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I'd rather have a rack or basket than panniers. I think panniers are gay and stupid.

Both can be good
Introduction: OP has started a thread about baskets and panniers.

Discussion: OP would rather have a basket than panniers. This is because he thinks panniers are gay and stupid.

Conclusion: OP is a fag.
Panniers are only used by people who do bike tours and wierd middle aged men.
a surefire method to make sure you bruise every piece of fruit by the time you get home
kill yourself, poorfag. The only reason anyone uses a rack/basket over panniers is because they're too broke to afford a bag.
not at all.
I used to be panniers only, but switched to this 3 basket method.
I still have the panniers but never use them anymore
From a practical perspective you can take your pannier bag into the store and load it at the register also people can't see all the lube, cucumbers and toilet paper you bought as you ride by
Panniers are just nicer and they protect my stuff from the elements.

If you're going to fuck yourself with a cucumber what's the point of buying the special sex-specific "anal lubricant" when olive oil will do the trick? Genuinely curious as to what purpose that would serve.
and from another practical perspective, you can bolt down your baskets and you will always have them and they will be there when you get back to where you locked your bike.
with panniers, you either only put them on when you use them, so if you're already out and want to use them for a nearby shop, you have to go home and get them first.
or, if you always keep them with the bike, then you have to always take them with you and babysit them everywhere you go even if you aren't using them or else they'll get stolen. they're also awkward to carry around and many designs won't sit flat on the ground, so they're always tipping over.
having shit bounce around in a basket is annoying and I've had shit fly off
Aren't baskets just hard metal panniers without a top, and without quick removal?
true, I use a bungee net.
I rigged a quick release for mine, but yeah, that's a custom thing, I don't think any come with it.

one great advantage is you can see everything from the saddle and you can just grab stuff easily. you don't have to open a zippered lid and root around blindly for items you can only really see from directly overhead.
this is grocery signaling

most people would put a bag into their basket

>Aren't baskets just hard metal panniers without a top, and without quick removal?
No they're more like an extension of your rack, or a style of rack, that allows any bag to be a pannier. IE: a packpack, or a drybag, or a tote.
I was retarded and had my cell phone and my front basket on my way to my first day at a new job that required a cell phone, and I was crossing the highway quickly, only to watch my phone bounce out and land in the road and get ran over by 60 cars. I could only stand there dumbfounded. Was pretty stupid, but comical. Still team basket.
File: bicycle basket.png (459 KB, 531x469)
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459 KB PNG
>Virgin saddlebag
>Chad little pink basket
Bros, I think I know which one I would pick, too.
Olive oil can give yeast infections and it's not a persistent lubricant think grease vs oil
>I like things that tip over
Never open your mouth around men ever again.
I prefer panniers but baskets are quicker to load/unload and can take bulkier items.
I never liked using a cucumber, they break/bend too easily and leak liquid. I usually used a carrot but if I was feeling like bbc I'd use a horseradish.
Can you get carbon fibre rack and basket combos?

Asking for a frend
Kill yourself.
CF racks exist but baskets probably not

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