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I’m new to bike tires. Heard good things about gp5000s but they seemed too race oriented and wears quickly. Are there any tires that has a good mix of speed, grip, and durability?
None of the other fast super grippy tires are durable either.

If you pick fast and grippy, they're fragile and expensive.
If you're riding legacy wheels with thin fucking tires like that, all your free time will be spent dealing with flats. See if you can cram some 700x26 cinturato velos on there
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GP5000 all season or the previous GP4season
How do you even ride something like that without crashing, I've got 42mms and riding over a bridge on a windy day is like being drunk
oh no no no no nno lmao
Contis are deprecated, grandpa. Just like your legacy bike with legacy wheels.
hey pirelli managed to scrub the Pogacar 'fuck these shit tires' slippy boi descent video from search on youtube
>fuck these tires


can you post a not botted link? I have shitter blackholed in my DNS
insta is also blackholed too, and so is facebook. youtube is fine. vimeo is good too.

those are p zeros. cinturato and memeskin 5s rate the same on wet grip at brr

basically astrology for bike tires
as opposed to a random clip where you can't even tell what's going on?
Ain’t that thing tubeless? I heard tubeless suck compared to clincher, esp if I get a flat in the middle of nowhere.
if you're riding narrow tires like that, yeah, it's dumb, because it flats almost as often, but it's also a huge mess

if you're on 32mm or bigger, you will go through multiple new sets of tires before a flat becomes even somewhat probable
Wide tires get more flats
There's more area to pick up glass thorns etc
Tubeless tyres are clincher
If your frame has clearance for them, Marathon Almotions are pretty sweet
just get the lightest possible tires. there is a massive difference in rolling resistancew light tires vs heavy

basically puncture-resistant tires are impossible to ride they are so heavy and rolling resistance so bad
wider tires are also thicker for the same model, and there's more air volume and lower pressure so it can seal more quickly and permanently
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also in addition to weight. the wear-resistance is very important. ive tried gatorskin tires which are supposed to be puncture resistant and they are unridable because the wear-resistance is so so high. so avoid any puncture-resistant tires imo
>puncture-resistant tires are impossible to ride
skill issue
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Still having a good time on gatorskins, 28mm rated but measure 26mm. I have another bike with 23's and those are faster. Just a different experience.
I weigh 250 lbs and my gp5ks last me 4000 miles on the front and 3000 miles on the back. I ride tarmac.

Theyre another 50 bucks each over kendas. Spend the $ you feel it cornering 1000%.

Also, never buy tanwalls
you've probably gotten used to them, and their ultra high rolling resistance... when i tried them they were unridably heavy

i will buy gp 5000 next to try out, as they been tested to have low watt resistance in lab tests

this site seems to have all the tires tested

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