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>noo, Grant Petersen has hacked our Di2 again with his Flipper Zero
>it's now crypto mining Rivendell Bux and the battery will last only 10 minutes
>we need to upgrade our Di2 with a Shimano™ firewall wireless Di2 router
>protection against man-in-the-middle cross chaining when
>I need to update the bootloader, when my team car passes by next time

What's the point of having wireless di2 when you still need a wire for power?
It’s wireless gramps
That’s how they hack it
so you only need brake ducts
it looks really neat
99% of di2 bikes look like this anyway
front brake cables are usually routed through the fork these days. idk what you mean there
Cables are hidden so there's no reason to go wireless
As a previous anon said, wireless is better if it avoids cluttered routing around the headset. It also makes it easier to run an electronic group on a frame that was designed with mechanical shift cable stops (not full length shift housing).

But I do prefer wired Di2 personally since a battery charge lasts significantly longer (6+ months vs 1-2) and running the wires to your shifters is something you only do once and then never think about again. Still better than AXS though.
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>drill holes in the most structurally important part of the bike and dramatically increase maintenance complexity to marginally reduce visual clutter around the handlebars
>corporate media article linking to a different corporate media article linking to a youtube video that finally links to the actual paper
fuck off

you've been posting this picture for years any time anything that isn't clunky 100 year old technology comes up
isn't the core idea of cycling, in it's purest form, riding a very simple vehicle that only requires muscle power? that's why they don't use electric bike in competitions. so why electric shifters? makes no sense to allow some parts to be electric. the only thing i understand is an electric lamp.
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Derailleurs shouldn't be allowed at all.
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Actually it looks like the stem just came off, doesn't seem like anything broke.
>riding a very simple vehicle that only requires muscle power
How does that relate to gear shifting you fuckin dunce
my mans here really got a point but might have worded it in an unfortunate way.
One of the main appeals of a bicycle for many, including me, is that as long as it is not broken it will ride. You can take a bicycle on a self sustained trip for as long as you want, tour for day after day turning into weeks. And every morning when you get up and on the bike it rides.
Not so if it has batteries that require charging if you want the bikes full functionality. And all that for a dubious advantage that might not be worth sacrificing the dependability of a bicycle. I have never tried electronic shifting but then again I didn't see the point with indexed either and still don't care as long as indexed is set up right.
Now for someone who finds themselves at the same place every night, is never far from an electrical outlet, does not cycle for practical purposes, actually moving from one place to another, but to artificially create exercise that they would otherwise be lacking, it sure may be fine and dandy. Just remember to charge it and if you forget well you miss out on your hobby today. Not much lost.
Electronic shifting was invented for the pros or racers and has real advantage when it comes to shifting under loads which honestly changes a lot of thing in a competitive scenario where every second counts.
The issue with cycling is that unlike F1 or whatever other sport where the hardware is necessary to perform there's a way more accessible trickle down technology. Anybody with enough money can have the same equipment as someone who's paid to ride their bike. Thankfully electronic shifting isn't ubiquitous and there'll always be mechanic groupsets, just like there'll be cheaper bike you don't need to care for as often as top of the line race bikes.
Cycling has no 'core idea'. As long as you've got a frame, pedals, wheels handlebars and a seat you're cycling. Additional parameters are bonuses. Trying to draw a line between what's 'appropriate' cycling and non essential innovation is pointless
This guy is right. Which is why I wouldnt get wireless shift on anything I use as I dont race, only group rides.

Adding a light that needs charging was a pain but I want to not die more than I want to shift directly from Biggie Smalls to Smallie Big
its just better
cables stretch even in a high end mechanism each cable pull is slightly different length

its like the flip side of friction shifting instead of addressing the inaccuracy of indexing by offering granular adjust-ability it makes the indexing super accurate
Do I need to remind you that Di2 batteries last 6 months for wire, 1-2 months for wireless? Do you guys really have to be fucking luddites about everything? Why not have the best items for things you'll use everyday? This self limitation nonsense is ridiculous
Di2 lasts about a month on a charge if you ride 10 hours a week
You are missing the point: the ability to throw a leg over and go and not be stuck in biggie smalls bc no batteries
You can literally check battery levels beforehand and don't tell me you can't let the bike plugged in for 15 minutes before a ride. This is ridiculous
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>don't tell me you can't let the bike plugged in for 15 minutes before a ride.

And you just made my point. And I doubt it takes 15 minutes to charge.

I suspect we have a perfect bike in my head troll.

What Di12 bike do you ride? Post your setup.

I ride a Poseidon triton 50-34 with a tighter 11-28 out back with 16 speed claris. 9700 miles on the frame and gruppo.

My next bike will be something 105 or above. I see upgrading for a couple hundred but di12 adds like 1000 to bike price.
I have an Ultegra Di2 6870 groupset on my bike man. Got it for years. I don't really care for your bike or your future plans
Around here we post bike when we talk about setups. Are you new here?

If you weren't such a cocksucker about Di12 shifting of all things I'd ask you how you like it, etc. You could have a little forumn to show off your setup. But you were mean so you get no hotdog.
No you don't need to remind me >>2017464 . You told me. Like I have said: I have never tried it. I don't know any technical details. All I know is in my statement above: Cables work well enough, I can hardly imagine any worthwhile improvement. Cables have proven to be dependable and while, assuming you're correct, it would be a merely academic discussion, cables still last longer. Then again this begs the question: Wouldn't the battery life depend on how much the system is used? Does this mean they have assumed the mileage of the average cager and lifestyle / fitness cyclist, who rides maybe two hours every day and a bit more on weekends?
I definately DONT want to wait 15 minutes for my bicycle to be charged first thing in the morning and sometimes wouldn't even have a chance to do that.
This is why I still use a pedal bike most of the time even though I have an electric bike that can go 30mph. It's just so much more reliable.
>trickle down
That's the problem. Eventually you will only be able to buy a bike with electronic shifters like how all car manufacturers switched to touchscreens just because it's the hip new thing even though buttons were easier.
I see about one electronic shifting failure per month on group rides. I don't believe they're as reliable and retard-proof as some people make them out to be based on what I've seen.
>update the bootloader

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