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post monstrosities
Whats wrong with that? Mismatched wheels?
Looks reasonable and fun to ride to the grocery store or work.
weak bait
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Is picrel how you look anon?
Dont be mad at people who can spare 5k on a bike anon. Thats not a lot of money if you have a normal job
how do you look coming from the grocery store on a road bike?
Op is mad that someone likes and can afford fun things
A lot of people do it, normies don't give it a second thought, but you
Actual mental illness
how do you look coming from the grocery store on a road bike?
are the batavophiles in the room with (You) right now?
Of course not, they're in the back alley behind your nearest grocery store, farmers market, bakery, or fishmonger, waiting to scream at people using the wrong kind of bike (as defined by you)
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I'm so fucking sick of road bike aesthetic nazis

Bring back a time where the typical position was the drops and bars were a reasonable height.
what an awful mismatch of parts.
how do you look coming from the grocery store on a road bike?
Ever seen a picture of Major Taylor?
so you look like a black guy on a track bike without a bag or anything?
What? No I just asked if you had seen a picture of Major Taylor. He's pretty famous. That's all. Weirdo.
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that riv costs the same as the giant
That bike looks cool.
I'd steal it.
Really? Looks like my 50$ beater i have bought for my gf 5 years ago
This is true and it's damn silly, on both ends
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I don't think they make that exact model anymore but it was their flagship made in Japan/USA model
The current made in USA rivendell is 3k for a frame set and 4-5k for a full build
great bait is like great art, it speaks to every man in his own language, or something
I read OP as a roadie being pissy about the spacer stack, but hey, narrow > low and aero spacers don't look too bad imo
Steel frames for 3k??
You can get custom made stainless steel/titanium frames here in germany made by some almöchis in bavaria.
Seems pretty stupid to pay 3x of what a custom made steel frame normaly costs
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I will say, I don't think anyone in the states is building steel frames for under $2k or so, but still a pretty silly price for the riv
Care to translate that for the burgers because google translate gives nothing

Oh sorry my bad for not following your attempt at a very serious conversation about... what kind of bikes people should be allowed to grocery shop with? Or what they look like? I don't even understand what you're trying to say
Post link. Would be surprised to find steel custom frames made for less then 1.5k here in the states.
I'm guessing OP means the ungodly amount of headset spacers.

Okay grandpa.
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Supercorsas and Masters go for about that
I'd rather have one of those than a riv
Basically a mountain jew like pic rel
Check out bigforestframeworks
A bit more expensive than 3 years ago but the custom stainless steel frame is still 3700€
>Basically a mountain jew like pic rel
But pic is an AI generated monstrosity
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Right, that's what I thought
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You may not like it, but this is what peak autism looks like.
Seems similar to a 90's mtb, just bigger wheels+ curly bars.
close to a hybrid bike too
all this stuff has reasons though
>poorfag thread
Get a job, bum, and maybe you'll be able to afford something better than a rusty tenspeed from the 1980's from the thriftstore.
Or are you one of those 'unracer' fags who insists that all bikes be utilitarian only? Did a bike racer steal your waifu or something? LOL.
It should be 27.5x2 sliccs and a leaf spring rear just like the front. Then it would be peak performance
>t. can't touch his toes
The propel stem is so ugly especially with that many spacers
Your mom touches her toes when I fuck her in the ass.
another one who can't see.
Dat saddle doe, why so far forward? I always thought that was a sign your bike fit was fucked but obviously the rider is a pro
Forward saddle positions put more emphasis on the downstroke and up stroke and can allow you to put out more power.
However it's worse for long distance comfort(non issue here) and worse for people with long femurs, or steep seat tube angles.
Also that is a pretty long seat+ the forward seat allows it to be a little higher and give more room for aero positions.Also with that Fuckhuge stem it might keep his reach right.

Forward positions like that are very common on TT bikes

I tend to run a more forward seat on some bikes, otherwise it feels like I am having issues getting good hamstring engagement.
>worse for long distance comfort(non issue here)
Isn't the dirty kanza a 200 mile race?
>non issue here
>guy regularly races for 10 hours straight

forward allows you to mash the pedals more which is more efficient contrary to old thinking
it allows a more aero position that mimics a TT bike
its more comfortable for some people, i've been rocking slammed forward saddle since day one because it saves my knees for some reason
t. fat dentist
in addition to >>2005517, lets you get your upper body lower and more aero without closing up the hip angle too far for comfort and performance. you see forward seat and long ass stem quite a bit these days in road cycling.
harder to keep weight off your hands and makes saddle selection trickier, but if you're putting out high w/kg it's less of an issue.
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Oh yes, he motivates it quite well in his video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3yspNTvVPo ). But he remains of the first to admit it looks like a monstruosity.

Speaking of, picrel.
The monstrosity part is the hole in your fork stanchion.
Some people find a more rearward seat more comfy. It was also the old thinking as well, and of course makes sense if you have long femur+short tibias.
Just something I have heard before about a more rearward seat being comfy(for some) people. I tend to let my ass decide. If I am choking up to the nose of the saddle and never on the wide part I move it foward, if I want to go back and can't I move it back.
did he paint his chain?
>fucked up diy paintjob
>fucked up fork
>shittily mounted fender
>diy spikes
>platic bag over the pedal
I'm guessing he's only using the fd because he fucked up the rd while painting it. Cheapskate and bad taste - name a more iconic duo.
>have boring looking all black bike
>decide to live it up with some accent colored parts
Just your average homesick jangpuri MIT student towing buffalo wings for tuition
That dude is a giant! That's like a 64cm frame
thats what I was thinking, or maybe its just a very narrow frame
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