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heres a very work in progress pic of my 3x13 39speed
i couldnt see any reason why a 13s wouldnt fit my 9s hub and it seems to so far lol, wit a spacer too
desu im probably gonna convert it to a 2x11 at some point to save weight this is just for funsies
im also running a 12s chain because 13s are silly expensive
what are the chances this fails epically?
you may not like it but this is what peak uphill performance looks like
you're a fucking nutjob and I love to see it.
don't forget that you also can crankmaxx for optimal leverage when going vertical. I'd go at least 175mm.
How big are the chainrings?
oh my god. the frame even says SOVL
i like how the cockpit is turning out
i have some 9s microshift thumb shifters mounted upside down inbetween my levers and dildos
my grips got lost in the post i think so im still waiting on them but the cockpit feels very ergonomic and comfy so far
i can actually use just my thumb to shift both ways without moving my fingers off the brake levers which i dont think i can do with any other shifter even gripshifts
and i can reach them from the purple bar ends easily
my right shifter for the 13s has a nice ratchet
the left hand one is a 9s i ghetto converted to pure friction but for 2 or 3 gears thats fine
would be nice to get a right handed 3 speed to put on the left so theyre both ratcheted if i can find one
also i have compressionless housing for the bb7 calipers and speed dial levers
im very exited for these i think this might be peak mechanical braking performance
i think the stock pads are resins so il be changing them to semi metallic when the weather starts getting worse
lol no ive got 145s
my gearing is low enough that ive got all the leverage i need even at that length
chainrings are 22t 32t 36t
i couldve put a 44t on there but i think 36 is as big as i need on this bike
hehe me and my frens all call this bike the cotic sovl
Next level is the classified hub+this.
based rear crossmax enjoyer
yeah id like a super high engagement hub of some kind because with a 22t to 52t ratio even on this reeelatively high engagement hub the gaps between clicks are still giant
theres these bullshit ones with 300 clicks or something on aliexpress hubs that tempt me
id need to learn to lace a wheel though so thats gonna be a future upgrade
i might be able to get some old trials hub or something on ebay perhaps, thatd be fitting for this build
>based rear crossmax enjoyer
is that this wheel?
i got this thing off a folding bike i bought thatd been heavily modified with mtb parts
i dont rly know anything about wheels but it looks perfect on this bike so i like it

It’s so optimized for peak uphill it doesn’t even have functional brakes.

Seriously, though, you’d be surprised how much energy you’re squandering with these type of knobby tires.
tbqh high engagement is just nice if you do super techy trials, or like the BZZZZZ sound.
Yeah it looks like a rear mavic crossmax, could be a mavic crossride.
The crossmax has the big weird aluminum nipples, straightpull spokes, and was a pretty high end wheel at the time(early 2000's into early 2010's). Since yours is disk it's probably early 2010's/late 2000's.

Mostly a trail/all mountain wheel. Modern classification would be downcountry/ light enduro. Could be tubeless ready since mavic was early on the UST(Universal standard tubeless) designation.
Mavic wheels were pretty good back then, they just had bad customer service in the states and fell out of favor, while dt swiss was gaining steam+carbon wheels were getting popular.
brakes just slow you down hehhhehehehehhhhhhehe
yeah im gonna change the tyres to some proper fast rolling crosscountries at some point
i do really enjoy dh style tyres though
theyre noticably slow on smooth ground but the infinite grip is worth it when i get to use it
for now this bike is more of an experiment for fun thing but over time even after ive gotten it rideable im going to keep changing things out to refine it down into a nice crosscountry bike, dropper post and suspension fork are on the list too
it says crosstrail on it
id like a buzzy hub but not too obnoxious, this one makes a quite nice hard ratchet almost like a freewheel
yeah this is the first wheel ive had with straight pulls, aero spokes too which by amazing luck gives me the clearance for the cassette not to rub lol
thanks for the info on the wheel
Sheldon already built a 63 speed bike

fuck yea dude
that thing is awesome

>22t 32t 36t
get a 53t big ring please.
yep, this one is peak
All those gears and you will still be spinning out on 36x11
yo based!
im reading through it
i love sheldon so much, that madman is a big inspiration in my own madness
ive had similar ideas too for bikes using multiple sprockets on gear hubs
a 3x13x2x3 234speed is actually quite possible
i cant afford the gear hubs though
i also theorized a 2x3 6 speed fxed gear using gear hubs
oh i just remembered if i actually tried to build any of these id probably explode the gear hubs by putting too much torque through them
hehe thanks
44 is as big as my fd can take unless i make my granny gear bigger but i dont wanna do that
just for fun il get a 44t chainring for her though just to really rangemaxx my drivetrain
i ride touring bikes too and my ideal set up for that is a 22t to 44t 2x drivetrain so i can use the 44t for that in the future
that bike wont be gearmaxxed as in number of gears but it will be rangemaxxed with a giant cassette too
if im on the 36x11 im already going down a fairly steep hill so i can let gravity take me
on my tourer that i ride on the road and take on more gravel type offroading 36 would be too spinny yeah
ground clerance is also one other reason for the 36 over a 44, weight too i guess
dont worry il definitely post pics of my other bikes at some point im gearmaxxing all of them and experimenting with various set ups
next i need to brakemaxx
i need a bike thats both rim and disk brake compatable then i can have 4 brakes and use tt bars for the other 2 brake levers or something lol
>44 is as big as my fd can take unless i make my granny gear bigger but i dont wanna do that
front (and rear) derailer capacity is kinda meaningless unless you're setting up a bike for someone who refuses to understand their shift pattern. It only affects your ability to crosschain small/small without rubbing, but that's not a useful gear, and the rubbing doesn't damage anything if you go into it by mistake. Same with rd capacity.

what matters is matching the curvature of the derailer cage to the big chainring, and with a triple fd, the middle ring shift groove. So yeah i guess it probably wouldn't work well with that mech (those mechs look awesome btw)
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that was a tandem thing back in the day
mafac made dual cable brake levers
people would run drums and cantis

you can actually still get dual cable levers
they're also used by disabled athletes sometimes
setting these up must be a nightmare
the front deraillier has a hard 22t limit between the biggest and smallest chainrings or the chain will rub the top an bottom so there are limits
i have run fds with the wrong size chainrings before also it can work
22 to 44 is my favourite range though and what the fds i run are all made for
>(those mechs look awesome btw)
yeahh this is absolute peak shimano for me they look so edgy i love it
i wish i could have a tandem one day theyre so cool
26in mtb is the pick here. Particularly around 2000's when forks came with disk brake mounts and canti/v brake bosses.
Rear might be harder since most frames didn't do disk and canti bosses, but I am sure it's possible.
>the front deraillier has a hard 22t limit between the biggest and smallest chainrings or the chain will rub the top an bottom so there are limits

>rub the top
>rub the bottom
doesn't matter

it doesn't matter

not trying to convince you to do it just making a general point about derailer limits not mattering. It's not a hard limit at all.
Non-aero levers are a pleasure to set up. I fucking hate aero levers
>peak uphill performance
With fucking thumb shifters? I hope you are planning to change that otherwise everyone will know you don't climb anything significant
im sorry man but this fd is kinda a collectable and in good condition i really dont wanna scrape it up
the biggest i can go is 44, a 53 with a 31t granny could work but if it doesnt then the chain will scrape up the fd
yeah theres a version of this on-one fork that has vbrake bosses and disk mounts, i wish i had that one but mines disk only and so is my frame
theres a rare version of this frame that has vbrake mounts but its like rare rare there might only be one or two of them
theres quite a few hybrids and tourers that are compatable with both so i can do a quad brake set up at some point
hhahaa yess damn it took a while the boards rly slow atm what gives?
anyway die?
i can shift from any gear to any gear with one flick of my thumb
fuck mashing a plastic button to try to get down my gears lol
i live in wales btw
i guess its not the swiss alps but its steep as shit everywhere here
normies think im retarded for cycling anywhere but the flat bike paths and towns lol
>not trying to convince you to do it

>collectable front derailer
these old bike parts are gonna be worth alot one day maaan
that dinner plate is making me laugh.
but as long as it works I guess it's fine. that is an extremely low gear, I'm not sure the little ring would even be useful? can you actually ride it fast enough to stay upright in small front big rear? or even mid rear?
omg my thread is still up
i was gone camping for a week i didnt expect it to still be here
the boards rly slow this time of year i guess
i havnt made any progress on the bike yet
i actually bought a new 90s trek hybrid while i was gone so thats gonna be my main project because i need a shopping bike
work on my 39speed mtb will resume later
the trek is gonna have a 50t 9s cassette on it soon so im still gearmaxxing
old bike parts are increasing in value rapidly rn
people are buying them all up because theyre realizing how shit all modern plastic garbage components are
>tfw i was actually trying to figure out what dinner plate you meant
the cassette is actually about that big lol
and yeah i can balance in a gear that low
its rly not that slow im still moving at like 2mph, still alot faster than pushing my bike up a hill that steep
i can trackstand anyway so it doesnt matter how slow i go
Are you riding 45 degree hills or something?
unironically i climb retardedly steep shit on mtbs so i can ride back down
can you retrofit planetary gearbox at crank?
i havnt made any progress on the bike in a while
i made a new fren recently who was a pro mtb rider in my local area who knows all the trails and stuff round here so im gonna rush to get it finished in the next few days
will update with pics of it at the top of a mountain to confirm it werks
i have considered a shlumpf mountain drive 2 speed bottom bracket and theres a couple of rear hubs i could use with 3 to 12 gears that could take a big cassette
recumbent bikes especially the offroad ones have gear set ups like this with 100s of total gears
mayhapse one day i will
hubs are expensive tho and id need to be heauling aloooooot more weight to justify it
plus hubs break when you overload them with super low gearing so iiddkkk
theyre heavy too and im trying to keep make the giant cassette the only peice of excess mass on this bike
the shlumpf drive mtb would be sick though
i took the bike out today with just gears no brakes
it works!
i didnt get any pictures tho sorry
i will soon when the brakes are done but i need a new cable cutter and more zip ties first
i pulled a drug fueled power day and got alot done
new star nut in the fork
fd shimmed not held on with tape
new (90s) seat a little narrower so it doesnt get in my way so much
i still havnt bought new grips after my last ones got lost in the post so im having to swap my 1 pair of lock ons from bike to bike lol
cassette chain and chainrings were thoughrily cleaned of grease dirt and lubed
both shifters are all cabled up looking neat
10 hours of fiddling with deraillieurs
just enough to get it barely rideable
the 2 lowest gears on the cassette arent smooth because the chainlines bad and theres nothing i can rly do about that for now besides thinner tyres or some occursed jank involving bending the frame and redishing the weel
the derailleurs are handling it fine but my shifters only just baaaaarely have enough pull to get to 13th so im having to do some alternative cable routing to make it werk
i know if 3x13 juust works a 2x11 will work perfectly on these shifters so thats likely what il do next because shes is tailheavy as fuck rn and the cassette acts like a flywheel and makes it less responsive
its smooth but this isnt fast
oh and the short cranks are short
145s might be a lil too short idk they feel very short compared to the short 152s ive been riding
idk it was a 10 min ride il see how short they feel when ive ridden them for longer
im very exited to finish the bike and test this jank for real up the mountains and get some pictures
i can tak youtube videos of the (possible world record?) drivetain working too
also to the one bitch on here who said friction shifters wouldnt work on an 11s because too many geaarss i need muuh indexing waahh
kys 13 is so easy its like a cvt
the shifts are mostly silent too very smooth
blog over
it works :)
it feels good to ride an mtb again
and in woods that are completely new to me
its technical here and im rusty so my aggressive tyre tread and brake set up have been the real mvps so far
i hugged my bike while i was at this cosy spot
i think i might be gay for it
maybe im just exited because this was a year long project
thanku <3
Crank length has nothing to do with speed; if anything, too long just makes you slower by having you stress the leg muscles/knees more
What are you climbing with that?
Explain to me how an 11s cassette doesn't fit on a 9s hub, but a 13s does????

Hubs make no fucking sense man.
The way cassettes for hyperglide style freehub bodies normally work is that you have sprockets and spacers that fit onto a splined freehub body, and how many you can fit is limited by the length of the cassette body. It's possible to exceed that limitation by adding sprockets with a large enough interior diameter, on a carrier assembly that also has a sufficiently large diameter, that they overhang the base of the hub and spokes. This is why it's possible to make 12 and 13 speed MTB cassettes with massive sprockets that fit on existing 10sp freehub bodies. The same trick doesn't usually work for road cassettes because the sprockets just aren't big enough, though Shimano 12sp road cassettes do use this method to fit on 11sp bodies, and that's why 30t is the minimum largest sprocket size for them.
An addition to this: The same idea is used for XDR cassettes too. Here's a picture of a 13sp XPLR cassette - you can clearly see how sprockets 12 and 13 are stepped out from 11 so the thickness of the cassette that interfaces with the XDR freehub body remains unchanged.
I'd like to do something similar to OP's but with a road bike and making it work for a larger range, so I can climb and then not max out on the downhill... as is the 53x12 I have now I basically cant push any faster than 50 mph so I think if I were to switch to a 60t in front and a 10t mountain bike style in back should help me break ~65mph on the steepest mountains/hills I have around here. How do I go about setting this up?
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not even having an 11t cog means your bike is gimped for top speed in a very basic way so your meme proposal is kinda ridiculous.

55 / 56 big chainrings are fairly standard road race equipment, shimano and TA both make them for modern 4 bolt hollowtech cranks.
55-60t chainrings are also not that hard to buy, 5 bolt 110 or 130 bcd.

So it's an easy thing to do as long as you don't have a braze on fd hanger.

Seeing as this is for meme purposes I wouldn't bother with the 10t cog. It's not going to do anything for the visual meme appeal of your drivetrain.
I also wouldn't go for a super wide cassette as it will not look cool.
>Seeing as this is for meme purpose
while you are right it is for meme purposes I also kind of want to do this... but with a cheap bike that already has a triple in front, I bet I can find one in the $100 range and I have a set of wheels that I can put a 11spd cassette on... I know I am about to have a 12speed cassette that is a little tweaked because the new one shows up this week... This could be a fun little project. The other side of this is to make it so it can climb just about anything at a snails pace.
you also need to find someone to motopace you or just draft busses/cars on faster roads.
spinning up a huge gear on a descent isn't it, you can reach 100 km/h with standard gearing and a good aero tuck, they do it all the time in pro races and they aren't pedaling at those speeds.
it's about spinning it up on the flat.
I don't think it's worth doing on a bike that isn't cool and kinda fancy, like OP.
You are probably right and it would probably end up costing more than I'd be willing to spend... and then the mixing and matching of parts... and just finding and assembling, and then maybe fabricating to make it fit to a frame it was never intended for would take too much time.
>fabricating to make it fit to a frame it was never intended for
>would take too much time.

those are both nonsense reasons, wtf would you have to 'fabricate'? Bicycles ARE intended for such things.
>i want a silly meme project but i'm lazy
why even bring it up lol
bro I was just inspired for a minute or 2 lol

seriously it would be fun if I had a ton of spare parts at my disposal, but I don't
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I think there might be something wrong with your brakes
Ok now put your 13s cassette on a rohlff hub

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