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probably should greentext or something
So theres been an issue in my area with new immigrants setting up a tent city along a bike path. I had a tense interaction with some poor old vegan lookin guy on his recumbent getting in my face n trying to fight me saying i should be more compassionate after i warned him he probably shouldnt go down there due to the homeless city (stolen bikes everywhere, needles cans trash etc. all next to a playground.) all this made me start to think about protecting myself while riding.
Any suggestion for solutions? id like to invest in both a gun and blade
'cyclists guns' were a speciality product back in the day. Look for a pocket revolver that doesn't snatch on clothing.
Bat light/tire checker, bear mace. Open carry is more trouble than it's worth, and you never want anyone behaving they waynthey don't want to cause they are scare you are armed. And a machet is more "this guy is a nut/please arrest me magnet". You should carry a gun, but nowhere anyone can see, cause "run you over = free gun".
yeah, the story I heard about open carry was that thieves target you. they draw on you from behind and steal your gun. like wearing a giant gold and diamond necklace everywhere.

I'm not a gun person . I've never had any problems anywhere I've lived for all my 40 years until last year I got in a fight with a couple of knuckleheads so I put mace in my bike edc. still haven't used it, probably never will if one problem in 40 years is my track record, but yeah I carry mace now
>lose bicycle and gun when some crackhead pushes you off your bike
Very bad day
The move here is to look like an even more threatening homeless person
Yes i also like to carry the mechanical tool that will save my life where's it subject to most vibration and dirt possible
thought about this today as I bought an expensive new bike lol. but it would be extremely obvious and vibrations would compare to throwing your gun in the dryer which despite great reliability of drop safeties in most guns is extremely inadvisable.

Guns are as valuable, if not more, than bikes and cars to bums and nigs and you'd have to take it off your bike whenever you stop somewhere, which is extremely conspicuous and sketchy looking.

best move is probably to carry in an OWB (outside waistband) holster on shorts and have a shirt that covers it most of the time.

A glock 43x or something will not go off and is small enough to conceal in most climates
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Shame its staged, would be based otherwise
>not wearing a full face helmet and dh armour when cycling through cultural areas
>he doesn't cycle with a wakizashi on his back
Stitch a holster into a frame bag, you don't even need to give up aero to carry a fucking gun
carry a long stick, such as a baton or a folding cane. Not exactly an expensive thing that would draw attention or really be worth stealing, but also not considered as lethal so if you do have to resort to using it to poke someone you can reasonably claim self defense.
Install a studded front tyre and do wheelies at people.
Whenever I ride past some homies I shout '5-0 coming'
I know this from experience. weapons are pointless, because you see them coming, they hit you head on. A meth head will never "chase" you because: no motivation. However, he will head-on, because, also: no motivation.

This is literally the most dangerous situation: you are riding in your lane in traffic and he's coming head-on. Reaching for any kind of weapon is going to be fatal, period. Reaction time and situational awareness are the only thing that can mitigate it.
>seatstay machete
This is the gatorade version of Mad Max
What ever you choose you must practice train, get training using it. When the adrenaline gets going, you WILL lose some dexterity and things happen very quickly. You don't want to be kicking-flailing-trip over my own feet-guy. If you know you're going into sketchy environments, your going to need practiced responses. Your bike is a weapon. Situational awareness is worthless without practiced responses.
The only weapon that actually matters is going to be politics and ideology that's how you make it so you can cycle anywhere at any time without mistakenly thinking a gun is going to help you cuz then you just won't need help everything is just fine and everyone is nice and safe all the time.
reminds me of an incident where, when the fog cleared, I found one spent and one live round jammed in the action of my rifle. I had no idea for how long it was inoperable by that time but I was pretty sure that this was indicative of how usefull I was during the incident.
Not being used to intense situations really challenges people far beyond what one anticipates.
Dude if you need a machette to go outside just stay at home and consider moving kek
>and consider moving
Don't do that. Stay where you are. Civilized society does not want you.
This is gonna be my go to choice i already started carrying a razor with me in the mean time.
Kek Got to deal with the gigga tent city of the NWO migrants somehow.
Also if i carry this will likely be how or one of the glock waistband clips (ideally the gun is more for bears when i bikepack)
Use a wooden lance
>I started a fight over politics with a 110 pound vegan and he disagreed and I got scared, now I need to carry a gun
the NRA really did a number on this country
kinda this, i live in this nyc tier city but maybe worst because its in south america, I stopped going outside for multiple reasons but I have seen some cyclists with machetes and its holster tied to one of the fork blades for easy access or aluminum bats in the backpack ideally you would want something that easy to reach
I got a bps Ukraine knife, a spetsnaz shovel, and some udap bear spray from that guy that got mauled, I've used the spray twice on dogs to great effect, all this is within arms reach on my ride, I also have a hults bruk axe in my trailer
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Shoulder mounted cruise missiles, spare in backpack for dodgy locales.
Ok nigga i wanna see you do some evasive manuvers on a recumbant from methed out syrians
It would be neat to have pepper spray attached to the back of the seatpost and that could be sprayed remotely from a button on the handlebar. This would actually be pretty easy to build.
I wish I could systematically spray every dog that runs after me with an asshole owner yelling from a distance "don't worry my dog that's totally out of control and chasing you is nice and obedient".

I have only sprayed one dogs in the past because it was extremely aggressive and I geniunely thought it would bite me, but if I had a more convenient system to use it I'd do it more often to teach these assholes a lesson.
shhhh, smelly dumb illiterate gun control nut
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twosecondraw,,,,6 choices,2bird,2squirel,2joggers.
Had a potential doctor in a muscle car told me he'd kill me yesterday while yelling at me from parking ahead of me, after coming over the center line by a foot, while passing, when I repeated his license plate out loud to my constantly recording smartphone....I have some really old, womens purse sized pepper spray. Imma get bear mace.
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fanny pack or hpg kit bag are the classic answers here imo
You are on to something, but it should be sidefiring from the handlebars so that when you pull along side the motorist who just tried to kill you and THEY are mad about it, that way you don't have to reach for anything.
These situations are harmless. Once they get out of their cage it's all bark and no bite. If it comes down to it I'm pretty sure I'm fit enough to defend myself against the vast majority of car brains.
If not my u-lock is heavy enough to be an effective blunt instrument.

Ideally you'd want something that's able to penetrate a window and dispense pepper spray into the cabin. The problem is momentum is a bitch and so you'd have a decent chance to cause significant collateral damage.
That and the inbreds with DUIs on ebikes are always on the wrong side of the road. And they both give you the same slack-jawed stare when you tell them to get on the right side of the road.
kek based protectors
Fuck new immigrants.
They can all fuck off to where they came from.
They are very literally turning North America into the very shitholes they fled from.
Whats the point of fleeing from a shithole with shitty beliefs, just to bring all of that with you?
Cut his arm off next time to remind him that he brought that with him when he migrated here.
Or tell him to fuck off, hes in North America now so act like it.
No sympathy for immigrants.
Would they extend YOU the same curtesy they are demanding if YOU migrated to their shithole? NOPE.
No sympathy for them.
Hack him up next time.
Fuck him.
Hes in YOUR way, not the other way around.
what? They've stuck those things on pilots, tank commanders and paratroopers. The correct choice of gun and holster matters of course.
cagers switch lanes when passing in your country?
it's the other guy who needs to move not me
>Personal protection
I carry 2 watt-bazookas everywhere i ride.
If i fire them up you wont be able to catch me.
Good on you Fred. I hope you never meet the particular rabid urban cagetroll variant that has been circling the neighborhood for 30 minutes for a place to deposit his shitbox and blames (You) for it.
If you feel that scared/threatened move somewhere else. You have the money to do that right? You're not another white trash poorfag in a city pretending to be better than your fellow poorfags, are you?
Yes let's all move to Amsterdam, I'm sure the dutch will welcome the influx of autists.

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