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why is Nepal so eager to fuck up air safety statistics every single year? that tiny country makes up like 50% of all air transport deaths, just stop
I'll never tire of seeing plane crashes. Always spectacular.
RIP, F, etc.
He didn't fly so good.
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I think I'm going to Katmandu
That's really, really where I'm going to
If I ever get out of here
That's what I'm gonna do
Air safety culture from the 19th century + tallest mountains in the world

If you deleted one or the other they'd be russia tier - not great, not horrifying
What're we thinking? Did they not set the flaps/slats for take-off?
Looking at the videos the visibility seems okay enough to not cause significant problems. The right wing dips down dramatically. I’m thinking improper configuration prior to takeoff like you said. Kind of reminds me of the Northwest 255 crash.

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