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this shit is why no one is taking public transit. despite the subways being so fucking dangerous the national guard needed to be called in and criminals force feeding people human shit before being released on cashless bail, NYC is adding gun scanners to subways to make sure you can't exercise your constitutionally protected right to carry a gun in public, both on the subway and at your destination
These don't even work because you can literally just walk out of the subway system instead of consenting to a search.
>there goes my tax money FUCK
or the fact that most riders of color literally fair evade anyway.
>that beeping exit door while tons of people walk into the subway. my favorite part is retards want ban cops from catching fair evaders because its all riders of color
Someone can just bring a knife or some kind of shiv that looks like an ordinary object.
they aren't even adding it to every station, just a select few. if these are going anywhere but exclusively the ghetto they are worthless
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Public transportation kills
very true
Nyc is such a shithole lmao
why do they blame guns? they know what the real problem is.
because guns obviously act on their own
[spoiler]because they want people to be victims and they want to protect the criminals [/spoiler]
another CTA Purple line W

it's not just the us systems, any older system without full height psds and good ventilation will have this problem. paris is notably bad as well. rubber tyres are even worse.
not shocking with how shitty the subway smells even if you ignore the bo and homeless piss and shit

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