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Didn’t have a hydrostatic epirb and shit hit the fan too quick
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Power was generated in the engine room at the stern. When the fatal wave overtook the ship from the stern and broke the ships back, those power cables were severed. Everything at the front went dead except maybe for some emergency lighting. Several catastrophic things were happening in quick succession and the crew had no time.
indeed, just look at that thing of course it was going to break in half
Wasn't this ship basically in trouble already and its shields were failing. I mean yes there was no mayday, but it was constantly reporting they were in some dire straits.
Of all maritime disasters, Great Lake freighter losses are the most foreseeable. It's almost comical how people are surprised when these noodles snap.

They're unseaworthy pieces of shit.
It went into a wave and never came out.
That isn’t true the cook told them it was to rough to feed them hours before it sank.
hope they took that time out of his wages then
What cook can’t make sandwiches for the boys what was he even doing during that time
I do know the lighthouse lost power that night at Whitefish point
Of the big lake they call Gitche Gumee
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well she's in 2 pieces now so likely either Cresting or Wave Spanning and either sank too fast to get an SOS off, or as >>2013535
said, no power.

Ploughing is the other plausible theory and the bridge crew were done before they knew they could get anything out, and she broke up on the way down.
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Wait a sec, you're telling me that emergency equipment like the radio didn't have a backup power source, even though backup generators and batteries have been a feature on vessels going all the way back to the Titanic?
ploughing makes the most sense to me. ship gets fucked by 3 rogue waves and takes a header into the lake bed, goes ass-up and rips in half.
>They're unseaworthy pieces of shit.
Good thing they're on lakes and not the sea.
>overloaded old pile of shit sails until she sinks

truly what a catastrophe
Not taking it out on you o-p, but the creator of that infographic needs to re-assess his (lack of) skills.
You're a fucking idiot. The Edmund Fitzgerald sank 25 miles from whitefish bay. The water was 530 feet deep.
They made numerous calls that their radars were down, other equipment was damaged, and they had a list with the pumps going, but never an “OH SHIT!” call. “We are holding our own” was the last message from the Fitz, so whatever sank them was sudden and catastrophic.

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