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Why is Montreal's bike sharing system so popular compared to other North American cities?
Liberal psychology: the only good version.
My theory is because we've had it for longer than other cities and we have more bike lanes
It's a real lesson showing that more socialist policies can work, but they have to be willful. A critical mass of self regulation for anything to work. No high-minded posturing or "good ideas" can fix anything if a will to make things better isnt preloaded I'm people's heads by.....whatever, who knows? Point is it's either there or not. Act accordingly.
gay genes
You don't know how right you are. surveys show alternate lifestyles are more mindful about how their choices effect things and cycle and use mass transit something like 11% more.
Because Montreal is the epitome of "people just want to get to work". In the 60's/70's people only used cars because that was the only real way of getting around. Nowadays, the roads are all fucked and traffic is insane (because of construction and population growth that didn't have adequate infrastructure build up to compensate). When I went to uni, from where I live to school it took me 40 minutes at peak traffic hours, that same distance covered by bike took 9 minutes. If you're going 10km or less, you're better off by bike. If your work and home are within walking distance of a metro station, you're usually good. But the system is starting to show age and breaks down constantly. And you gotta deal with being squished next to blacks and browns at busy hours too. Not to mention all the homeless shooting up down there. If you're dirt, dirt poor, the public transit system is very affordable and great. If you're not, it's not desirable. In comes Bixi. You can bike anywhere you need and drop it off at a lock-up. Many people live in tiny ass places and have no room for a bike, and many less have the tools and the intelligence to fix them. So they either have to use LBSs or just be permanently broken down. It's not ideal. So with Bixi, you don't think, you just pedal. They have E-bikes on rent too. And there even is Bixi in the winter, with studded tyres.

Also, all other places have their public bike rentals based on Bixi, we were the first. They rebrand them, but when you see those bikes in Germany, they're really Box's with a fresh coat of paint.

So in short, driving sucks because of traffic, fucked roads, and parking.

Public transit is a cesspool.

Leaves biking, very time efficient and a much more enjoyable experience to get from A to B.

I drive to work, because I work 70km away, off-island. But if I worked near where I live, I'd definitely don't by bike.
Bump. Important thread.
>driving sucks because of traffic, fucked roads, and parking
it sucks because it's inherently inefficient, there are cities with 10x the road infrastructure of montreal with far worse traffic like LA, it's a battle you can never win and it's basic geometry (unless everyone decides to go 4-5 to a car and carpool)
>Public transit is a cesspool.
I don't live there and only went like 6 years ago but people say the same thing about vancouver and I take it everyday with no issue so this is probably a meme.
it's culturally very different in Quebec, they speak French, eat different foods, etc. I'm not trying to be a dick but you know where Montreal is right?

We could try to sort through causal and correlation, but I personally think the main reason is that they don't have the same stigma towards bikes as the rest of north America because the language/culture somewhat isolates them.

We can't look past how stigmatized cycling is in north America, it's the elephant in the room.

Cyclists are:
Don't care about traffic laws
Gay probably

Of course this isn't true, this is the the transportation version of racism, stereotypes and whatnot. But when the statistics are 50% higher than the average, what else is there?

I doubt it really has jack to do with traffic.
follow up,
it'd honestly make more sense to compare bike sharing statistics with European cities than it does American
>San Francisco and Pittsburgh, extremely hilly, about 70/30 ebike to pedal use ratio
>LA, urbanized areas are pretty much completely flat, 85/15 ebike to pedal use ratio
Are southern callifornians that lazy?
It's not because of hills, but distance and average traffic speeds on the streets. That's not to say that travel habits in southern California aren't insane (they are), but a preference for e-bikes makes sense in context.
>this is the the transportation version of racism
so you're saying it's accurate pattern recognition that seeps through no matter how much people try to ignore it?
Because it's easier to bike in montreal cause they built the city that way. People in america act like if you DON'T build it they will come.
Because ebikes make more sense on flat land?

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