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You are now your local government, what do you do to make your neighborhood /n/ friendly?
remove nogs
This but also turks, gypsies, jeets, arabs, chinks, brits, SEAmonkeys, albanians, serbs and russians.
I wouldn't be able to do anything because all we really need is better enforcement of the bus lanes and for that I would need literal dictatorial powers to abolish police unions and create a sort of praetorian guard answerable to me and me alone.

I suppose if I'm dictator I would also block new multifamily development and set punitive taxes on the empty storefront people, combined with a financial assistance program for equity-rich, cash-poor minority/POC property owners, basically the exact opposite of how it works now where they seize it from you and auction it if you're black and you have 1 code violation and miss a $25 payment, whereas they give you infinity tax breaks if you're white and have 10000 code violations and millions in unpaid fines.

I would also force yimbys to wear a "Y" patch on their arms so that normal people could spin on them and stuff, and they would be blocked from frequenting local businesses.
*spit* not spin
>what do you do to make your neighborhood /n/ friendly?
Here's my 10 step plan:
1.) Throw everyone who held the position before me into jail for utter incompetence / corruption
2.) Remove ethnic minorities I deem unfit for society
3.) Clear junkies of the street (where to dispose them is still an open issue)
4.) Require pensioners to regularly get tested for wether or not they are fit to have a license
5.) Ban bland, cost-optimized architecture
6.) Plant trees everywhere
7.) Ban electric scooters and those rental ebikes that stand around everywhere
8.) Scale property tax by how many properties you own to fuck over speculators and leeches
9.) Massively up construction and loosen height limitations (abiding by point 5)
10.) Build a golden statue of me infront of the town hall :)
Sidewalks and narrower streets.
Abolish all zoning. Replace it with a pollution-based zoning system. In the clean and quiet zone there must be no pollution or loud noise. In the loud zone there can be noise and in the toxic zone there can be pollution. A landowner can build whatever they want as long as it follows building safety regulations.

Privatise all roads. There is no need for roads to be subsidised by the government when they can be paid for through tolls. Let the market decide what uses and designs are the most economical.
I was feeling more of an abandoned mine shaft.

>abolish zoning
>replace it with a zoning system
Absolute fucking retard moment. Stopped reading right there.
>There is no need for roads to be subsidised by the government
Let me guess: bike lanes, buses, and trai/n/s are still subsidized it's only cars and trucks that must eat shit?
Where did I say that?
>Privatise all roads.
Do the busses drive on privatized roads? Will they be paying toll? What happens when the roads are neglected by the owner and are no longer suitable for driving? Will the goverment/transportation service buy them back from the owner at great expense or will the bus service no longer run? Take a look at Great Britain's privatization of water supply and tell me that worked out well. Privatizing essential utilities/services has never gone well.
Reduce blackrock and vanguard control of housing+buildings. This reduces the cost of houses and normal people can live closer to their jobs.
Then they can use simpler transportation to reach said jobs.
Improve train/light rail by employing security gaurds/police to actually not let in homeless/thiefs/etc.
Reduced healthcare costs for healthier people, via either per visit or insurance costs.
Improve schooling about transportation options in general. People don't know about the positives of cycling, walking and that can be modified in PE class.
Fix PE classes so the population actually tries to be healthy. Fix food so it's not 50% goyslop.

Healthier people would find walking/cycling more easy, and healthier people wouldn't mind seeing other's at the light rail. Due to my location I am not 100% on buses, but they do have a use case.
Bring road maintenance in house.
Shoot myself twice in the back of the head and then encase my feet in asphalt and jump off a bridge under my own power, probably.
how does blackrock have time to get involved in a bunch of mickey mouse $1500/month lease agreements just to make tinfoil hatters upset, am I just naive to think they have a proven business model that works and they should stick with it?
Well, what I heard the play is to buy up houses in a block, then up the rent/price. Still, my goal would theoretically to have been screw over foreign and company purchasing of housing to reduce costs, and then allow people to commute closer to their jerbs.
Yes busses will drive on roads. They will pay the toll, and so will cyclists and pedestrians. If a road is unsuitable for travel then people can use alternative routes.
But am I wrong?
There is no responsible application of power. No good can ever come from it. One does not need power to achieve anything good. Anything that one wants to achieve wont need a position of power if it is good.
As such I would do literally nothing. Perhaps tell any subordinates to not do their 'job'. Especially police. No law would be enforced. People would be free to make their surroundings whatever they want them to be, not what I decided they have to be.
>People would be free to make their surroundings whatever they want them to be
In that case don't mind my unfolding my 10 step plan.
Yes, you are wron-
*gets thrown into jail*
>*gets thrown into jail*
Only if points 2 or 3 apply to you.
This is an interesting experiment and I suspect local dictators would rise up, or small tribes.
y'all suck at this shit

replace the roads with train tracks
everyone gets a train
I concede. My proposal pales in comparison to yours.
30 kph limit on any street I can legally impose it on, start charging for on-street parking including for residents, use the money to expand bus routes and repave more streets with asphalt. The cobblestone that covers half this town may be a nuisance to drivers but it's an absolute nightmare to cyclists, plus it's loud as all hell whenever a car drives over it.
So bus fare will be the sole source of revenue for said buses? The costs of bus maintenance, road maintenance, and bus driver pay will ALL be covered by riders? Because that's going to raise bus fare more than you think.
extra lanes
busiest intersections need overpasses

free helicopter rides for bicycle users
>You are now your local government, what do you do to make your neighborhood /n/ friendly?
Death squads to kill half of everyone in the neighborhood so the roads free up.
Yes bus fare will increase and so will the cost of car ownership. The transport market will naturally shift to more efficient options, like trains and bicycles.
What the fuck do you think trains drive on? Privatizing everything includes privatizing the tracks and I don't know of a single country with a good rail network that isn't massively subsidized by the government. Even the mediocre ones are pumped full of tax money. Trains won't be cost efficient for the user anymore neolib-sama.
Maybe things are different in your third world country but rail networks are currently expected to run at a profit while road networks are subsidised. Despite this, some rail networks still manage to be profitable which proves rail is more efficient than roads.
>run buses to all the unserved towns, expand service in cities
>nationalize all rails in the region, run passenger services between the major towns/cities in Northern CO
>put bus lanes on the major freeways
>reduce max speed limit to 60mph (45 in snowy/icy conditions), reduce all speed limits on all roads by at least 5mph in general
>random DUI checkpoints on major roads wherever and whenever possible
>execute anyone caught selling meth or fentanyl on the spot
Just about covers it.
Where I currently live we're doing pretty OK with mixed zoning and increasing density.
I would flatten the suburb my parents live in and chase the boomers out.
>To protect home values our plan for the next 10 years is to reduce housing density
Oh and I forgot something
>undo the chicken tax and EPA regs incentivizing manufacturers to make larger vehicles
>ban new personal vehicles over a certain size (large enough to cover most US made trucks/SUVs built in the 2010s or later)
Transit advocates don't understand when you redevelop neighborhoods, you're also changing the people that live there. If a house gets replaced with apartments there's different people there. Why are urbanists so obsessed with changing single family zoning when they can redevelop industrial zones closer to the city?
When you start demolishing things you change the neighborhood. If half the neighborhood became parking lots even though YOUR house didn't change it sure as hell changed the neighborhood.
I don't think anyone really cares about SFH, most of the urbanist muh zoning sperging is about pushing mass evictions of people living in mid-rise to make way for high rise, where's the ROI in arguing with a bunch of greyheads in the suburbs when you can purge an area of low rent tenants and make way for a nice flippable luxury complex for "like minded settlers on the new urban frontier" (actual quote from a developer press release)
Why should empty rural highways with adequate lane width, shoulder space, and visibility have their speed limits reduced to 60 mph?
Outside the rustbelt, where there isn't high demand for housing anyways, there aren't large swaths of underutilized industrial land.
>remove all urban freeways
>major roads (bigger than 3 lanes) all have permanent bus lanes and protected bike paths
>increase speed limits on proper expressways to 150km/hr
>bus lane on every highway that leads to a major population centre
>if this proposal includes funding, then new twinned tracks going to large communities too far out to be served by metro rail (we only have one interurban train)
>slip lanes/right turn on red abolished
>fuel taxes increased for large vehicles if not used commercially
>anywhere currently zoned for SFH will be zoned for up to 4 stories
>anywhere within 15 minutes of metro stations will allow any building that fits on the lot/abides by regulations.
>specific to where I live (BC) and not transit, but abolish any shitty laws that make it hard/expensive to sell alcohol at festivals/events and that prevent bars from being fun and being able to walk with drinks.
How local are we talking? Alright national got it.
-Long haul trucking removed. Replaced with rail. Regional trucking from hubs only.
-Tax and regulate corporations massively more than people.
-CEOs become the sole legal entity responsible and accountable for their corporations' actions and is why they get paid so much.
-Tax based on total net worth/held assets. Harsher bracketing begins at 500m total assets and ratchets up from there.
-De-regulate individuals to a degree
-National healthcare.
-Incentivize the family. No I am not predicting on gay or straight or trans all that matters is that a family can be legally defined and sticks together.
-Remove sales tax.
-Increase income tax to compensate. You should be taxed exactly once for income.
-Remove the entire process of filing taxes and getting "returns" like just do it correctly the first time????? How is this so hard???
-Vehicle registration cost is based on the results of some calculation accounting for vehicle volume, noise level, number of axles, and gross weight. It would cost significantly more to register a Dodge 3500 than it would a Toyota Corolla. Trains would be completely exempt.
-Remove 25 year import law and have a reciprocity agreement that if a car passes safety in (some list of first world countries) then it is allowed to be titled and registered in the US, and states have no say in what they allow registering. Fuck you Ohio I'm registering an HMMWV.
-Any road should have a bike lane including interstate highways. If it means removing a lane of car space (on 4-5 lane at roads for ex.) to make into a bike lane, so be it. Bikes and cars should never share the same pavement.
-Incentivize development that prioritizes reduced car dependencies and increased walk/bikeability
-Robust light and passenger rail network spending.

And I say this as an /o/ native.
The cost of bike lanes and even rail tracks are almost negligable compared to roads, so, honestly sure.
>Tax and regulate corporations massively more than people.
>CEOs become the sole legal entity responsible and accountable for their corporations' actions
>Tax based on total net worth/held assets.
The "rural highways" around here aren't so empty anymore, and people drive on them very recklessly. Back when it was mostly sober locals, sure 75mph freeway 60 highway made sense. Now there's a ton of transplants who can't drive on snow or considerately in general blasting down the roads while fucked up, and something has to be done about it.
Source: some drunk guy on /biz/
>Get in contact with the company that owns the freight rail lines that move through the city and make deal with them to use the lines for passenger trains during the hours they are used the least (which is mostly late at night and very early morning)
>Build additional tracks and switching stations so passenger trains can pull off of freight tracks to pull into stations and then back on to freight tracks when departing from stations.
>Cooperate with next county over so that their bus and light rail lines meet up with my county's allowing commuters to quickly transfer between our two transit networks.
>Build additional sidewalks and bike lanes in the few places they don't exist.
>Build additional pedestrian bridges over the few major intersections that don't already have them.
>Build one (1), additional lane for major roads which is one direction only and only busses can use which has no speed limit, allowing busses to quickly transit between bus stops, these busses will do constant loops along this bus autobahn.
>For areas where the road narrows to only two lanes, and there is no real way to widen the road, I'll build a bridge over part of the lake so busses can cross this area quickly, eventually rejoining the main road where it widens again.
>If I really have an unlimited budget maybe have a couple of ropeway or elevated rail lines put up along the busiest and most popular routes.
>That or cooperate with the next county over to have their subway line extended into my county.
>buy up some of the abaonded properties and renovate them into apartments, offices and shopping centers.
>Press shopping centers/ strip malls to consolidate their parking into vertical parking garages so that their vast parking lots can be used for other buildings.
The "cost of a bike lane" is usually a lane of road and a can of paint, I have the feeling you're only considering the paint and not the cost of the pavement stolen from motorists in favor of bikes that won't use it anyway.
If you do that there's no reason to incorporate. Corporations are there to protect people from liability. What you'll end up with is a liability market, where any liability for what would be a corporation is split up into hundreds or thousands of people, some of which have no holdings with the not-corporation because their liabilities were sold to third parties.
Okay new law, that's not allowed.
Nah, you're either going to create a bunch of loopholes where all corporations reorganize into non-profits or legislate your way into feudalism.
Boomertard take, driving is safer than ever (not that it's ever actually been *safe*).
wow, this works so well. I'm sure absolutely no one will simply find a new loophole in your retarded feudalism based economic law.
You forgot j*ws
In terms of safety features in modern cars, yes. When it comes to drivers though it's the opposite, especially with all the Californians moving to states which actually have seasons. Not to mention the increasing size of vehicles, combine garbage handling with the physical and psychological effect of the average modern American truck or SUV and you have a murder machine.
No, because 1. they're only like 2m (6ft) wide, so material and labour costs are already halved compared to car lanes to begin with and 2. they don't need to repeatedly withstand several tonnes of force so they don't require nearly as thick or as strong of construction.
I'm perfectly happy to keep funding car lanes with taxes as long as equal money is provided to every other mode of transportation. Don't whine when that means there's more bike lanes than car lanes because car lanes are literally just more expensive to build, tough shit.
>the pavement stolen from motorists
You cannot steal something that was never owned.
Allow mid-rise mixed-use on all lots. That’s the most important step.
The secondary measures would be building a good bike lane network, then once I have my proper density and bike lane network I build out the bus system with some bus lanes.
>people actually WANT smaller vehicles like Kei trucks and but European-style vehicles but the EPA won't allow it
>large vehicles should be banned
Pick one
>Assuming I can be the master of the state as well...
I live in a town of around 10k people, with seasonal college students, and it's next to a freight train line that goes between a major metropolitan area (over a million people) and a regional anchor (around 60k metropolitan area). I'd add a few bus lines - both in town and stopping at the nearby towns that are all under/around 1k people each, a couple bike lanes to bop around town, and add a train line from the major metro to the regional anchor, with stops at the four or five other towns along that route.
>You cannot steal something that was never owned
nta, but is this "Roads are for everybody" or "ACKSHUALLY motorists stole roads from us"?
Why pick just one? Both are consistent with the goal of reducing average vehicle size on the road, large personal vehicles are a danger to pedestrians and other drivers. Anyone who actually wants a massive truck without having a job or hobby which requires one should have their license revoked permanently.
>consistent with the goal of reducing average vehicle size on the road
I mean, it is consistent with authoritarianism, it's just that urbanists screw around with disingenuous takes like "we just want a different choice in transportation" or "anyone should be allowed to build any building they want", so it's jarring to see someone with such an honest "Yes, only smaller vehicles should be mandated".
Some people's choices in transportation and housing are simply not compatible with an urban environment, and there's zero reason why everyone else should be forced to subsidize said choices or put up with them endangering pedestrians. Other urbanists can't be honest about this because they're liberals like most people in this cucked Anglo world, so the idea of anyone being held accountable for antisocial behavior is "le AUTHORITARIANISM!!11!!".
Also I do find it funny people are complaining about authoritarianism in a thread about being a one man local government, that's the whole point of the thread you fucking retarded liberal fucks.
You're right this thread is all about fantasy, sorry
pretty easy, add a bike lane encircling and to-and-from the major traffic areas (supermarket, gym, shopping district, park) and widen the internal roads near the houses for a larger shoulder

As it is right now, I legally cannot cycle to the gym that is a 2min drive away.
Not just that, it's also ridiculously dangerous since there's no bike lanes.
The road shoulders are useless too since they're interrupted every ~20m by a street light surrounded by a sheer cement brick lip 10" high that your bike would need feet to scale so you end up back on the road.


My city already has some decent planning and development. The only thing is that shit drags on but oh well, you see progress.

Current projects:
>Underground train by-pass around the city, enabling passengers to get off at different stations instead of being dumped in a very busy area. Project has dragged on for a bit, lots of disruption
>New central neighbourhood being built from reclaimed river and dockland.
>Remodelled industrial / big box store area into a high-density bustling residential and shopping area, completed fully in 2040, fml
>New bicycle bridge cross river - based, as it will cut down commutes big time.
>Tons of small cycle path upgrades
>more underground motorway by-passes

Overall happy, just takes time and the city is a quasi-permanent construction site stage.

All of this at no expense to the surrounding nature and wooded areas. Just build tall and dense.
It takes up road space, if the road can be that narrow and a bike lane is made the bike lane should be treated as a separate road with separate costs.
Yeah because cars are fucking retarded
Ban internal combustion engine vehicles from the center, make parking lots in the industrial areas with connections by train to the centre.
mostly pedestrian only areas served with a trams or an underground or electric busses and bike lanes
ample bike parking with cctv monitoring and death penalty for bike theft
Some people's choices in transportation and housing are simply not compatible with an urban environment, and there's zero reason why everyone else should be forced to subsidize said choices or put up with them forcing everyone to live in a pod.
>the idea of anyone being held accountable for antisocial behavior
Yes, urbanists should be lynched on the streets
hi redd!t
Way to out yourself as underage.
>not being able to speed wherever you like, take up every space on the street with your tank sized vehicle or have a massive backyard you don't even use = "LE TYRANNY1!!11!!"
Attitudes like this are why Amerilards are hated worldwide.
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>t. communist tranny
Amerifatistan is the tranny capitol of the world, largely thanks to your lack of exercise and estrogenic chemical laden diets.
Not american and the reason is unchecked Judaism but cope more
Also here's some food for thought for all the liberturdian carfags here, if you're even capable of thought at all.
>hurr durr it da jews
You victim complex faggots act like you have zero agency.
Make it so homeless schizos with foregin passports can’t befg on the train and if they do they get deported.

Tired of normalfags getting a 1000kr fine for forgetting to checkin whilst Bulgarians get told to just get off the train.
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Here, I fixed Chicago mostly. Now just needs a permanent death squad on the Red/Green Lines with permission to summarily execute anyone who play music out loud, and within a month the city would be paradise.
roundabouts everywhere there's a 4 way stop light.

any housing regulation, citywide or HOA wide, that limits density abolished and ruled unconstitutional

I fuck this guy's mom

Land Value Tax
To be libertarian and still be pro car you need negative iq, roads and car suburbs are the most subsidized transportation in the world
I'll do as follows

>LVT as the only source of revenue for the city
This will change the incentives of the entire administration, starting a chain reaction to a more transit oriented city

>Abolish the separation of rural and urban zoning
This will lead to greatly reduced real estate prices. Some sprawl will be created, but it is not a problem here for now

>Create a haussman/hobrecht/cerdá style blueprint to direct growth
This is to stop this bullshit sort term planning made my sucessive city governments. Nobody has a long term vision and all major projects are disconnected from eachother

>Abolish all building regulations and replace with japanese scaled zoning. In the main avenues, abolish it all

>Build a tram line
Rich people like trains but not buses. They will absolutely not use buses here, because they are low status. But trains do not suffer this problem

>Add monthly and yearly passes for public trainsit
Most places have these and the voices in my head say they'd greatly expand transit usage

>Add an independent operator authorization
For companies who want to use the public payment system and transit stops to create their own lines

>add some statues and town squares

>allow local guards to take hobos away by force at any moment
Also add those kiosk like police hubs everywhere and a drone patrol 24/7

Also get some vehicles to sweep bc fuck unskilled labor
Imagine willingly admitting you're a midget.

>LVT as the only source of revenue for the city
You'd think that would result in incentives to increase proberty values over all but all that would end up happening is jacked up tax rates to cover for initial loses in revenue. 2/10 idea.

>Abolish the separation of rural and urban zoning
>Create a haussman/hobrecht/cerdá style blueprint to direct growth
>Create a haussman/hobrecht/cerdá style blueprint to direct growth
Sounds a lot like yimby babble but first point is alright.

>Build a tram line
I'll let you in on the rich people secret. It's not that rich people don't like busses, it's that they can afford alternatives that provide more comfort, privacy and separation from the societal scum.

>Add monthly and yearly passes for public trainsit
Every place in the first world has this.

>Add an independent operator authorization
Retarded take for transit within a city.

>allow local guards to take hobos away by force at any moment
Too much of a police state. I'd prefer local militias that can lynch hobos, gypsies. etc.
Also NTA but those 2 are not mutually exclusive - the road USED to he a thoroughfare for all until it became the solely the realm of the automobile, and everyone else was pushed to the sidewalk/gutter

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