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Yep, file this under “based”.
profit is good. Means there is demand.
I had a good time when I took the amtrak to sf from sac.
someone wanna qrd this? how is it "new", did they delete the old one? I've done that route twice, second time I tried to go msp to chi they deleted the whole train and put us on buses but I don't remember if that was a temporary thing or permanent. I remember the old st paul station was gone and it was pushed out to a shitty little bus shelter in the bad part of town. but that was easily 20 years ago now.
Oh look, turns out 400 miles is the correct distance for regional train service in the US, especially if it hits more than one metropolitan area along the way (Milwaukee and Lacrosse are both worth the stops). Amtrak should really lean into the day-long routes for marketing.
I'd be interested to know what their definition of profit is
>live along the route and might want to visit chicago every once in a while
>nearly $200 round trip
Can you sell me on why I shouldn't just drive instead?
Chicago-Arlington Heights-Madison-LaCrosse-Twin Cities HSR
Madison-Fort-Atkinson-Waukesha-Milwaukee & Chicago-Highland Park-Milwaukee at current speeds of whatever the Hiawatha and Borealis do. Guaranteed hit. Literally cannot lose money, even if you’re the government, connecting all these college towns and cities.
>18500 rides in first month
about 18000 of those are train autists trying the new line. It will drop off swiftly,
unless your car gets good gas mileage you are spending more than $100 just on gas for a 800 mile round trip
there's a lot of boomer foamers with money and a lot of free time in that part of the midwest
The concept that public services have to make a direct profit is inherently ridiculous.

Public services are an expense the public tressury takes because they are strategic or critical for the development of the country or the rights of the people. If they make a direct profit, great, but thats not their goal.

Also, if a service can be given with a profit, most times a private corporation will be interested in giving it. Not that that its always a good idea for the national interests tho.

(Captcha: R4DD)
Empire Builder (daily one from Chicago to Portland/Seattle via Minneapolis) still exists, but they added a 2nd daily service just for the leg from Chicago to Milwaukee. Ridership is fairly strong.
i took it. got the roommette. meals are awesome. nobody cool on the train though. just sketch delinquents and amish freaks. and fat old people
I get decent milage at 30mpg, and from my home to Chicago and back it'd be about $75 in gas given the usual $3.25 a gallon around here. If we take my wife's truck it increases to about $90. At that point I'd have a much greater degree of autonomy around the city itself, while also being much more flexible
St Paul (or maybe the state of Minnesota) bought out the old Union Depot back in 2011. They refurbished it so it's now a hub for both Amtrak trains and Greyhounds. Came out looking really nice, they kept the old aesthetic it had when originally built, and just renovated it to be appropriate for modern use. The Empire Builder line has been running from Chicago to Seattle through the Twin Cities for as long as Amtrak has existed, but the new route is just Twin Cities to Chicago, so this route ignores various delays on the over a thousand miles of track out west.
You can be drunk or sleep on the train. That's the argument. Flying you don't have time to either sleep or sober up, and you wind up spending almost as much time in the airport and on the runway in O'Hare, don't pretend you don't.
Adding to the problem is that if you want to go with multiple people the cost keeps increasing, something which only happens with auto travel once you hit certain thresholds.

At a 500% markup
Every train seems to leave late morning or early afternoon, so not really seeing the benefit
Haven't mentioned a word about that
>At a 500% markup
nigga you can bring your own booze onto the train
I like that we're still having the but what's the use case there's no demand argument in a thread about how there's so much demand the service is actually turning a profit
That's not what's happening but okay :)
Rail haters are incapable of logic. It’s like they all have the same learning disability.
>t. persecution complex haver
Why don't more Amtrak regional/long distance trains in the USA use double-deck carriages?

I wouldn't think that axle-load or loading gauge are issues, and the distances between stops should be enough that dwell times are less important.
What I enjoy the most about riding trains in US is the cost and inconvenience.
That would cost around $140 in my 25 year old truck.
Which is still less than $200. And then I have my truck with me.
I can also visit surrounding areas that are not connected by transport.
>Train is about as efficient as a land vehicle gets.
>Trip should be less than half of what a drive would cost and should not last longer than the drive.
Many of them are, but mixing 1 and 2 level cars can be a problem. And with 2 levels you have to incorporate ADA requirements not needed in single level cars.

The only places bi-level Amtrak cars won't fit on their system are tunnels along the NEC.
You have to buy and maintain the truck as well, but then again you'd need to anyway. Meaning it would be cheaper if you could stop having a car completely, but ofc in burgerland that's almost unthinkable.
I don't have a car so taking the train does actually save me money.
In the mixed level train, single level cars can have accessibility whilst the bi-levels can be there to strengthen capacity. For ADA, just have a section of 2-3 single level cars with toilet access and catering, and ensure that all passengers with those requirements get assigned to those cars.

It has the possibility of expanding transit usage, something that will only benefit Amtrak. In addition, Siemens also make a bi-level for the EU. I can't imagine it would be very difficult to adapt for the US.
>You can be drunk or sleep on the train. That's the argument.
People also have to share a ride with nasty people like you on a train. No wonder cars are overwhelmingly more popular worldwide.
The great thing about trains is not having to deal with car traffic or sharing the road with looneys who can’t drive.
Borealis is only $41 each way, pic related for St Paul Union Depot to Chicago Union Station; both of these stations are in the respective downtown areas. If you're getting $100 per trip you're looking at the Empire Builder runs. Those are more expensive since that route goes all the way to Seattle. There are a few expenses that Borealis saves, and is able to pass to consumers.
>No more compensating for train delays
>No overnights for their drivers or crew (just one long as fuck day to go back and forth), saving per diem expenses
>Limited maintenance/fuel stops, since it's just a single day's supplies
So round trip you may be spending around $100, less if you shop around, more if you reserve during peak hours. You also have access to a fairly nice dining car and, of course, the option to have a beverage of your choosing. The Mississippi River Valley in the Driftless Area, which is where the tracks run, is also one of the most beautiful areas of the Midwest, so you can sit back and enjoy the view instead of stressing about driving.

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