spite.
god, my small-ish town in california has exactly all that downtown all within 10 minutes biking between all those things. unfortunately i'm an autist who lives with my parents in a housing development 5 miles from downtown on top of a huge hill where it takes 15 minutes even flying downhill just to get there.
Don't post as me
if you relate to my story i feel bad for you. its truly unbelievable what ive done

i could live in this town my entire life and if i was downtown everything n my life could have been somewhat bikeable. all the schools elementary, middle, high schools. community college and state university within 8 miles so those would be bikeable too. supermarkets, gyms, convenience stores, library, huge regional hospital, plenty of dental offices, restaurants, gas stations, movie theater, plenty of parks, a subway station that connects to the entire region.

its not a "walkable city" by any means, it just would happen to have probably everything anyone could ever want in a small town without ever needing to own a car to access it (outside of the social stunting not owning a car would cause). of course the housing prices are astronomical and i would and probably could never buy a home here, but it has everything else.

and ive wasted all of it.
Well I am just an autist who lives with his parents, but whatever you are doing I believe in you. Just find something you want bad enough, work for it, and the light will come.
>15 minutes
Oh no!
>anyone who opposes my "right" to speed through urban neighborhoods, run over pedestrians/cyclists, and put even other motorists in danger just hates cars
I just think human beings are more important than your commute, obviously you believe the opposite
>t. poor no car
Keep seething I keep driving reckless
Straw man
One of the major causes of traffic and accidents is merges/lane changes, if all roads aside from freeways were one lane that is significantly reduced. This benefits drivers as well as pedestrians, but your selfishness gets in the way.
The reason nice cities are tourist oriented is that everywhere else is such shit people want to escape to these places. If every city was walkable this would be much less of a thing.
Atleast one anon with a brain itt
>or germany
Things are getting better in Germany in that regard, actually.
>or germany
Germany is pretty alright, what do you mean? It's not on Denmark levels but it is absolutely not on Am*rica levels either, I'd even put it a step above the UK.
>In America, I have to drive an hour and a half just to go to the gym.
ffs, unless you live in bumfuck corn country where even a Walmart is an hour away, no it doesn't take an hour and a half to go to the gym.
Most people can drive 10-20 minutes and have everything they need, whether it be a gym, grocery store, booze store, etc. The average work commute in America is around 25 minutes, and that's for a location that's often tougher to control than choosing a closer store to go to.
tldr: stop talking out your ass.
>speed through urban neighborhoods, run over pedestrians/cyclists, and put even other motorists in danger
None of those have anything to do with your propositions. Why do you pretend that your plan would fix any of those instead of making life worse for everyone else, which is what you really after.
>everywhere else is such shit people want to escape to these places
Delusional tranny confuses tourism and migration, can't comprehend that a fantasy land that panders to foreigners' entertainment isn't a functional place to live in.

Join the 41% and make the world better by disappearing from reality with your dogshit delusions.
>you don't have to get in your car and drive 5 miles
Except you don't. You drive like five minutes. If you argue that "I don't get why people are against dense urban housing" and then proceed to pull complete bullshit out of your ass, it doesn't help your argument.
Do you understand the fucking difference between the street and the sidewalk? Nobody wants to walk in the fucking street, it doesn't matter if the street is as wide as an airport runway. Like the other guy said if you're gonna have no sidewalk (for whatever insane fucking reason) then at least make the street as narrow as possible, so pedestrians are at least only going to be hit by cars going 20 mph instead of 40.
No one is going 40 mph on cul-de-sac streets that go nowhere. The only time when people speed through residential areas are through streets where there really should be a real road there, but isn't.
Whatever nigger I couldn't imagine living in the third world and having to walk in the street like an animal, but you do you
>a single subdivision is representative of all the country
You already do. african immigrants have been imported to the west by your fellow compatriots.
The future is brown
Can't wait for Iskut to become walkable!!!
I live in America, in fact I live in an area I bet most of /n/ would call car centric yet everyplace I'd ever need to go is within a 20 minute walk from my house.
It actually takes slightly more time to drive to work than to take a bike.
This is incredibly racist and transphobic hate speech and you should be ashamed of stating the things that get in the way of us pushing our political agenda about destroying everything that benefits straight families raising children while being productive, useful members of society.
how the fuck does the "transportation" board have so many people obsessed with their motor vehicles and opposed to public transportation and bicycling?
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The privately owned automobile is the superior mode of transportation.
Election tourists from /pol/ mixed with cross board raids from /o/.
every social media site is flooded with the yimby spam and the other more popular boards decided we're going to be the containment board for this trash, much like how force put toxic waste dumps and methadone clinics on the poor brown neighborhoods because "yes in my backyard" really means "yes in YOUR backyard", we're forced to absorb the garbage spam because what are we going to do? cry about it? lol.

use filters on your catalog and you'll find the board gets a lot less shitty though it still sucks that threads go to archive so quickly now
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oh sorry I only read up to "obsessed with motor vehicles" because every thread is now just children crying about cars
>he thinks I'm opposed to public transport
you probably don't even take public transport, obnoxious child, shoo shoo
go on Google Street View. your orange route involves having to climb over people's fences to go through their backyards. Google maps route finder is retarded sometimes but not that retarded.
oh look it's that one guy who spams the word yimby to anyone who thinks a square cm of road space can be changed to other uses and says "you are lying and totally drive a car"
You are though
so what do you do anon? do you bike and take transit everyday to show up those lying yimbys? where do you live? do you have a perfect solution to sprawl and housing shortages that involves zero involvement from le evil developers?
Who cares. You are dumb and a bad person. I could be personally curing cancer with my bare hands and it wouldn't change the facts on the ground. You are the baddies. Look in the mirror and reflect on that.
It doesn't the yards run parallel to the street and there isn't a street view for those streets anyway so you're just lying
look where the back of the jack on the box is. ur orange route wants to approach the jack in the box from the back. this isn't possible because of people's fences
Jesus Christ, American cities really suck
>I don't get why people are against dense urban housing. People who are against building like this seem to think that walkable city means dystopia surrounded by high-rise buildings and no greenery.

In America it means all of those things, combined with criminaly insane blacks doing whatever they want.
Being a tranny is literally less shameful than being fat.
Go into maps are start drawing two mile radii in cities, most of the residences will be within walking distance of all the shopping you would need and transit to the central business district, even in many American cities. The bigger issue is car traffic making it psychologically unappealing to walk, but that can be solved quicker than anything else, by making bike/pedestrian only roads.
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>The bigger issue is car traffic making it psychologically unappealing to walk
That's an issue for 1% of people, and they stay inside anyway
>t. retard unaware of subconscious and/or subtle thoughts and feelings
>The bigger issue is car traffic making it psychologically unappealing to walk
I've heard that argument and I know it's bullshit because they almost never talk about panhandling (or in extreme cases, blocking sidewalks) and when they do it's related to some mental gymnastics that doesn't work in practice ("eyes on the street", e.g.)
What does homeless people begging for money have to do with the fact that walking 5 feet from 2 ton vehicles going 30mi/h is mildly stressful?
Because one will harass you (and in rare cases rob/attack you) and one won't. This is like comparing an angry wasp and a large dog on a leash.
>walking 5 feet from 2 ton vehicles going 30mi/h is mildly stressful?
It's not stressful it's normal. What is stressful are mentally ill bums and aggressive panhandlers like >>2006422 said. And again, no ideas from you, just denials and distractions.
I might not be scared to walk on the pavement but people have children and 80yr old grannies might not feel too safe either and I don't want them to drive just because they don't feel safe to be walking.
More people die being hit by cars than being attacked by homeless people.
I've never died from getting hit by a car but I have been hassled by vagrants many times
no one I know had any vagrant incidents at all but some have permanent injuries scars or disabilities due to getting hit by cars
Wow, I guess statistics are meaningless because your isolated experiences and feelings exist.
>no one I know had any vagrant incidents at all
That's because they're not found in subdivisions like the one you grew up in

Yeah, I make decisions based upon prior experiences and intuition. Again, that's what normal people do.
>I'm as retarded as the median person
Is this what passes as an "own" on nu-4chan?
Yeah it is plus I'm not scared of cars driving past me
Walkable cities are silly. Just fund public transportation like normal people.
Skill issue

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