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T/o/urist here, can one of you guys explain to me who buys these things and why
people in southern europe use scooters for commuting
No I know, I specifically meant three-wheeled scooters
Idk man you'll probably get a more coherent answer in the bike thread on /o/. We here are all too poor to afford even a basic scooter.
That looks tippy
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It leans, you can't tell the difference with a regular scooter when you're riding it
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but what's the point??
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it's kind of a gimmick and also that's a motor vehicle so not really /n/ related. but they use them for delivery in japan, likely due to being more stable around tight corners at low speed.
Legal issues.

Here in Yurop you can only ride 125cc and 15hp bikes with the car driving license. BUT if its a tricycle you can bypass that limitations.

So if you dont have a motorcycle license but want to ride something capable of highway speeds, you have to buy one of those.

Also, they are quite safe specially on wet and surprisingly agile.
The big advantage is that the suspension lock at stop so you don't have to put your feet on the soil (useful in city) then the brakes is better (two disk on the front) and usually the wheels are bigger so more comfort and secure on bad roads, the cons it's heavier, more expensive and less handy.
/n/igger here, don't Buy that piece of shit nigga lmao, just get a regular bike that can allow you to filter AND not end like a Road bug in the grill of a Tesla cybertruck or some other bonehead high in meth in an Áltima XD
>B.. But I don't know how to ride a 2 wheeled device

Nigga just get an eBike, a Surron can easily gap 99% of cars in a 0-45mph stint AND you can also filter traffic with It. Also you Will also be an unsuferable 0 emisión faggot
That's precisely what I'm wondering
>that's a motor vehicle so not really /n/ related
buses, trains, aircraft, any electric scooter, skateboard, onewheel, you name it, are all motor vehicles. Long as it's not a car I imagine /n/ would be an appropriate place for it. The motorcycle thread on /o/ obviously wasn't interested in discussing it.
Implication being that the only people choose this over a motorcycle is because they just REALLY don't wanna get their A2 license?
I all see them foot down at traffic lights so that may not be a feature on all of these.
I wasn't planning on it, I'm trying to figure out why other people do
>B.. But I don't know how to ride a 2 wheeled device
More ironic is that if you can't ride a bike you realistically can't ride this either
At one point there was an experimental double-tired wheel for cars, sort of like a semi truck's rear wheels. It was advantageous for handling in wet conditions. I'd imagine these have a similar advantage.
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Tour de France staff
a Niken is not a scooter
>It was advantageous for handling in wet conditions
True but this was WAY back before tires were good. Modern wide tires achieve the same or better wet performance than a pair of old narrow ones would. Scooter tires are no different.
>Implication being that the only people choose this over a motorcycle is because they just REALLY don't wanna get their A2 license?

Yep. Why would they learn to ride a proper bike, and pay for it, if they are not interested in riding bikes? So they can ride a Tmax? It isnt worth it.
>if they are not interested in riding bikes?
If they weren't interested in riding bikes chances are they'd stick to a car
There are hundreds of reasons to have a scooter, alone or in adition to a car. Here in yurop parking is a huge issue for example, difficult and expensive af in the cities.
They're good for the disabled and/or old because they self balance to a degree. The piaggio mp3 is a pretty niche product though.
>/o/ doesn't really discuss scooters and prefers motorbikes
>not really /n/ related
where do you discuss scooters as a mode of transportation?
Why not get a spyder or ryker instead?
Doesnt lean (poor maneuverability), cant filter thru traffic.

A very different kind of thing desu.
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Doesn't fall over
old people who can't balance for shit anymore.
>The piaggio mp3 is a pretty niche product though.
they sold so many mp3s that one day yamaha woke up and said "fuck patents" and made the tricity.
In Europe you can ride it with car license.
Here where I live where you need motorcycle license to ride it, people buy it for more safety.

you can lane filter with it, it's just more wide that regular bikes(depends on the model)
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Oh I actually bought a Yamaha Tricity 300 a few weeks ago.
The reason I bought it is that I'm sick and tired of public transport (the people on it and the fact that it doesn't work very well for the routes/places I need to go) and I'm interested in buying a motorcycle.

The law here allows me to ride a trike (legally something with three wheels and a track wider than 460 mm) on a car license, so the Tricity or the MP3 are a great way to test if riding a motorcycle is something for you or not, before spending all the money and time required to get the motorcycle license which can be quite expensive in my country.

The Tricity doesn't stand up on it's own, it has a "stand assist" feature that you can manually activate when going below like 5 km/h or 3 mph and which deactivates when you rev above 2500 rpm (so basically instantly when leaving a stop). The bike does no balancing of it's own so if you let it go when stopped, or lean too much or too little in a turn, it will fall over just like any motorcycle.

I am loving it so far and will definitely be pursuing a motorcycle license next year when I've been riding this for a while to gain experience. Upsides specific to the Tricity is that the front end is quite wide so it protects well from wind, and we have trams in my city and I've heard the Tricity is good for that since you're less likely to fall due to getting the front wheel on a slippery tram track. The downsides to the Tricity is that it's like 30% heavier than the two-wheeled equivalent (240 kg vs 180 kg for the Yamaha X-Max 300) and of course the added complexity of the whole front end including two braking systems, two suspension systems, two wheels and so on. It's also quite large so it's not as easy to inconspicuously park among bicycles and stuff as something like a Vespa may be.

I agree. "Looks right. Flys right" axiom is psychological tension that whenever possible should be satisfied. I think the solution would be a deployable wider or failing that, fixed front track.
not ONE of these is the right answer

its licencing requirements
motorcycle licences are hard to get in europe, these are officially categorised as cars so you can ride them with your car licence
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>motorcycle licences are hard to get in europe
compared to the rest of the world where the most you have to do is a few hours of safety training, yeah its "hard"
the only exception is 125cc a1 bikes but come on man
This, also, the people who buy this already have a car license. They can enjoy the benefits of a motor bike without spending the 2500 euros to get a motor bike license for it.
125cc is pretty enough if you just want to commute.
not on the motorway
What an ugly pos
almost every body panel looks like it was made out of recycled trash bags and chinese car toys, which the designer clearly took inspiration from.
it's not hard, but more expensive than it used to be
I kind of want one, do I need a license to use this in the USA?
>theoretical exam
>practical exam
I already had a car license so I skipped the theoretical exam, went straight to practice, and passed it despite having never ridden a motorcycle before (not even a 50cc scooter).

Maybe you're just stupid, have you thought of that?
not here
its theoretical exam + 2 practical exams with x mandatory hours

yes i have driving licence
It varies hugely by country so depending on where you're at, you may have a much easier time getting the license.

Where I live, the following steps are mandatory to drive anything bigger than a 50cc moped limited to 45 km/h/28 mph:
One theoretical safety course at the driving school
One practical safety course driving on a closed course
One theoretical exam tailored to motorcycle driving (the car exam is not valid)
One practical exam on a closed course
One practical exam in traffic

So the fact that these "loophole motorcycles" exist is a pretty big deal since we can skip all of the above, and even if you complete all of the steps on the first attempt it's still a lot of work and a fair bit of money involved.
That being said, I have a Tricity but will try to get a full motorcycle license next year since the Tricity has shown me how fun it is to ride.
> So if you dont have a motorcycle license but want to ride something capable of highway speeds, you have to buy one of those.
Laws are so dumb. In the us I have a motorcycle license and on the first day I got it could go to Suzuki and get a hayabusa with the free wife beater and flip flops. 200hp 200mph.
But I can not ride a 30hp ural with a side car, 3 wheel is a different lsicense.
sounds like holland
People who don't want to wipe out in the rain, or ride over railcar tracks, etc.
Retard comment alert
number of wheels has nothing to do with license, and license has also nothing to do with number of wheels. And you can get well over highway speed on a 125 (heck, even a 50/75...) no sweat (and ON the actual highway), anyway.
It's simply a question of stability.
>A license
All you need is a B license plus 4 riding lessons, 10 question test and road test...
>2500 €
Maybe not in your country
eu speed limits are 130 km/h
a 125cc barely does 100
EU speed limits don't exist; each country has its own.
Same for 125 speed limit: each has its own, but you have no idea the speed even a lowly air cooled 50 can reach; also minimum legal speed on the highway is just 60, so...
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>blah blah blah
tell me you dont ride without telling me

130 is the median on motorways in europe you sod
125cc doesnt just mean only a displacement limit either, it also means a power limit (11 kW) so good luck getting more performance
track performance with ideal conditions and no power limits are COMPLETELY irrelevant, moto3 used 125cc brapper engines for the longest time but that doesnt mean any of it translates to production

and just because you can go slightly above the minimum doesnt mean you should
going the minimum on a bike is absolutely retarded, with a speed difference of 70 km/h its a complete death wish
Oh, look: now it's the "median"...
Tell me you're a clown without telling me.
>being an obtuse retard on purpose
real w right there
>Shifting goalposts
Yeah no, the real win is yours there, obviously lol
What are highway speeds in your country? Because 50cc is not very fast
I don't know, but thanks to those scooters this here is also considered a scooter in Germany and rich parents buy these abominations for their kids so they can drive as early as at 15 instead of 18
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>50cc is not very fast
Lol lmao
1st, you can't go on the highway with them
2nd, minimum highway speed, like I've said, is a paltry 60 km/h (up from 40 till a while back)
3rd, picrel: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hZ1FOxkrvBc
This is practically a Reliant Robin in reverse. Do they tip over a ton, too?
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That has 4 wheels; how is it considered a tricycle? Picrel used to be cheap and sold to retirees, now they can be as expensive as a small car, and are sold to the underaged: https://www.aixam.com/
theyve always been expensive because its a niche
The tour de france race camera uses one as it is more stable in the mountains at slow speeds.
No,they were (not so niche, yet) cheap, hence why retirees; they were shit though, hence why cheap. Now that the novelty is gone and retiree fleecing with it, it's uber niche and expensive and not even 16yo buy it.
youre forgetting that these things are locally produced by shitty local companies with shitty red tape and shitty supply lines
theyre also inelastic as fuck meaning they can charge whatever they want as nan has the choice between driving one of these or nothing at all when her car licence has been revoked
1st, what the fuck that's got to do with anything; just mentioned them because some retard put a 4 wheel car and called it a scooter.
2nd, No they're not lol; Aixam is french and well known, and is producing and exporting these for maybe a couple decades, now. Engines are Kubota or similar, iirc.
I don't care either way, anyway.
well known whatever but ive worked on them enough to know theyre built like absolute garbage

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