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yeah but I'm a right wing retard who needs a tractor 10x the power so I can make this country an unlivable hellhole
This has the same energy as those old "remove kebab" videos, is it intentionally weird or is this just the estatic you get when you throw mobile phones at people who skipped the whole "computers and dialup" thing
Why are they farming sticks and dirt? Is this the indian diet?
that is sugarcane i think
rent free seething poor bunkertroon lmao
>implying that filling the streets with indians in tractors would make riding a bike safer
What the fuck are you even complaining about? Cornfield sprawl? Non-walkable thousand-mile expanses?

Can pretty much guarantee those tractors are using more fuel to accomplish those pulls than an appropriately-sized tractor would be. They're revving the nuts off them.
In my area individual lots are very small. There's no economy of scale in working them using bigger tractors. Everyones standard of living is essentially carried completely by agricultural subsidies alone. As a result you can be negligent and still be just as well off. Everyone around me keeps getting bigger and heavier machinery every few years because in the smooth brain it signifies status and probably gets your son a bride or something like that.
The fuel here is subsidized too btw. If you use it for 'agriculture'. So as long as it goes into a tractor. You then use that to go to places like Mc Donalds and to haul freight because you don't need the same license to move the same weight here if you use a farm tractor and go 60 instead of using a trailer tractor and go 80.
And? You realize that a 10hp engine could easily pull this weight using the right gearbox?
Pajeets are literally dumb as fuck if they think thats somehow impressive.
>Indians pull over 100k lbs with 55hp tractors like picrel
I can pull a 4x4 truck out of a ditch with my bare hands and a 5t-rated rope long enough to put 5 trucker's hitches in.

Mechanical advantage is treated like magic by thirdies. It's why Europe invented everything and conquered everyone.

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