Has anyone had urinary incontinence from cycling? I’ve been dribbling a little bit recentlySerious question
>>2013690First, I'm not an expert on the subject, medical or cycling sport science but I ride, A LOT. When I first started riding a lot I developed problems, like difficulty starting the stream and then difficulty ending it plus dribbling afterwards. I looked it up and the solutions I learned was to adjust the saddle (in every way, height, angle, setback), try a new saddle, and improve diet. I also learned this move where you push the perinium to where the base of the balls are and with the other hand milk the piss out of the dick. That move really helped reduce dribble to non existent but the proper saddle is also really important
Just wait. Erectile disfunction is next
>>2013690Specialized body geometry made a difference. Going from a bigger saddle with more cushion to a more ideal contact area (which is in reality very small)urological symptoms, in life and on bikes, aren't unusual and they're important: there is always a reason. You should first start learning exercises to help the two phases of urination, the first is a series of relaxations that are released fully, and then a series of contractions. Since the urethra is so long, if the relaxation stage is not sufficiently long, some urine can be trapped in the urethra, causing a dribbling. That is the most likely thing going on here
Get a saddle with a cutout so there's no pressure on your tate.
I have had the tingles before(mis adjusted saddle).Also felt weird after peeing once.I ain't having kids so it doesn't matter to me, but it's annoying when that shit happens so I adjust my saddle, wear different shorts, or stand more and all of that seems to help.
>>2013696>>2013722>>2013725>>2013728thanks for the input. do you think wearing bike shorts could help? i always just wear regular shorts. commuter saddle, so not super rigid but not super soft either
>>2013729i'm on the bike for at least an hour 5 or 6 days a week
>>2013690Thats precum leaking because you're sitting wrong and simulating your prostate, look it up
>>2013729i'd recommend diapers, bike shorts are for those who want others to know they piss themselves
>>2013729Bike shorts are padded so that your tush doesn't get sore. I'm wearing bike shorts right under my denim pants because I commute to work everyday on my road bike. I just take my pants off when I'm ready to ride, and replace my shirt with my jersey.
>>2016889shave your legs you hairy ape freak
>>2016890Yep, that's one of my next steps to achieving peak aero gains
>>2016889You wear your bike shorts under your jeans all day???Jesus
>>2013696>I also learned this move where you push the perinium to where the base of the balls are and with the other hand milk the piss out of the dick. That move really helped reduce dribbleThis is the funniest shit ive read in ages, im dying over here
absolute state of cyclists
>>2013725what if my balls are too big? I have big balls but my johnson is relatively small. If I tuck my johnson into the saddle instead would that help?
>>2016899Peak aero is 3mm trim, not shaved. Hair protects the boundary layer giving you a similar phenomenon as the golf ball effect reducing aerodynamic friction more than completely shaved
>>2017325>yfw hairs are mini vortex generators to separate the flow from your legs
Some retard posted this on reddit for upboats. Are you happy with yourself? https://www.reddit.com/r/BicyclingCirclejerk/comments/1faub8l/anyone_else/
>>2013690>I’ve been dribbling a little bit recentlywhat the fuck????? I had this issue for like 2 years now and I was thinking that that's because I'm uncircumcised but turns out it's because of the saddle? So what do I do now? and no, I'm not wearing those faggy cycling shorts. I guess changing the saddle is the only option...
>>2013690Your bike fit is wrong.
>>2017342No you only need shorts if your saddle doesn't fit or for VERY long rides. Saddles with cutouts are designed to prevent penile issues. Keep ordering saddles from Amazon and return them until you find one that's comfy. I settled on a wtb koda which is a girls saddle but it has a big cutout for my big penis and balls
Aldo certain saddles which get rec'd online are absolute dick destroyers like the charge spoon which seems designed to push itself into your taint as far as possible.
>>2017342Learn the milk move
>>2013690Yes, I've had urinary problems for years and I am convinced it's caused by cycling because I do so a lot and notice a difference based on what saddle I'm using.
>>2017175Incontinent cyclist here. I just tried it and it actually worked.
>>2013721Not a problem if you use an aerogel seat.
>>2017331That’s funny. But posting on r/4chan…maybe the gayest thing in the world But fwiw I’m not having this problem anymore. And I did start wearing bike shorts on my commute