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i have about 25 tires, wheels and rims all shoved on a high shelf in my small bedroom. they fit pretty condensed upright against the wall. but as they get further from the wall they flop more and more and more...

any good diy methods for condensed wheel storage?
i find i have to remove or add a wheel or tire out of there maybe once a month
looking for ideas on keeping them all stacked upright.

i was thinking maybe make some sort of diy "book end" piece of wood clamped or screwed to shelf?
Nigga got the tinfoil hub lmaoing at u rn fr
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I just tie them all together with zip ties and tow them behind me with a tow rope. Sure it may slow me down a little but this is not a race, and you never know when you might need a spare wheel. Sure beats having to stop and true your wheel every 3 miles like I used to! I feel sorry for NPCs who think they have to pay a special "bike mechanic" when you can just pick up an abandoned wheel when your inventory gets dangerously low.
You're going to want to get a bike trailer to throw that shit in. You can even use it to transport your tools so you don't have to use frame and saddle bags. Those cause unneeded drag and additional stress on the frame imo.
>get a piece of 2x2
>mount it to the ceiling
>screw hooks into it
>unneeded drag
That sounds like race-ist talk
that will use up like 8x as much space and cost $70 in hooks
>can't afford hooks
salvage big nails then and bend them and wrap them in tape
The longer hooks are good too, then you can stash multiple wheels on them.
What I have going on in the garage since we got some race wheels and the oem ones.
still doesnt resolve the issue of taking up much more space than shoving them against each other.
i appreciate yall helping me brainstorm , tho
>i have about 25 tires, wheels and rims all shoved on a high shelf in my small bedroom
>25 tires, wheels and rims
>in my small bedroom
Stop hording.
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There's an abandoned bike I've been seeing downtown during the week with these weird bolts, anyone know how to work these things? Do I need to get an angle grinder? I don't want to damage the wheels because they look pretty nice, it's a rohloff in back and a SON dyno hub up front.
>with these weird bolts
Those are anti-theft nuts, looks a lot like the ones Pitlock makes. The take a special kind of bit to open and are installed to ward off fuckers like you.
>stop hoarding

i cut out most of the bullshit. a lot of those wheels and tires i use to help fix up other peoples bikes
Look man you got to quit that shit. Maybe it's not a bad thing from where you're standing but from the outside looking in you're standing at the edge of a cliff. Keeping bike parts is a *very* slippery slope. It starts out with a few tires and some spare hubs, next thing you know you've got 25 boxes labeled 'bike frame' stacked in you garage. You've already let them take your bedroom. What's next? Your wife?
Based. This is not a race
I can't tell if OP is having a posting battle with himself again, or if there is a reason this thread gets reposted months apart from each other.

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