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What goes on here
just read the wikipedia article
yea lol it's literally a wiki image lmfao
Yo momma
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A basic guide to the properties of the feature included in pic related
I may be drunk but this had me laughing for a full minute.
yep same
200% kino anon wins at internet
expertly described
These grates remind me of a submarine's water ballast intake ports. I assume it's exactly that, to control the ship's buoyancy.
fuckin saved
tell me about the crab
why does he watch?
I was drunk when I drew it so that follows
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Best thread on /n/ now. Possibly ever.
kek, best thing on /n/ in a long time
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The more important question is what goes on here? What are they keeping behind the bars? Or what are they releasing from there?

that's the propeller brig
Those are the cells where they keep otters accused of sex crimes.
Seems like a cover up desu.

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