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Best investment I've made.
>hits a pothole and dies

heh... nothin personal
how many cyclists do you pass on your daily commute?
Future landfill
If you're not on the Move...
sprained my elbow real hard that way
also many of my friends have had accidents when drunk or the ground is wet
i much prefer a bike, those things don't feel safe
>my friends have had accidents when drunk
imagine using this as an argument against anything
next time quote my whole post maybe it will make you realize how stupid you look
wobbling, tired legs and hands
i can ride a bike drunk without incident
I had a pretty bad accident ridíng my bike drunk. How about not riding or driving anything when drunk?
doesn't happen on proper dual suspension scooters with 10"+ wheels
>tired legs
sure, also happens with a bike
if you aren't a weak faggot, no.
i see people riding these things without helmets all the time. really takes some balls riding this electric thing barely keeping you on top of the groundthat can hit a small pothole, rock, slippery spot and send you tumbling to the ground.
>making a thread where you admit not only you're a poorfag, but have shitty judgement and shitty taste
>wobbling doesn't happen if you do put big wheels and suspension
so wobbling is controlled when it is less of a scooter and more of a bike, ok
did you know bikes are less likely to fall off if they have three wheels? if you give them four they never fall!
>tired legs
>>sure, also happens with a bike
yeah but you actually get a useful cardio and thigh workout, unlike standing which only gets you varicose veins
>tired hands
>>if you aren't a weak faggot, no.
if you weren't a weak faggot you would just run to your destination, faggot

cope more

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