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and now I'd like to return to the classics; perhaps the greatest classic in all the world of graf
Washed up old head
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I don't mind graffiti usually but I wish people wouldn't paint over beautiful murals. imo graffiti is at its best when making ugly places beautiful instead of covering up existing art
Rolling stock is pretty much the one place I'm fine with it. 99% of the time it looks ugly as shit on a building, nice clean architecture will always look better than some fag's spraypainting.
Railcars are visible to the public at times while also not being permanent intrusion on the urban landscape, the perfect compromise. You can show off your art, but nobody has to see it walking down the street every day. Even extends your reach cross-country.
yeah same here
painting over rolling stock is cool
as long as it's not obscuring anything important like numbers/markings
Especially because the trains in my area are almost all just rusty brown, like a gigantic turd flowing through the county.
Paint whatever you want as long as it isn't obscene.
got it
painting huge dicks on all rolling stock within 11.3 lightseconds of your house
go for it, that would be awesome
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dumping some pics of rolling stock from my graf mag collection.
this is from While You Were Sleeping #2, 1997.
the DREAM piece is on BART, I'm pretty sure
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this and the next are from 12 oz. Prophets #3 1996
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next three are from Show And Prove #5 2002
all these writers are from the SE United States. I'm pretty sure Rex2 published this magazine, several of the freights are his.
this is cool but i fucking hate bubble letters and skritch skratch. make some art we can all enjoy
what ass shit no one can read. draw some giant dicks
Graffiti on the footbridge next to the train station next to my house said "Free Palestine", then someone changed it to "Bomb Palestine" then someone painted over it completely and wrote "Slags".
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Don't really like graffiti but i was in Berlin and there was so much that it became good, like if you have sand on your floor it's dirty, but if there's infinite sand on the ground it's a beach. Plus i like all the little messages you find, i caught 33 of these unicorns in a day
How can I get close enough to photograph rolling stock without trespassing into railyards and getting arrested for domestic terrorism?
be an elderly fat white guy with a rail photography insta and millions of followers
I've wandered around dozens of miles of freight tracks in my day, never had a problem with security guards, never really seen any. very occasionally I'll see a rail employee, they never care. usually nobody is around at all.
for transit rail, you could do like Henry Chalfont and set a camera on a tripod on the platform, then when a car rolls in, take several pics of it as it pulls out of the station and stitch them together. that's how all the whole-cars in Subway Art were shot
You're in the desert buddy... Nothing of value for miles
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Saw this boxcar several years ago and had to take a picture.
Martha Cooper is a fuckin treasure for recognizing the talent these kids had back then and their love for trains.
You mean vandalism.
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Vandalism 100% but still a form of art. I could sit here all day and argue that trains are vandalism and an afront to nature in the same sense, but they're a art form of the pinnacle of human ingenuity
"vandalism " means destruction, but graf is just visual, nothing is destroyed. and technically it's preservative since a layer of paint protects the surface from the elements.
not sure there's any point in making a separate legal distinction, but from a technical perspective, graf is very much *not* vandalism.
I feel you on the industrial vehicles and factories being environmental vandalism but yeah I like machinery, too
If you egg someone's house it's still vandalism even though you didn't destroy anything.
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yeah, from a legal perspective so is graf because there's not any other legal classification to put it under.
but when the Vandals sacked Rome, they weren't throwing eggs or painting anything, they were physically destroying the infrastructure and statues and stuff. the word is supposed to mean destruction. it's just ironic to me that paint is actually protecting the surface *from* destruction by weathering. but yeah when you get hauled in for graf, your charge is vandalism, I'm not arguing that.

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