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File: sirrus_single_speed.jpg (486 KB, 2500x1406)
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Is this the greatest commuter bike of all time? Assuming you don't live near too many hills of course
All single speed bikes are absolutely the same.
that really depends on your definition of great. a belt drive lasts way longer than a chain for single speed, and is more weather resistant. it costs a lot more though. rim brakes are cheap and easy to replace and maintain, hydraulic disk brakes have better performance though. if you live in a rainy place any 'commuter' bike without fenders fucking sucks, in a warm sunny place that doesn't matter. i commute 25km per day and i prefer a road bike because i love going fast, it's fully equipped for commuting though with fenders, a frame lock, light mounts, a bell etc etc.
no the best commuter bike is a steel hybrid with gears
for commuting, my definition of great is:
>cheap to maintain
>easy to maintain
>mounts for mudguards & pannier rack

And I reckon it fits the bill

>Aluminium frame means no rust (and lighter to carry up stairs)
>V-brakes mean more clearance for big fat comfy tyres and are cheap to maintain
>No derailleurs, derailleur hanger, gear cables and shifters to worry about
>Cup and cone hubs, easy & cheap to service
>Square taper BB easy & cheap to service
>Straight bars give a chilled upright position, and no need to worry about bar tape

and in addition it can be easily converted into a more racey bike by going fixed, using a smaller cog and flipping the stem

if you're in a hilly area, yeah get some gears
Take a look at places that have actual dedicated commuters. Mamachari, Dutch commuter bikes. Commuter minivelos.
as much as i like square taper, threaded hollowtech shimano is definitely cheaper and easier to service.
For one, you can actually buy a high quality bearing off the shelf, at a low cost. Square taper units in shops are now either tourney level or chinkshit. To get something good you're scraping the NOS UN55 barrel or buying something esoteric and (moderately) expensive. Whereas an ultegra hollowtech bb is like $20 and in stock everywhere, probably one of the best value items in cycling.
The torque values to install are way lower. And the attachment system doesn't have pitfalls. Square taper is a bit of a dark art for many people and problems from poor install commonly arise. Personally I like the system and feel confident in my methods but hollowtech actually has concise instructions. Try to learn how square taper cranks work and you're going to enter a decades long shitfight filled with misinformation and people who loathe it.

The system is also several hundred grams lighter. That's significant.
Square taper only really exists on new bikes as a cost cutting measure. Not that that is a bad thing but i wouldn't be singing its praises in this case. None of this is to say that square taper is bad but it's outright wrong to say that it's cheaper and easier to service.

That crankset doesn't even look like it has replaceable chainrings.

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