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Best investment I've made.
>hits a pothole and dies

heh... nothin personal
how many cyclists do you pass on your daily commute?
Future landfill
If you're not on the Move...
sprained my elbow real hard that way
also many of my friends have had accidents when drunk or the ground is wet
i much prefer a bike, those things don't feel safe
>my friends have had accidents when drunk
imagine using this as an argument against anything
next time quote my whole post maybe it will make you realize how stupid you look
wobbling, tired legs and hands
i can ride a bike drunk without incident
I had a pretty bad accident ridíng my bike drunk. How about not riding or driving anything when drunk?
doesn't happen on proper dual suspension scooters with 10"+ wheels
>tired legs
sure, also happens with a bike
if you aren't a weak faggot, no.
i see people riding these things without helmets all the time. really takes some balls riding this electric thing barely keeping you on top of the groundthat can hit a small pothole, rock, slippery spot and send you tumbling to the ground.
>making a thread where you admit not only you're a poorfag, but have shitty judgement and shitty taste
>wobbling doesn't happen if you do put big wheels and suspension
so wobbling is controlled when it is less of a scooter and more of a bike, ok
did you know bikes are less likely to fall off if they have three wheels? if you give them four they never fall!
>tired legs
>>sure, also happens with a bike
yeah but you actually get a useful cardio and thigh workout, unlike standing which only gets you varicose veins
>tired hands
>>if you aren't a weak faggot, no.
if you weren't a weak faggot you would just run to your destination, faggot

cope more
>doubles your range by sitting and pedaling
>not standing being dead weight
Very personal, kid.
Is it cause it's the only thing more stupidly unstable than a bike?
Rode these things for 3 years. No problems. Then one day, go to the shops at 10pm, hit raised drain cover. Wake up a week later with shattered jaw (plate and wires), plate in skull, 4 missing teeth, brain damage. I was going 20mph.

2 year recovery

I stick to bikes now. And wear a fucking helmet.
> 20mph
Retardbro, safety rules are written in BLOOD
It is not without reason that in the country of white people there is a strict limit of 25 km/h (15,53mph). Even this is too much.

>asuming noone got into accident with a car



50km/h is perfectly safe with a dual suspension scooter if you are not cretin. Helmet and gloves is common sense of course.
Its the perfect solution for city congestion finally. sold my car years ago. If i need one, i just rent it.
Who can actually afford to shower after every single journey? How is this supposed to work for commuting actually? Even if there is a shower at the office, you are supposed to pack and carry full set of clothes every morning. You have to be fanatic to do this. Also much more akward to carry bike into elevators, trains and such.
Fuck you and your cuck limits.
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40 mph scooter, a bit above 1,000$ (plus tax and shipping, about 1,200$)

Yeah you could pay a couple hundred $ for some BASIC scooter that goes 20-25 mph, But That's stupid.
Any scooter that goes below 40 mph is ONLY for Kids/babies.
And could pay 400$ more for 50 mph version (if that's worth it)
Deathtraps with externalized costs to public healthcare. Luckily govt. is about to make rental companies take traffix insurance on these things just for that
Dude I can hurl myself forward at 200mph for less than $50. I'd very likely die in the process, but so would you riding a kick scooter.
Guy has a point. More expensive model have better suspension, acceleration, uphill capability, stability (less play in rudder) etc. Even if you ride them at same speeds as lesser models they have enormous advantage in ride quality.
Only downside they weight a ton, so big problem if you need to carry them over obstacles, or upstairs, etc.
>Invest into consumables
Why not get one you can sit on instead of standing
thats the gayest thing a person can ride every time i see someone riding that gay wisard shit i hope they get hit buy a car and their head gets decapitated
Do you remember what you needed from the shops at 10pm?
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have you ever considered being a man?
if it's less than a liter in displacement then it's a boy's bike not a man's bike
You're missing the point.
The reason to get one of these higher powered electric scooters is you can get away with riding them everywhere.
If the cops find you taking a bike lane with a motorbike on the other hand...
I love these things. I've been to a few cities in the past that had them around and was pretty comfortable with riding them in the road. I want to buy one and just throw it in my trunk for road trips, it would be pretty cool to bust out in some cities. Only thing is I want to buy a name brand one because I've seen how these can catch fire if they're not built correctly.
How the range on yours?
cops shouldn't be a problem if your bike is capable enough. most cops in my area don't even bother pursuing anything with a displacement over 1000cc. not sure how well a dual sport would fare in the city desu
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I still think
>D'Ascanio, who had earlier been consulted by Ferdinando Innocenti about scooter design and manufacture, made it immediately known that he hated motorcycles, believing them to be bulky, dirty, and unreliable.
Was 100% right.
Also the driving position is fucked.

The Vespa is essentially a motorbike without the bad parts of a motorbike.
At the least before it got cucked by moped regulations.
You are standing up on the scooter so you can look ahead and see potholes, bumps and obstructions dummy.

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