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What is /n/'s opinion on these? Fun on- and off-road transport, or rolling deathtraps?
Fun gimmick but not really practical for everyday use. My opinion of them is tainted by the retards they attract.
I never tried one but I work out on the street so I see people riding them all the time. I also go to a lot of group rides and see people riding them all the time too. They look like they're one of the fastest ways to get around in dense urban areas even in gridlock but I also see that they all wear motorcycle gear, like not just street gear but motorcross armor and helmets that's all scuffed up. The ones naive enough to not wear armor I don't see riding them for too long. The high powered ones can reach highway speeds I believe. Personally, I'm not willing to run such a small margin of error for all out power to weight ratio
they are kind of amazing tech wise, way smaller and faster than any one wheeled mobility device before them and surprisingly stable, but they are still very dangerous and people who ride them tend to be attention seekers. I think with more safety advancements they could be the future for micromobility since they are way more portable than any bike or scooter.
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Its fun and easy to ride ^^
One transistor or chip fails under high load and you plant you face in the concrete.
And i wouldnt buy anything without a failsafe system that doesnt rely on elecricity.
As an electrician its even worse. I have seen the simplest circuits fail in the stupidest ways possible. Dont trust ANYTHING electric if its there for your safety.
Always use mechanical redundancy.
And thats why i would never ride something like this.
And wearing complete motorcycle gear just to comute or getting to the shop defeats the whole purpose of a practical vehicle. Just jump on a e-bike with t shirts and shorts and dont worry about planting your face in the ground.
How do you mount one?
With a little bit of pasta and wine
>Its fun and easy to ride ^^
just like your mom
Finally a QUALITY post on /n/
The attention seekers are mostly these OF hoes, furry-niggas and the autists wearing capes. Besides them, the rest are pretty chill.
if you asked me to enter a cave and meditate for 100 years on the gayest mode of transportation I could possibly think of, my wildest imagining would not be 1% as gay as this bullshit
Nibble her neck, very gently
Me too, fellow VSG (Very Straight Guy). I hate homos too, PUKE. Wanna hang out later?
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Ankles shattered
bretty good way of getting around after the learning curve, just wear a helmet/wrist guards/knee pads in the chance you overwhelm the batteries, add a moto jacket if you want to take busy roads.
these can decelerate at 1g, making their braking force adequate for road use, and its impossible for the brakes to go out on a motor.
>Just jump on a e-bike with t shirts and shorts and dont worry about planting your face in the ground.
e-bike injuries more closely resemble those of motorcycles than bicycles. If you've ridden a motorcycle, you'll recognize the riding dynamics as more similar to one as well. the insistence of e-bike riders on wearing regular bicycle gear is unsafe, not the other way around.
Saw one in the mountain bike trails today. Kind of ridiculous.
I've only ever seen these used by food delivery dudes who fly by ~35 km/h
Take your meds bacon
>no backflip
Patrician choice is electric skateboard ie eskate
They and all other micromibilty are completely overmatched by EUCs
eskate is more fun. I dont think EUCs carve
Fun us subjective.
Among all things EUC driving has unique body feeling, you don't "drive" you feel floating in the air and accelerate by power of the mind like Superman.

As for performance: range, speed, ability to navigate rough surfaces, obstacles, safety, utility than EUC absolutely crashes eskates and oneweels.
Fuck onewheels those things are cancer. Do EUCs run in the rain or do they suffer the same achilles heel as eskates?
>Do EUCs run in the rain
Now some EUCs have official IP rating from the factory: V11, V12, V13, Veteran products. They would bear through splashes. But if you want regulary ride through rain you need custom waterproof work (generally glueing hatches and covering every connector with compounds as much as possible).
>eskate is more fun. I dont think EUCs carve
dude, it's one fucking wheel, of course it carves dumbass
considering it takes more skill to ride an EUC,
>Do EUCs run in the rain
pretty much every modern one from begode, leaperkim, or inmotion will survive a bit of rain or mud
manufacturers have really stepped up their game lately with battery safety measures, redundancy, and build quality, my begode extreme is built like a brick shithouse
>considering it takes more skill to ride an EUC,
sorry i got distracted mid type and just hit post
considering it takes more skill to ride an EUC, and they have bigger wheels with more suspension travel to go over obstacles, an EUC is going to be way more fun than a board
If the came with brackets to be independent hub motors, there is a nice standardization motive. As they are, death machines. They could be legally capped for walking/running speeds to be what the Segway should have with less overhype, but it's like saying normies have the athleticism for stakeboarding or similar....
the one on the right looks like hunter
The chariot of the Redditor.
nobody has died from using an EUC due to mechanical or electrical failure
In the event of total power failure the wheel can't balance itself or slow down. Of course, you're far more likely to fall over or hit something on one that's working than you are to have one that's not.
nobody has died from using an EUC due to mechanical or electrical failure
I just hope to see one fall and hurt himself.

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