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lol this piece of fucking shit makes Boeing look good
cause of the accident?
>makes Boeing look good
>makes Boeing look good>

>206 aircrafts delivered, deliveries beginning in 2011
>5 hull loss
>89 deaths

why does it have drag queen eyes
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/pol/s too busy to be shitposting about drag queens on /n/ right now.
Can confirm! They are shitposting on /lgbt/ rn its very annoying
Russia trying to recapture that Soviet glory when any vehicle could kill you at any moment.
>/n/ and /lgbt/ share the user base
Lmao checks out
Look at those tiny turbofans
Has Russia not invented high-bypass yet or something?
Bounce test ... failed
designed by drunk engineers, flown by drunk pilots
I mean obsessing over efficient infrastructure like trains and being trans are both more prevalent for autistic people so yeah it checks out.
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Maybe they should've bought Chinese planes
Not like the Russians have a better choice
what for, their oil is worthless, might as well burn as much of it as they can to make coastal cities like new york sink
they'll lose st petersburg if they do that but gov't hates it anyway, it's too european and snobby and bitches too much about the gov't so letting it sink would make putin stronger
Russia never truly industrialized. There is an Austrian company that they depend on to make the machine tools for making shells.
Vodka, CSGO2 update.
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There is limited but obvious crossover.
>28 May 2014
I've been laughing at this screenshot for a decade and it still hasn't gotten old
Why is Delta using Russian jets?

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