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Here we talk about the failure of one of Medellin's metro cable lines whereby a descending cable car fell along the cable and crashed into a car Infront of it causing it to fall from the cable.

The transportation authority is still investigating. What do you guys think happened? This is a relatively new system. The German company did an inspection earlier this year.
>a descending cable car fell along the cable and crashed into a car Infront of it
This sounds like the gripping mechanism which holds the cabin to the cable failed, though not entirely, so that cabin didn't fall but it lost grip and slid downwards. I remember some other cases where this has happened before, but I couldn't say when or where.
I don't understand how if this is a recurring issue there still hasn't been implemented some sort of fail-safe. It seems like a significant weak spot on these types of cable cars.
>I don't understand how if this is a recurring issue there still hasn't been implemented some sort of fail-safe.
The grip has to be applied and released every time it's put on the cable and taken off in a station. It's a moving part, usually spring-loaded, so it will need inspection and maintenance. If you start scrimping on both, eventually you get an incident, which is probably going to be the root cause of this accident.

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