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define "walking distance" for you.
>45min normally
>1hr30min if good mood
bonus: what do you listen to on your walks, if anything?
Depends on where I'm walking. On a busy road, 15mins. On quiet streets, 30mins. In a park, 2 hours. In nature, days.
The new urbanism quote is a 1/4 mile.

>world destroying car cuck blue collar slob social climbing
The the most expensive real estate in the world is in walkable areas.
Millionaires do not live in the "most expensive real estate" aka cattle silos for the seething poor lmao cope poorfag
20 minutes max. If it's farther than that, I'll take my bike.

Don't feed the trolls
You are cute. I'm talking about actual rich people. Masters of the Universe. Not your "asset wealthy", cashless, small business owner, upjump big farmer neighbors. They embarass themselves for with a chipboard barn they call a "mansion".
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>poorfag seethe continues
Lmao the richer the farther away they are from the poorfag cattle stall you call walkable
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Cope seething poor lmao
Hed have to be doing anything but embarrassing himself to be a troll.

Yeah, dumbass, "rich'" is poor people speak there. Show me the listings.
The official definition of "walkable proximity to neighborhood assets" is a 0.5-mile (0.8-kilometer) radius from your house.
30 normally
2hrs+ if I'm in a good mood, walking is my favorite way to get around, I like to take it slow and explore a little.
>what do you listen to on your walks, if anything?
country/western music is my favorite, mainly 70s stuff, some folk too if I'm in the mood

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