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and now there is no reason to even get EV anymore with this bike


> - doubled up steer links and brakes
> - the cab has the same safety crash rating as a smart car
> - can carry 2 kids or 600lb cargo
> - belt drive
For the price of this monstrosity i could buy a used car and fuel for the next 3 years anon.
That might make more sense than buying a Rivian or a Tesla. But IMO, these cargo bikes only make sense for those who want to live alone in an urban or suburban area. Innawoods? You share the road with truckers and soccer moms going 55mph. And they don't like doing that when your e-bike maxes out at 20. Or having their taxes raised to build sidewalks/bike paths.
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there's so many drawbacks to this thing I don't even feel like engaging
ten fucking thousand dollars
if it doesn't have an ai that does chores and sucks my dick I don't want it
Yeah, I could see how these could work in countries where everyone is either white or Japanese.
>is an even bigger, easier-to-hit target for motorists who hate cyclists
You know you'll look like a gigantic fag riding that fucking frankenbike, right?
What kind of a fool do you have to be to pay for a BSO like this?
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at this rate why don't you just buy a fucking motorcycle? Get an Adventure bike or even a crooser, would be an investment compared to this.
they're different
I'm all for people riding bikes and using cars less, but I do think there's a natural limit to what's smart to put on 2 wheels if it's not going to be counted as an automobile/motorcycle. Bakfiets are right at the edge of that limit. Massively overbuilt, motorized bakfiets are over the line.
they're ubiquitous and successful in NL
you don't hear the dutch complain about how they're a menace on shared infrastructure, just that they're dorky.
seeing as the use case is taking your young kids to school, there's already an effective limiter on how obnoxiously people ride them.
And if you include repair costs, taxes and insurance, you'd have to repeat your expenses annually. So the point your making is that owning a used-up low end shitbox is like buying a brand new top end bike every single year.

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