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Recommend me a commuter bicycle within a 125mi or so radius of Columbus Ohio.
>5 foot 8
>Rim brakes
>$300 or less
The felt looks like a good deal. Get rid of the DUI stem, get some better tires and wheels, and you've got a nice commuter
For $350? Also niggas like to steal bike seats around campus. How do I make it more difficult?
Where I'm at there are no longer deals on Craigslist, everyone has moved to Facebook marketplace. I don't like it, but it is what it is.
it's too small anyway
is it weird if I make a burner account to ask about listings? will they just ignore me if I have no facebook friends and a clearly fake name?
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Is this any good?
Dont have a quick release. Use a bolt and nut featuring a more obscure drive design. This sort of technology overburdens the specific adversary you have in mind.
you can just get security skewers and carry around a small thing the size of an allen wrench on your keychain to fix flats instead of two wrenches all the time .
also, a theif can carry wrenches but probably won't have a key for security skewers, particularly not your brand. but ok, a theif would probably just find some other wheelset with qr , but since you brought it up
alright I'm going to a co-op bike shop when it opens Saturday. anything in particular I should look for? sleeper picks that won't be too tempting to steal?
eh. entry level 8 speed bike. practically worthless parts.
It's obscenely overpriced
Should fit you okay unless you have really long legs or REALLY short legs.
Stem shifters are good for commuting
Decent reynolds tubing
Old enough that it's not a prime thing to get stolen
More of a fast commuter, not optimal for shit roads.

Better for bad roads, and easier shifting. Good frame, and parts. Tires aren't super fast for road work. Better choice IMO then the road bike above.

Nice parts and a good frame. Needs some love but this is a good price if you can wrench.

Lots of raleighs over in ohio. Most deals are found on offerup and fb. Occasionally a good deal can be ound on craigslist.
>within a 125mi or so radius of Columbus Ohio
Instead of a bike I’d be looking for a gun to blow my fucking brains out. Good luck bro.
t. Also living in Columbus
Im going to OSU. What don't you like about it?
thx. I'll check out some Raleighs
It's probably great as a college student, I heard OSU is a lot of fun.
As someone in their mid-30s who relocated here for work during covid, its fucking miserable. People are generally just fucking retarded with a shit attitude to boot, there's more hood mentality minorities than a Mississippi crack house, some of the worst civil engineering and infrastructure I've ever seen and I'm a born and raised New Englander (seriously what the fuck were they smoking with the North side 270/70 interchange?), property values exploded right as I got here because muh Intel and aren't ever coming back to reality, every single shopping plaza is a run down shithole reminiscent of the third world most of the population came from, I could go on.
I'll sell you my Giant MTX youth bike that's been beat to hell but still werks for 50 bucks. I'm in Cincy.
Pros are nobody will try to steal it.
Cons are the frame geometry is retarded and you will not do anything fancy with it.
Tossed the grip shifts for normal ones some years back so the shifters actually work but are comically large for the handlebars.
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I have a fucked up brooklyn roebling I'd be willing to give you if you wanted to come grab it
it's pretty fucking beat but I was just gonna throw it away
>haven't ridden it in like a year
>bunch of rust
>handlebars were bent and realigned multiple times
>rear derailer or w/e is fucked, used to have to realign it every few days
offer goes out to anyone in columbus btw, the bike retails for like $6-700 so I assumed it would have value to someone who could be bothered to fix it, I cba trying to actually sell it though
Yes, they will respond. But if you're still nervous then you can post your new account and I'll friend you
Bike buying thread? Bike buying thread.

Can anyone help me with the same in my area?

I’m a 6’4 chunked and just looking something to commute to work with, about 9 miles each way. Looking for cheap as possible but I’d get one for about $150

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