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E-bike are just another term for 'electric moped' and should be treated as such legally. They should be required to have a headlight, taillight, brake light, turn signals, and a license plate. E-bike riders should be required to be trained and educated, pass a written knowledge test and a skills test in order to posess a license to operate an e-bike. Furthermore they should be restricted to public roads only, and strictly prohibited from bike paths.
Oh and almost forgot: they should also be required to carry liability and property damage insurance, just like any other motor vehicle.
I would rather they be undocumented, but I bet the laws to restrict them are coming in already.
I see maybe 2 e-bikes per 20 miles on my bike path, at odd hours of the day.

Ironically I saw a honda grom at 7 am on the bike path, going the speed limit.
Would you rather people ride e-bikes, or drive cars?
False dichotomy and bad deflection
I tried for years to get some of my friends/ family to commute on bicycles including giving some of them bikes. It almost never took.
Several of those people now ride everywhere on e-bikes. That was the only way they were prepared to give up driving all the time.

It is very often the choice. Drive, or, e-bike. E-bike is the only viable alternative. I don't like it, I don't like e-bikes, i don't ride them, i ride my bicycles, but that's reality.

If you prohibit e-bikes then you're reinforcing car use.
a legal sur-ron would cost me more to insure than a sports bike and about the same to buy used
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If you think Government intervention is the best choice because you don't like something means you should die. E-bikes are faggy but they've shaken things up in cities and it's against cars. I'm all for the minor drawbacks of unregistered uses which mostly seems to be against retards going too fast and crashing (no big deal).
Fun fact: depending on where you live and how much power your ebike has you will have to have a license plate and drivers license.

Out of curiosity: are you that fag that keeps spaming the board with threads about riding on sidewalks?
Didn't know basic safety standards was a "prohibition", that must be why nobody drives cars
>If you think Government intervention is the best choice because you don't like something means you should die
LOL e-bike fag is also Internet Tough Guy issuing death threats, who would've guessed it?

E-bikes are heavy and unweildy and persons untrained in operating a motorized two-wheel vehicle pose a danger to themselves and everyone in their vicinity. The fact that there is no licensing or insurance requirement encourages the lamest of the lame to ride something capable of attaining speeds (~25mph) that only a highly trained cyclist can attain on a normal bicycle. Furthermore e-bike riders typically don't wear any sort of helmet and therefore are at risk of head trauma when (not if but when) they get in an accident. I, for one, as an avid cyclist and as someone who has been riding motorcycles for decades am eminently qualified to comment authoritatively on this subject. I've also had conversations with law enforcement on this subject, and they are of the opinion that it's just a matter of time before e-bike accidents happen, especially on bike paths closed to other motor vehicle traffic.
It's not even like these people are using them for transporation to school or work, they're just out fucking around on them and don't give a shit whether they're endangering others or not.
The worst of them are elderly and morbidly obese people who can barely walk on their own two feet let alone handle a heavy e-bike at 20-25mph, in an emergency they'll cause an accident, being unable to react quickly and effectively.
Mandating proper training and licensing is the only way to go.
Mandating e-bikes conform to the same equipment standards as a moped is also the only way to go.

It's only a matter of time before all this regulation happens so you and everyone else had better just give up and accept it now, there's nothing you can do to stop it, and I'll be happy when that day comes because it'll make life safer for me and everyone else.
Good, glad to hear it. That should all be adopted nationwide.

nta but I've been an ebike advocate and early adopter for a long time.

>ebikes are heavy and unweildy and persons untrained in operating a motorized two-wheel vehicle pose a danger to themselves and everyone in their vicinity.

Yes, agree 100%

>encourages the lamest of the lame to ride something capable of attaining speeds (~25mph)


>avid cyclist and as someone who has been riding motorcycles for decades am eminently qualified


>elderly and morbidly obese people who can barely walk on their own two feet let alone handle a heavy e-bike at 20-25mph


just go away, you are acting in bad faith and so do not belong on /n/. don't bother replying, you are not human.
It's not a prohibition, but it's prohibitive, ie, restrictive.

What you're suggesting will result in less people riding e-bikes, and therefor, more people driving cars.

E-bikes are the lesser of two evils. Regulation is not unreasonable but you're suggesting an overt crackdown.
I don't think you even ride a bike at all let alone have an e-bike.
They're cancerous. The sooner they're reined in the better off everyone will be. Or just ban them entirely, I'm happier either way.
There should be fewer people riding e-bikes, because incompetent people are riding them, making things dangerous for everyone.
Retarded amerimutt.

Incompetent people drive cars and ride motorcycles even though they require licenses. Incompetent people even ride regular bikes and sometimes walk aswell. Banning incompetence isn't feasable.
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OP is 100% correct.
Both are motorvehicles. The 'e-bike' is mostly related to the motorcycle and very close to the motorcar. It is almost always terminally ill cagers on leisure rides that you spot on 'e-bikes'.
electric scooters are better than e-bikes if you just want a commuter vehicle
The ebike is a means employed by motorists to push motoring into the last remaining protected spaces.
It is a slippery slope and the motorist knows and exploits that.
I agree, but I also think we should apply all those things to all bikes as well
now the fun ITT begins
Nope, because of carrying ability. E-bike can do the shopping.
Backpack life is ok but it's also a form of suffering, especially for heavier loads.
>They're cancerous.

You are projecting.

99.9% of ebike users are old women who cruise around at normal slow MUP speeds. Almost nobody in the united states has the training and athleticism necessary to ride a class 3 above 20mph. There is no throttle on a class 3, you have to pedal it at normal/high cycling intensity and it requires a high level of physical fitness + bike skills just to absorb road features at those speeds with a heavy bike.

You are a luddite imbecile bad-faith actor. You've made up an imaginary population of non-existent dangerous riders that are breaking laws and customs that will never exist anywhere outside of your deranged mind.
>and strictly prohibited from bike paths.
No. E-bikes are too slow for the road, and mopeds are often allowed on bike paths as well.
>electric moped
That's not a thing that exists
The unimaginable agony of using one of those things.
Last time my PFPS got real bad a friend gave me his and urged me to try. Lend him my bike in return so hopefully he looses some weight and gets some exercise.
I was not prepared for the unbearable agony of standing motionless on that shit thing for almost two hours straight just to get to places my bike gets me in 45 mins.
Meanwhile you're freezing to death because youre absolutely passive and not generating any heat to keep you warm and being soaked too suddenly is a bad experience.
The ride quality is bone shaking. I wonder if frequent users will eventually damage their teeth.
The fact that those things have a throttle is nothing but mocking the user. In my area they aer nerfed to a painfull 25 km/h, faster than you'd walk but at the same time agonizingly slow.
The battery would last one way, grinding up the hills towards the end.
During the one week I used it the rear developed a pinch flat. Because I know the owner to not be technically inclined I swapped tubes and tires for him. What a pain the thing was to service.
No thanks. Rather have knee pain.
Yes. This too. Well almost. A bicycle does the shopping, moving, etc.
No need for a motor.
>No need for a motor.
That's the part all the cycling purists itt are misunderstanding.
Can you ride a bike without motor assistance? Yes. Is it sometimes more comfortable or more fun with assistance? Yes.
I'm conviced that those who fundamentally oppose them have never even sat on one. It's not for everyone but none the less the vitriolic hatred ebikes sometimes get confuses me.
Pitching here, in Rotterdam and Amsterdam it seems to me picrel became very widespread in a span of few months (many people around me concur), and overall they attract the biggest and laziest idiots, with no spatial awareness whatsoever.

The bikepaths are wide and high-quality, but they are quickly becoming a major issue. They are terrible at being bikes (no adjustable saddle, meaning that the "youth" using them look like ducks pretending to pedal), terrible at being e-bikes (their autonomy is sub-par, being so heavy and the user providing so little input energy), and terrible at sharing the lanes (being to heavy and wide).

I somewhat expect them to be terribly built, so they may disappear in a few months when they start falling apart, and fixing them proves to be cost-prohibitive.
commuting != shopping
if you are going back and forth to work or school you don't need more than a backpack

>bone shaking ride
Your friend probably has a babby scooter that's basically just a kick scooter with a little motor and battery. They are cheap and light but pretty shit for actually getting anywhere but the last few blocks after a transit journey.
For less than the cost of a good e-bike you can get a dual motor, dual suspension scooter that will cruise at 40km/hr for 25km+ and eat up everything but the largest potholes just as well as a commuter bike would
Pinch flats are annoying but fixable, just keep your tires at the right pressure and when you do need to swap a tube make sure you slap some vaseline on the it before you screw the rim back together
I looked up the cost of a decent quality ebike and it comes out to $3000.
That's the price of a shitty car.
If I had to choose between a bike that won't kill me and a car, I would take the car.
why not a gas scooter? that would make more sense than a car in this market.
>Retarded amerimutt.
Fuck off, eurotrash.
Do whatever the fuck you want in your shithole country, I'm a U.S. citizen and am talking about the situation in my country, not yours.

Electric scooters are even more dangerous because there is literally no way to make them safe, other than hard-limiting them to 5mph or less, and even then they're dangerous.
>A trained expeienced cyclist on a normal bike is equivalent to some old fuck or fat fuck on an e-bike going 25mph
LOL no, you're an idiot
riding a bike or scooter on the street your biggest danger will always be cars and that danger is the same regardless of what you ride
a bicycle is more forgiving if you are fat and uncoordinated but if that's the case you shouldn't be riding anything in the first place
You apparently don't know what 'projecting' means, since I'm not old, not fat, and not unskilled as a cyclist, I've been training for road racing and competing in road races since 2009, and that puts me far above the casuals, and lightyears ahead of fatasses and the infirm elderly on e-bikes.

'Old women' on an e-bike aren't safe at ANY speed whatsoever. Mandatory training and testing required for licensing would filter them, making everything safer for everyone.

You have no fucking idea how e-bikes classifications actually work in the real world, OR the fact that many people buy e-bikes that don't conform to them anyway. Every day I see people zooming along at >=20mph with NO pedaling at all.

Fuck off, faggot. I see dangerous shit happening all over the place with these fucking cancerous e-bikes, I want them regulated instead of it being the fucking Wild West out there, and that makes me a luddite?
You must be an e-bike fag yourself, you probably have some cheap Chinese e-bike that you never have to pedal, and you just don't want to get regulated (or filtered), you selfish prick. You're probably just the sort of reckless asshole that would cause an accident then just pick up your shitty e-bike and run away and not take responsibility.
>mopeds are often allowed on bike paths

>That's not a thing that exists
They're called 'e-bikes', dumbass, they called them that to do an end-run around the laws.

I have real bikes, why would I want to spend as much as a mid-tier race bike for one of these shitty heavy monstrosities?

>Pitching here, in Rotterdam and Amsterdam it seems to me picrel became very widespread in a span of few months (many people around me concur), and overall they attract the biggest and laziest idiots, with no spatial awareness whatsoever.
>The bikepaths are wide and high-quality, but they are quickly becoming a major issue. They are terrible at being bikes (no adjustable saddle, meaning that the "youth" using them look like ducks pretending to pedal), terrible at being e-bikes (their autonomy is sub-par, being so heavy and the user providing so little input energy), and terrible at sharing the lanes (being to heavy and wide).
>I somewhat expect them to be terribly built, so they may disappear in a few months when they start falling apart, and fixing them proves to be cost-prohibitive.
You're mirroring what I see here in California every single day, especially since the lockdowns of the Pandemic, and it's never stopped.

Gee I guess I have a Guardian Angel then, keeping from getting killed for those 8000 to 10000 miles a year I've been riding on all sorts of roads and streets, up and down moutains, for that last 15 years. Then there's the decades I've been on motorcycles on the highways, and lo and behold, still alive and all my bodyparts are still present and accounted for! Maybe you're just shitty at paying attention to what's going on around you. It's not anyone else's responsibility to keep YOU alive out there, it's all on you.
>Gee I guess I have a Guardian Angel then, keeping from getting killed for those 8000 to 10000 miles a year I've been riding on all sorts of roads and streets, up and down moutains, for that last 15 years. Then there's the decades I've been on motorcycles on the highways, and lo and behold, still alive and all my bodyparts are still present and accounted for! Maybe you're just shitty at paying attention to what's going on around you. It's not anyone else's responsibility to keep YOU alive out there, it's all on you.
yes anon, that's exactly what I'm saying
how you ride matters more than what you ride, whether it's a bike, e-bike, scooter, EUC, or motorcycle
These ebikes wouldn't be a problem if they weren't being ridden (driven) by brown people going way too fast delivering for food apps. Having a vehicle that goes 30+mph using the bike lane is a fucking disaster, especially when the people using them aren't already bike riders and frequently don't understand how to safely handle at high speed and safely pass other road users.
You actually believe that some granny who hasn't been on a bike in decades is going to be safe on a motorized two-wheeled vehicle that can go 25mph? If so then you're a complete idiot and shouldn't be allowed to run around loose in the world, fool.

>brown people
okay asshole this isn't about race and you can go fuck yourself sideways with a rusty chainsaw
>You actually believe that some granny who hasn't been on a bike in decades is going to be safe on a motorized two-wheeled vehicle that can go 25mph?
when did I say that? The average old woman is not coordinated, alert or durable enough to be riding anything besides a mobility scooter
my claim is that if you are fit to ride an e-bike you can ride an e-scooter just as safely
1. Registration
2. Insurance
3. Needing license
4. Going on the road in 60km/h zones and wanting to kill yourself because its capped at 45km/h
Mopeds would unironically be more popular if shifting the speed limit to 90km/h was a bit more feasible instead of needing to buy a offroad light bike with all the extra maintenance that it requires on top of lower ride comfort.

Also parking.
you can buy a 1000w kit from china for 1000 bucks and strap it to any bike and it'll go 35mph+. ebikes are only worth it if you build it yourself
>I want them regulated

tough shit. get off the road, get off the trails, stop existing. your position is morally and intellectually bankrupt. what you want does not matter and never will.
Just like with drones, enough people (like you, I imagine) will abuse e-bikes, make a nuisance of themselves, show how dangerous e-bikes have become, then there will be legislation to regulate them, and that'll be that. Useless fringies like you won't have anything to say about it, and you'll either conform to the new laws or you'll have your e-bike impounded and pay big fines. It's just a matter of time. People like me will make all the necessary noise it takes to push legislators to regulate them *in the name of public safety*. People like you will be seen as the Bad Guys and you'll be shouted down.
Enjoy being irrelevant, although I suspect you're used to that anyway.

You can also go jump off a bridge and kill yourself, and that would likely be a less painful death than when you shitty Chinese conversion kit destroys the bike you've strapped it to when you're going >35mph.

>when did I say that? The average old woman is not coordinated, alert or durable enough to be riding anything besides a mobility scooter
>my claim is that if you are fit to ride an e-bike you can ride an e-scooter just as safely
Yet I see the elderly on e-bikes *all the time*, and if they get startled by anything at all, they panic. They don't belong on them but since there's not regulation whatsoever of e-bikes we can't keep them or anyone else dangerous off them. E-bikes must be regulated and that's all there is to it.
>destroys the bike you strapped it to

stop riding 200 dollar bikes made of chinesium
The cheapest bike I own is a Fuji Feather and it cost around $1200.

Whatever shitty excuse for a bike you're strapping some shitty Chinese e-bike conversion kit onto isn't made for 1000W of sustained power, and you're not a good enough rider to be riding >30mph all the time -- and neither are your brakes good enough.
Stop being an idiot.
you dont go 30mph all the time, you do it when its safe. my bike is made of steel and has over 5000km on it
I put a headlight, taillight, brake lights, turn signals AND a horn on my bike so I could register it as a moped (the widdle license plate you get is so kawaii). The DMV laughed and told me to fuck off.

My ebike goes 57 mph, throttle only.
this is a bait thread
And then what will be the new line to get off your endless scam ride of over regulation?
All the hand-wringing over these unlocked fat bikes makes me laugh. Cycle advocates are faced with the reality that most people have zero interest in cycling and just want a fast, cheap motor vehicle to get around. Cycle advocates can't seem to understand this and get angry at what was inevitably going to happen, wondering why people aren't pedalling and go for "bicycles" that look like mopeds. People will always do what's easiest. Just accept that cycling is dead and legalise e-bikes up to 1000W. If they are legal then standards can be enforced.
CoOl StOrY bRo

Oh I'm sure there'll be some new bullshit piece of crap some company will start marketing that people will misuse and abuse, make a nuisance of it, people get hurt, then the government will be forced to clamp down on that, too, because humans are fucking stupid.
So it never ends. You don't like that? Kill yourself.

Also if Trump gets elected we'll likely see rabid fascist pig police and MAGAts harassing and killing cyclists in general. Might be a good time for you to emigrate to somewhere else.

>cycling is dead
fatties like you gonna fat
fatties now on e-bikes can sell them on craigslist for cheap when the day comes they have to be licensed and be financially responsible instead of it just being the wild west out there.
Just yesterday I saw two 10-12 year olds racing around in traffic like they were immortal, ignoring the traffic laws, riding on the wrong side of the road, and on e-bikes way to big for them, and with no helmets, glasses, or gloves. Then when they get killed everyone will blame ALL cyclists and demand we ALL get banned from the roads, again. THAT is why this shit has to be regulated sooner rather than later, so the rest of us who aren't fucking morons or old pieces of shit who shouldn't be on a motorized two-wheeled vehicle in the first place don't fuck the rest of us in the ass by creating disasters.
I *at least* want them the fuck off of all bike paths closed to motor vehicle traffic.
I also want ALL motorized vehicles banned from bike paths. If you can't do it under your own power then GTFO.

I also DGAF about any of the complaints about me from the whiny faggots in this thread, you can all get fucked.

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