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Finally something practical from Crust bikes

20" wheels, breakaway frame, touring geom
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didn't david hon do this like 15 years ago with the smoothhound? oh wait that wasn't a mediocre white guy so this has never been done before
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This is a breakaway not a folder
Seems pointless regardless since you can fit a full size bike inside a case
20" wheels are stronger and accelerate fast, one minor plus.

But also if you're traveling on planes and trains, and staying in small hotels, a 20" wheel is an awesome option.

Also extremely common tire size I think. I love my 20" folder
Nevermind pedal-strikes, that thing looks like it'd strike the derailleur in a tight turn.
i want something like this but a lil more bmx
like a basic single speed just a rear brake a low frame and a looong seat post like folding bikes have with a quick release seat clamp
with bmx handlebars ofc
idk how i build this contraption but from my research a bmx wont work
modern mtbs derailliers hang even closer to the ground than that lol
ground clearence would be fine if it werent for the 1x memes

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