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>30% electrification in brazil
Color me surprised, does that count light rail?
Denmark confirmed 3rd world country.
and india is very clearly a utopia
Who needs electrified rail when you can use battery powered trains.
Not serious of course, but dropping the overhead lines, and dropping track loops for axle counters, the track part of trains becomes much easier.

How to solve? Gas turbine electric locomotives running on LPG or LNG? Assuming you don't want to burn diesel for air quality reasons.
Turbine locomotives have been failures
Yeah that surprised me too, maybe it's a typo?
Brazil did have a larger amount of electrification in the past, especially around São Paulo.

Part of the original 'Little Joe' order went there
The painted pilot looks cool
Diesel-electric is really the best portable energy for trains and ships. Natural gas becomes a headache to safely move without using a pipeline, especially with the volumes needed on that kind of power generation. Obviously caternary is the best power-on-demand system for transportation (and nuclear best for electrical supply), but short of huge infrastructure overhauls, either diesel or kerosene generators are the best portable option. Direct-drive gas and diesel make more sense on smaller vehicles like trucks, cars, or small boats, however. As you seem to be aware, all-battery vehicles are fucking stupid for anything more than a personal car.
The lines where electrification isn't worthwhile will often have locomotives stopping in passing loops and idling.

Gas turbines work best when used continuously near or at the maximum rated power. The compressor uses ~70% of the power generated so when idling it uses 70% of the fuel it uses at maximum power.
Compare that to diesels which use 15-20% of the fuel they need at maximum power whilst idling and you can see why they didn't catch on.
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São Paulo railway system still sort of active and there's the Metro and CPTM lines as well.
Maybe that's why they're wealthy, opting for economy and practicality
electric trains have been around for well over a century. electric trains are faster and more efficient. electric locomotives do a better job hauling cargo than diesel locomotives. electric trains are quieter than diesel trains. it is plain obvious that they are wealthy despite neglecting electrification, not because of it
Yes, they're wealthy, smart and highly advanced, that's why they make you seethe you dirty shitskin coping about jews.
>muh efficiency
Whatever that means
>muh speed
Doesn't matter if pax aren't involved
>muh better job
>muh noise
Electric locomotives aren't silent and the train itself is a source of noise anyway
>Doesn't matter if pax aren't involved
"freight is completely insensitive to speed" - you, a retard
Most of it is. That's why so much cargo gets moved by barges on rivers. You should have known that, but in your mind freight = stuff you ordered that's on a UPS truck
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In Spain the national railway entity (ADIF) already has a hidrogen train doing real use trials. Has already done tens or maybe a hundred thousand kms, and has been also travelling Portugal.

Pic rel, at Canfranc Station, Pyrinees.
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Laos is heaven on earth
When is /n/ gonna set up a communist utopia in norcal
>Ignoring the electrified suburban rail systems of both Montreal and Buenos Aires, which pushes their respective countries' percentages above zero.

Incorrect map is incorrect.
kys with that gun bacon, jeebus is waiting
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We also have one running where I live, but it's only a short haul regional service.
If there are zero railways then 100% of the railways are electrified. Fix your map and make Iceland green.
NTA but barges become impractical if the two places youre shipping between arent connected by navigable waterways
Yeah they do
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ate lectrics, luv me diesel, simple as
The train looks sad :(
Absolutely disgusting. Just a play by natural gas distributors to sell more gas. But I'll give the benefit of the doubt; what's the range on that puppy, and how do they compare in terms of reliability and maintenance expenses against a diesel-electric? How is hydrogen stored on that train so it doesn't catch fire?
India's electrification is impressive but they have dismal speeds because they can't stop people walking along the track
Why would you want to stop when you can just run right over them?
The biggest advantage there is that the power lines regularly electrify the creatures riding on top
Isn't their entire system outside the major cities in complete disrepair anyway?
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The storage is in Toyota made fuell cells. Autonomy is unknown, longest trip without recharging H so far is like 850km, but dont how wich part was in regular electric mode.
>travelling Portugal
What line was that? Never heard of it

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