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File: 23093262159_9291edebf9_o.jpg (2.16 MB, 2448x1632)
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I refuse to accept that there is an actual place called "Leeds", it sounds completely ridiculous
File: Leeds.jpg (328 KB, 1600x1067)
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>I refuse to accept that there is an actual place called "Leeds", it sounds completely ridiculous
Yes, it's true. It's also the second largest economy in the UK, after London
that skyline looks like the capital city of some shit hole flyover state
Looks more like the kind of city you'd see the People's Republic of China build out of a county seat. You know, the sorts of towns which have the population to support half the infrastructure the government built.
cool train
You're both correct
>Reminder, this was the empire of the world through the late 19th Century
Its former colonies have nicer secondary cities than Leeds
now, there's an unpleasant stereotype about train enjoyers, but in this case, i think it's justified
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.
>Reminder, this was the empire of the world through the late 19th Century
Yes, and the buildings built at that time reflect that.
Please don't mention Jimmy Savile.

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