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I had an argument about the best location to lock your bicycle. I believe that it is against a lamppost on a quiet back street. Cyclists believe that on the main road is safest but I have started copying what motorcyclists do. I chain my e-bike to a lamppost on a residential street and cover it. I never see any motorcycles locked to a flimsy bike stand in front of a train station.

If a thief with an angle grinder sees it and they want it they will take it. Nothing can stop them. Therefore in my opinion it's best to reduce the chance they will see it in the first place. CCTV and crowds don't deter anyone anymore. I've seen many videos of bicycles being stolen on a busy street in broad daylight.

I'm not saying lock your bike on the darkest alleyway behind a chicken shop that you can find. Just lock it on a residential street with expensive houses. Why would a crackhead with a grinder be walking around there?
>I never see any motorcycles locked to a flimsy bike stand in front of a train station.
No one does this though. Are you from the third world?
I lock mine next to a much nicer bike if I can find one, which isn’t that hard
My bike is unlocked in my garage at home
This. Why would i even lock my bike at a road or in a city?
My 20k bike collection gets only out if i go for a nice road tour or in a bike park.
1. Bring it inside. Your bike deserves better than the outsides.
2. Chain it up next to some ebike or fred sled.
I know bike collectors are somewhat special but 20k bikes is a new level of hoarding.
Thar's a high end road bike, a nice MTB, and 2 beaters in today's economy.
post pic
The best is the rta sells "bike lockers" at the train stations, then has the open rack next to it, in the punishment corner of the parking lot.
i have a few bikes, but as far as this thread is concerned only one is relevant. I only use this bike whenever I know I'm going to need to leave the bike unattended.

It's a nice bike, a 90s Columbus Max rigid mtb with slicks, seen nice examples sell for more than $1000, it's a comfy reliable ride, but I shitted it up. All the cable outers are different colours, the forks are a hideous green with batman stickers on them, the frame is scratched up and covered with mpre shitty kids stickers, the tyres don't match. the grips don't match, the saddle is tatty as fuck.

It looks like shit, but like i said, it's good, it has a mix of deliberately scuffed but mechanically perfect XT and DX parts, everything is set up nice, the shifting is sweet, the braking is great, it rides really nice, I have taken a couple of liberties re security, I have allen key skewers and seat clamp, so ill equipped opportunists can't simply walk off with wheels or saddle, and I use a decent enough D-lock which I wrapped in gaffer tape just to make even that look shitty.

If it got stolen I'd be annoyed, but not heart broken, but it won't get stolen because there's always a ton of better looking bikes that would require less effort to steal all around.

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