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Are bicycles of any real use in rural areas?
>dangerous roads
>next village is 20 miles away
>all the most direct routes are motorways/freeways
literally my situation
its all fine and dandy
different country but allegedly the cagers are worse
I have no basis for comparisson but can testify some are simply psychos.
would be nice if cagers actually took those motorways instead of playing Colin McRae on some bumfuck nowhere roads with their 100hp shitboxes. Just a few days ago I saw some bitch drive on an actual bike road that was next to a normal road just to take a 500 meter shortcut
Same situation in Ireland. If you live in some shitbox town your only options are a bus that goes twice a day or buying a car. As a result, every retard owns a car and sooner or later, crashes it into a ditch or hedge. There isn't even a hard shoulder for cyclists.
Theres a stop light near me at a place thats congested with cagers twice a day during rush hour.
It's easy to tell it's that time if youre on the adjacent bike way because all of a sudden cagers start zooming by a
and will even honk at pedestrians and cyclists.
Police don't care. Partly because they are cagers too. Also because they have existing schemes that generate dependable and steady income.
Yes I ride exclusively on rural roads and prefer it
>end lockdowns
>people go outside
Anyway, the solution to rural roads being dangerous is;
>sentence people using their phone while driving to 6 months hard labour
>institute Japan-like tax reliefs for vehicles under a certain size and weight (biases towards good visibility)
>mandate the construction of cycle highways alongside all historic, current, and future rail infrastructure
>abolish the UK supreme court, leave the ECtHR, and deport millions of immigrants
The last part is the most crucial, how everything else depends on it will be explained after it's done.
On a good day if you excluded tourists then you'd see more bicycles than cars on the roads
t. rural resident
Unfathomably based
Multiple times I've ridden up to the start of an intended hedge lined route, looked at it once and noped because I saw death.
I never really been afraid of rural roads. Frequently turning urban trucks and buses are more scary. I wouldn't go somewhere rural at night but I don't really have much reason to
Now that's what I call based, we ridin
Just don't pass trucks on the left. Idk why people say urban cycling is dangerous. 90% of deaths are women hit by lorries turning left meaning that the vast majority of the deaths are due to timidity. On rural roads however there is nothing you can do to stop some hoon plowing into you at 60 mph.

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