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ITT: We talk about our craziest public transportation stories.
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>almost kicks you in the head
>that will be $5.99 plus jiziya tax
Thanks osamu
> that will be $5.99 plus jiziya tax
I thought negros in the US were mostly "christians"?
Hey neat, monkey bars right there on the trains! Very considerate of the transit system!
I've been riding the subway daily for 10 years and honestly don't really have a single crazy story.
They're more Christian than whites
I used to ride a train to Barcelona for many years and at least once a month there would be delays due to suicides on the tracks. One day the train packed with commuters passed a ravaged body that no one cared to cover, it looked worse than those pajeet train accidents, people had mixed reactions but clearly their lives changed after seeing such gore irl
Why is public transportation such a big story to Americans. For me its literally
>rock up to train station
>take train
>get off train
day in day out. Nothing of consequence has every happened.
Forgot about the parts where you wait for the train for 1h30min because it's late (again), then fail on the tracks and wait for 4 hours more. Then miss your target when the doors fail-closed and the train leaves within 20 seconds. Then you get to ask for a refund which they will promptly deny.
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Had one tweaker run past, drink all the hand-sanitizer with the might of zeus and move onto the next cart
We are fully enriched by future doctors, lawyers, and policeman here that just so happen to be down on their luck.
I had issues in the early 2000's when a local light rail opened up and stopped near the cheaper living areas.
It's only gotten worse.
Well they were practicing 7.62mm brain surgery just months ago, I think it counts
>on Portland's light rail (MAX)
>giant roided skinhead guy gets off, walking in an oddly stiff way
>as he's walking away from the station he sucker punches everyone who doesn't have the sense to get out of his way
>punches a grandma in the stomach and she doubles over on the ground
>someone calls the police
>they show up in record time and try tazing him
>he just keeps marching along

Idk how they caught him but he was definitely on something.
> be me
> about 14
> favela country
> getting out of bus
> one feet in and the other feet on the air
> driver suddenly accelerates
> fell in mud pit in front of about 20 people in the station
> driver stops and apologizes, gives me back my ticket
> walk home all dirty and sad
>11 seconds in
Okay that was funny, must've spent too many hours watching strippers run the pole.
visualize the sexually transmitted disease sweat spraying all over from this black gentlemen
>Drunky pissing himself in the tram
>Some junky trying to beg in the U-bahn, but he couldn't speak anymore just mumble from all the crack he took.
>Freeloader begging in the train and insulted everyone as asocial who didn't give him money lol.
>Mom holding her kid ouside the train door at a stop, where the kid pooped onto the platform
>fellow traveler calling out a junkie for telling the same story every week to beg money
The an hero by throwing themselves in front of a train are still by far the most annoying.
I saw someone die on the train when I was a highschool student. they let out the loudest yelp and then collapsed. the train was stopped for like 20 minutes and the ambulance was in no rush.
Me school was right across from a rail station. Someone an heroed themselves on the tracks and we were banned from going into the yard during breaks for the day.
Aside from that just the usual Gypsies sending their kids to beg, tweaking junkies and a kid throwing up in the middle of a packed bus.
I wish I did, but I don't anon. Some crackhead once asked me for a cigarette, but that was as crazy as it got.
I've done a long time too, but this was years back. It might be different now; wouldn't doubt it.
>Two homeless people having sex under a blanket on the subway platform
>Homeless man pulling down his pants and pissing in front of me in a subway escalator
>Man in a suit doing cocaine in a suburb train
>Dominatrix parading her clients in my local station. This was a weekly occurence. Nothing too crazy, she would make them pose and verbally mock him. If you stared too much at them she'd stare back and laugh
I never encounter interesting things like funny fights or subway micro-celebrities (strange people who aren't homeless or on drugs).
>The an hero by throwing themselves in front of a train are still by far the most annoying
The least they could do is do the deed during off-peak, that way it doesnt fuck up people's commute
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>missed my Regio train by literally 15 seconds
>Next one stops halfway between the cities.
>Le train WillNot continue its journey, please ...
>Absolutely no trains going my direction.
>turns out some [redacted] stabbed 2 random passengers on the train I missed.
Ich liebe Deutschland
>>Dominatrix parading her clients in my local station. This was a weekly occurence. Nothing too crazy, she would make them pose and verbally mock him. If you stared too much at them she'd stare back and laugh
Kek, what a cool job
>>Mom holding her kid ouside the train door at a stop, where the kid pooped onto the platform
Janny Gleis 3 Abfahrtsbereich D, bitte.
Never saw anyone anhero, just a bunch of nasty troons with varying degrees of passability
Say it with me "a cop on every car".
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Your information is outdated. They're all converting to islam these days
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>decade ago, in uni
>at gym very late, finish up at 23:00 and change
>cold out
>waiting for the bus that goes past my lodgings
>see bus going the other way, run across to the other side of the street and ask if the other one in the opposite direction is coming soon
>"Last bus for the day, get on or you'd have to wait for me to do the whole trip before I'm back."
>get on
>just me, some drunk dude, another young guy and an old lady
>bus goes up out of town to an old church then turns around and does his urban route
>bus leaves town, about halfway to the church
>old lady requests a stop
>bus driver stops, turns to look back
>absolutely nothing out there but some ruined house
>pitch black
>groan internally, look up at her, think she might have some type of dementia and I'd have to spend god knows how long getting her back to whatever home she got out of, or find her relatives, this has happened before
>abslutely no signature symptoms - confused look, dragging feet, unnecesary head movements, etc
>perfectly healthy look and movement
>thanks the bus driver and gets out
>driver considers for a moment but closes the door and drives off
> mid 90s
> be preteen
> traveling on a coach bus on a route that usually takes a bit less than 2h
> no seats, so I get to sit on the stairs of the rear entrance
> feel unwell due to all the diesel fumes
> parent asks other passengers for a seat, since I'm probably green at that point
> no free seats
> throw up on the stairs
> got a seat immediatelly
When I was in middle school the fat black bus driver had to shit. Told me I was in charge of the bus and left the doors open as he waddled across the street to a shopping center. The AC quickly failed to put up a fight against the hot day. I probably weighed 80 lbs at the time, and there was nothing I'd have been able to do about anyone doing anything. a couple poor Mexicans hanging out in the back maybe? It was a pretty empty bus (not a school bus). My only instructions were, "your in charge now" so I just went back to whatever I was doing on my tablet. When the bus driver got back, he gave me fat black sass for looking at my tablet instead of guarding the door. Apparently he had judged me sufficient to guard the wellbeing of the vehicle and was dismayed at my neglect. I went back to my tablet and wished I could drive.
>this changes everything
>gonna be late for work so

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