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Has anyone thought about using one of these scaled-up for large diesel engines?
Having these allows for keeping air/fuel ratio optimal (λ = 1) through a larger range of power outputs and increases efficiency by allowing for the extraction of more energy from the exhaust gases.

For instance, a diesel locomotive could use one to boost power to its motors or for head-end power. LNG carriers could use the energy generated to refrigerate the cargo.

I understand it'll be complex and difficult to implement but the potential is huge.
The goal of that system is to reduce turbo lag and improve throttle response which is isn't an issue when you're pulling several hundred tons of cargo
the new 911s have this. i remember people making fun of the idea back in the early 00s.
Your post only serves to demonstrate you lack even basic understanding of ICEs.
Also >>>/o/

But it allows for series turbocharging to be avoided and result in more energy creation. There is a lot of energy in expanding exhaust gases. This can be harnessed both to force aspiration and generate electrical energy that can be used for other purposes.

It would need probably need battery storage to deal with fluctuating demand or a continuous power draw to be available somewhere on the system.


Yeah that's why I'm asking about this. If a race car uses it then there could be benefits to using this tech in other applications.
Why waste your time posting nothing of substance?
The whole hybrid system is backward. Battery should be for acceleration as a 1000 part linkage will never compare to torque instant on of electric. But carrying 6 tons of battery the rest of the time is idiot. So a super whipped "swing set" pusher absolute minimum displacement ice engine for maintaining speeds/to charge the the electric motor booster/launch system.

Same is true with traditional ice engines "add more cylinders for acceleration, then incur the costs of carrying around hundreds of pounds of metal in fuel costs several times more than the price of the vehicle....everything is wrong and sucks.
And >>2012793
What about h2ice?
Go there.
Diesels generally avoid running Lambda one at all cost.
They always run lean, if emissions regs aren't choking them too much very lean, meaning that turbocharger response limits them much less than in a gasoline engine that desperately needs to maintain stoichiometry. Thus, diesels can run a bigger turbo without too much issue and just have that generate enough pressure to begin with. Those engines scarcely have a need for more boost pressure as is.

Be aware that electric boost is NOT for permanent boost supply due to that using way too much power. It would just be a really inefficient supercharger setup. It only helps with dynamics and low-end torque (i.e. when you press the pedal at 1500 rpm in your small car, the engine is making less exhaust gas than the turbo wants). Not a problem in commercial engines. Those hardly even use variable turbine geometries, which are orders of magnitudes cheaper than electric assist.

Electric turbos are surely being investigated for diesels too, but the benefits are smaller.

Turbocompounding exists for containerships already.
I looked it up, sounds promising.
Guess something like the bottom configuration would be interesting to apply to a ship or locomotive engine, maybe having the turbine driving a generator/alternator and acting as a pseudo-APU.
>having the turbine driving a generator/alternator and acting as a pseudo-APU
Emma-Maearsk class container vessels use the APU solution - a second turbine behind the turbocharger drives a generator. Additionally, there's a two-stage steam generator with superheating behind that to use the exhaust heat in a steam turbine also running a generator.
The electricity can power onboard systems, refridgerated containers or (through two 9MW motors on the propeller shaft) be coupled back into the driveshaft.
It's a very interesting system from an engineering point of view.
There's 30MW of diesel generators on those things that don't normally drive the ship, plus a 82MW main engine. The electric motors allow a total of 100MW on the shaft, or for the main engine to run the electric load too. Pretty unusual for large ships but allows load-point shifting at low speeds (huge efficiency boost at high development cost)
Exhaust is gathered from all engines for the heat recovery system and can bypass the turbos as appliccable.
The steam turbines can make 8.5MW, the exhaust turbine another 1.38
Brake thermal efficiency reaches 55% like that

All numbers according to wikipedia.
Would really like to know the record of all conventional, most whipped ice engine.
>water injection 6 cycle
>super/turbo charged
>starter/alternator/harmonica balancer
>brake Regen
>slipperiest fuselage
>reverse trike or deployable training wheels on a two wheel
this is some mickey mouse tier engineering
Elegant, it is not.....
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