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Urban sprawl is good as long as you have extensive coverage of railways, it's comfy too because it makes the urban core larger and takes longer to navigate through with more amenities, shops and restaurants to enjoy along, not to mention multiple public places to visit or relax in after long walks and commutes. Simply put you can end up lost easily in a city, and it takes forever to make it to the city boundaries by walking or cycling, it has the potential to qualify for CHAD status.

Does your city qualify for CHAD status?

>inner urban area spanning >=300 km^2
>at least 5 major intercity railway terminals within the inner urban area
>overall metro area size spanning >=1200 km^2
How many times have you reset your modem this week
>at least 5 major intercity railway terminals within the inner urban area
that sucks though. it's so much more convenient to have 1 central station, where you can change to another long-distance train in a matter of minutes and not having to change to RER or metro to get to the other station.
it's another story if you have additional stations within a city that are served by intercity trains as well while having a central station like Prague. that's actually good to relieve the central station.
a single 'central station' is a completely modern concept, though. everyone knows that ancient cities were located near a river or other source of water, and were largely contained within walls that kept undesirables out: likewise, cities where the industrial revolution happened, were sustained by importing raw goods and made rich and powerful by exporting finished goods, a process which necessitated railways and stations where goods and people were needed, with animal muscle used for the "last mile", as urbanist dorks call it these days.

so, a single 'central station' for passenger travel would have to be a) large enough not to immediately reach capacity and become redundant itself, and therefore b) require a gigantic amount of c) expensive inner-city land that's d) convenient for all possible 'OK, you're here ... now what?' uses and purposes. and, well, good luck with that lol.

which is probably why, come to think of it, I can't think of a capital, or even a major city, with just the one single 'central station' serving intercity trains.
Trannyposting belongs to plebbit.
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>Urban sprawl is good as long as you have extensive coverage of railways
"urban sprawl is actually good BUT ONLY if it's on my terms"
No one is stopping you from escaping the very shithole you live in.
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