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thoughts, opinions? discuss
they should bring back /asp/
I'm 31 but always wanted to try skateboarding, no idea why I didn't. Unfortunately I have no friends to do it with and not sure if I'd look like a sad bastard skating round on my own.
just do it you faggot
just give it a go, maybe try longboarding first since it’s generally easier, caring what other people think will genuinely get you no where in life
If you have a job that requires you to walk/use your hands I'd avoid it

It's a young man's game, kids and teens bounce when they fall. You WILL fall. Be prepared to fail the same trick 1000 times and look like an idiot. If you are rich and don't give a fuck more power to you.

If you're a regular guy and you didnt learn as a kid/teen then good luck you're going to need it lmao
I got this badboy for 500 bux on sale. Its hella dangerous but it slays so hard i literally get revved at by bikers when i zoom past them as they wait on red.
i just fell and chipped several teeth a couple months ago. Wear a mouth guard I guess. I would normally catch myself with my arms but this time I thought I could save it by running (skateboard got caught on something) like I usually do but no, couldn't.
shit sucks, I was JUST getting over my jumpers knee since getting back into skateboarding, from all the ollie practice.
how do you stop that shit?
i used to longboard all over the place its rly fun
still have my board
but desu its only good downhill
uphill you just carry your board and on the flat even with the best set up youre efficiency is still like that of a scooter because youre only making power from one leg
oh and the supporting leg will get extremely sore after a while of pushing on the flat
learn to ride switch asap as soon as you start riding if you wanna avoid having one leg more muscular than the other
nah you arent that old lol go do it before youre aaaactuuuaally old and cant because of youre fucked hip or something
then youl be wishing you did
get skate gloves fr
im a no helmet fag even when im going death speeds but i always wear gloves
ive always liked the idea of an eboard but im kinda a bicycle granny now so it seems too dangerous even for me
i used to fall off my longboard alot
running never works loll
i just accept my fate and try to slide on my ass
you either wear through your shoe, your wheels or your asscheeks in the act of stopping typically

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