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>Trying to ride on my bike
>Sitting on saddle
>Feel a gentle pressure on my pelvic floor
>As I ride there's a consistent, rhythmic shifting of the pressure as I pedal
>Getting a stiffy
>Try to ride harder to get the blood going somewhere else
>Can't actually pedal standing comfortably for long so I'm back to sitting quick
>Even on the heaviest gear I'm still pedaling pretty fast so the rubbing just gets more intense
>Make it home horny as shit and have to crank one out right away
>Cum like a fountain because I've been "edging" for like 90 minutes riding
How the fuck do you avoid this?
I just want to ride my bike but my pelvic floor/crotch/balls are too sensitive to stimulation.
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why would you want to avoid this?
but also get a saddle with a cutout in the middle
cyclist syndrome unironically
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Try riding on a rough gravel strip or cobblestone next time and report back. For science of course.
Is that you in the picture? Nice. If so, how big is your cock? (If you're circumcised I'm not interested. Gotta have standards.)
Why am I attracted to girls asses and crotch? I am tired of this shit. It has been decades! I can't wait till I am old and impotent
Won't work. You'll still be attracted to hot girls. And it'll be even more frustrating.
pic related is a genetic female you retarded zoomer. chicks don't have dicks asshole
agree to disagree

t. millennial
>pic retarded
Dude she's a girl, not mentally handicapped.
>How the fuck do you avoid this?
you dont

more sauce for all of us
I wish I had this problem. Any time I make an effort on the bike I get a literal micropenis temporarily. Like 00s comedy movie or humiliation porn small. Basically an innie. He returns to normal after a hot shower.

I wish I could show of my hog to the summer workers in the cafe on my route, but mosquito bite dick isnt visible through even a thin layer of grey lycra. Im just ken starts playing when I enter
nope. a faggot man doped up on estrogen wearing womens clothing is still a faggot man. women do not have cocks and balls, period.
>>201493 you haven't spent much time around women have you
That happens to me too since all the blood is in my legs, glutes, and calves not my weiner.
Curse of the grower not shower.
Lol! Girl. Not retarded. Lol! Unless your a fag tranny your going to find out the reality someday child!
Why have you used this most eatable assed woman to trick me into reading about your baby dicked adventures? Also: who is she?
I too was tricked fellow anon
>muh incel
And if you're not a faggot, you're going to have sex one day

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