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Navigate it.

Note: it didn't have any stop signs until 2008 after too many fatalities caused them to decrease the efficiency of traffic flow.
I treat the island sections(not the roundabout) as yields, and the roundabout is for left turns or going in circles.
If I see sketchy stuff going on frequently I avoid it
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my improved version :)
if I want to turn left I go around the roundabout. I assume the shape is due to business access on the top of the picture. and I assume from every street you can just go straight through. besides the bottom street under the white house which has to go around the roundabout to continue down the leftmost street.
Reminds me of driving through Warsaw. Just make that jam packed with cars and add a couple of trams into the mix. Total chaos.
The icy slush is a nice touch here.
Why this kind of intersections are common in Eastern Europe?
This was an intersection in my city (except even worse somehow) before it got massively reworked. Yeah it had stop signs on each street but there were like 8 two-way streets converging still in a fucked up nexus of pavement chaos. Not sure I ever biked through the original design. The current design directs you to ride on the sidewalk and use the crosswalks, pretty easy and the drivers act just about graciously enough.
kek is this east longmeadow?
It’s not even that bad although I admit the signage they added does help if you’re not familiar with the area.
See also: Kelley Square. But I haven’t been back to MA in years, I hear they fixed that one.
This might be because most Iron Curtain cities were built with war and defense in mind, that's why they usually have unnecessarily wide streets and other quirks.

Building a fortification on a flat intersection without a roundabout with a statue or a bunch of trees in the middle would be much easier.
They were used more often as squares rather than roads because of how few people owned cars.

You can set up a yearly parade or selebration in the name of some random mass murderer every other week easier with those.

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