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Yeah, that's right, they have a bad range, need lithium for their batteries, electronics for the battery, novel station designs to allow charging on the go, and that's on the top of my head, I'm sure you can find even more flaws the more you look.

You know what isn't a scam? Trolleybus. Fucking buses on wires. No batteries. No fancy electronics. Clean and silent. All this tech existed for almost a century, in a much more affordable package. No large spending on the rube goldberg machines that are the dirty diesel buses. No battery replacement every few years.
>But muh cables are ugly
No one cares, stop being a whiny NIMBYist.
>stop being a whiny NIMBYist
You just explained why battery-electric busses are good. It allows you to deploy better busses even in NIMBY hellscape cities. Of course trollybusses are better, but as long as the Western world is in an anti-development death spiral, batteries are the best you will get. Sure it requires lithium and a lot of capital, but it is still better than what they replace.
I think it depends on the amount of bus traffic the city intends to push. There's an ROI associated with any infrastructure project. If a city only thinks they can move a thousand people a day on a bus line, then by all means diesel or battery power is the way to go. If they expect a double digit percent of their residents to use it, then yeah catenary is worthwhile. Trolleybus is an apples to apples comparison with a streetcar more than it is with electric/diesel buses.
A godly form of transportation. Second only to the monorail.

A bus without the noise and exhaust, a bit easier on the road due to the lower weight, and all it needs are a few overhead wires. And so cheap the soviet union could afford them.
>a bit easier on the road due to the lower weight
How much lighter are they really
Fuck Karen for stymieing policies that actually benefit people, not the first time and unfortunately not the last.
No batteries = no lithium bomb
we should remove our digestive systems and gain sustenance through overhead nutrient lines that run along our commutes to work. intestines and stomachs are too heavy and complex.
Trolleybus > Diesel >>>>>> Battery
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Gyrobus > Trolleybus > Diesel >>>>>> Battery
Unfathomably based trolleybus respecter.
Nothing like a simple, effective and economic technology that's been proven for decades.
Battery buses are only popular because people want innovation for the sake of innovation, with zero real advantages over existing, proven technology (be it combustion or trolleybus, depending on the needs).
Battery buses make me angry and sad.
>the gyro wheel flies out and demolishes nearby building
What a great idea!
>with zero real advantages over existing, proven technology
You don't need to string up wire for miles and maintain it
That's a feature, not a bug!
>Buses on wires
You can just build a tram and have a 70 meter long train on wires instead
Much more expensive
Trolleybuses remove the advantage of route flexibility and operation during diversions that regular buses have. The use of batteries for private vehicles have been an environmental disaster but they are suitable for buses with their short range and frequent breaks.
I just want to remind anons that there are reasons for choosing battery buses over normal buses and trolleybuses. I personally find them to be much comfortable compared to the excessive vibrations of an idling engine. Contrary to what you may think, people use technology for a reason and just because you can't think of a good reason does not mean that a good reason does not exist.
Friendly reminder that the taxi lobby prevented the vegas monorail from running along the strip and connecting to the airport.
What constitutes a good reason depends from person to person. Kickbacks, personal preferences, fad of the moment, politics are all good reasons to some people.
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>route flexibility
infrastructure issue. An ideal trolley society would have catenaries everywhere, enough where all battery hybrid vehicles can recharge while driving, like this truck for example.
If you were to do that then you may as well just build trams everywhere instead.
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Kek based

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