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I’m going to shit my pants. I hate flying and I have to take a flight on an Embraer E190 - the size of the plane scares the absolute FUCK out of me. So small. I get more anxious on small planes.

I flew in one before and it was pretty scary. How do I cope? It’s tiny af and only has two rows, it seats like 40
people and the niggers cockpit is like 5ft away from you.
Pull up, pull up!
Don't sink!
What is society doing wrong that people still wind up having hangups about flying? It's not a new technology, and people in general will get in their own cars, other people's cars, buses, trains, ships, poorly maintained carnival rides.

But somehow airplanes never get credit for all of the safety work that's gone into them.
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All of those other modes you described can be disembarked safely in an emergency because the distance between yourself and the (solid) ground is much shorter, giving the person the illusion of greater safety. In a plane you are stuck inside until you get onto the ground, one way or the other.
>But somehow airplanes never get credit for all of the safety work that's gone into them.
I used to hate flying. I knew they were the safest way to travel, but something about them being really high up and not being able to get out scared the hell out of me.

I got over my fear, but since OP decided to be an edgelord about the cockpit, I'm not sharing what techniques worked for me.
You sure you're not confused? The e190 typically seats 100+, I've flown on the 145 and THATS small: 40 something seats in a 1x2 layout.

You'll be fine. The ejets are wicked comfy and unironically one of the safest regional airliners in the sky right now.
The reason they crash is because a fatass like you goes on a small plane and eventually the plane can’t lift and so it crashes
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This, I specifically try to book E190's when I'm flying. Now these on the other hand..
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Sheesh I've flown cape air a few times wonder how bad it would be for you.
Pic related that front aircraft.
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Regional turboprops are best turboprops
small planes are the best, you can feel the turbulence and the bank angle easier
Why would you watch zoomercrafted ai garbage?
>no middle seat
The only thing scary about it is sitting on the aisle when some fatass tries to walk past you
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Flew on a DHC Beaver as a scheduled flight, from Victoria to Seattle. Had the back row to myself, that was comfy. Picrel - the other passengers were not related to me
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Go to your GP and ask for some valium to take before the flight, you will love flying after that
>disembarked safely
Get back to me after you've jumped from a train in 160km/h onto a power pole or got impaled on some fencing
I wish my GP would just hand out scheduled drugs like it's nothing
You should be fine, OP. E190's only have like a 30-40% mortality rate.
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My bad, it was an E175, which replaced the turboprops on Horizon Air. Still a cool plane though. Very sleek, comfy cabin, no middle seat. I bet it's fun to fly
DHC makes some of the most reliable aircraft in the world. Give your head a shake bud
Man up. Conduct your journey using unmotorized means only. Everything else is degenerate.
>seething this much about being poor
Maybe if you save for a year or two you can afford to fly Ryanair too.
that's why he said it's an illusion, you baboon
>I’m going to shit my pants.
But enough about your regular schedule.
Statistically E-170/E-190s are the single safest passenger plane in existence:

you don't get it. that plane flies 8 sectors a day, every day, for 20 years and everybody always arrives safely at their destination... but OP is so special this time it'll surely be different and it'll crash because OP is the main character and not like millions of other people who flew on that plane. Yes the chance of crash is less than winning a lottery, but OP is soo special don't you know?
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Jesus Christ. Maybe 500 pax per plane is too much.
>inb4 GAAN etc.

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